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Objectives: This research aims to find out the attitude of the respondents between a mobile guitar tuner and a manual guitar tuner.

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3 Objectives: This research aims to find out the attitude of the respondents between a mobile guitar tuner and a manual guitar tuner.

4 Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

5 1. What is the profile of the students according to their: 1.1 Age 1.2 Gender 1.3 Years of playing the guitar 1.4 Familiarity with tuning the guitar 1.5 Educational Attainment

6 2. How often do the respondents use manual guitar tuners?

7 3. What is the preference of the respondents when it comes to convenience between the manual guitar tuner and mobile guitar tuner?

8 4. What is the extent of difficulty in tuning through the use of: a. manual guitar tuner b. mobile guitar tuner

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