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Machine Learning Decision Trees. Exercise Solutions.

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1 Machine Learning Decision Trees. Exercise Solutions

2 Exercise 1 a) Machine learning methods are often categorised in three main types: supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning methods. Explain these in not more than a sentence each and explain in which category does Decision Tree Learning fall and why?

3 Answer n Supervised learning is learning with a teacher, i.e. input-output examples are given to the system in the training phase. After training the system is asked to predict the output from new inputs. E.g. classification n Unsupervised learning is in fact learning for structure discovery with no teacher. Only input data are seen in both the training and the testing phase. E.g. ICA, clustering. n Reinforcement learning is learning with no teacher but with feedback from the environment. The feedback consists of rewards, which are typically delayed. E.g. Q-learning.  Decision Trees are supervised learning methods.They do classification based on given examples.

4 c) For the sunbathers example given in the lecture, calculate the Disorder function for the attribute ‘height’ at the root node.

5 Disorder of height Height is_sunburned Tall Average Short Alex Annie Katie Sarah Emily John Dana Pete

6 Disorder of height (contd) Alex Annie Katie Sarah Emily John

7 Exercise 2 n For the sunbathers example given in the lecture, calculate the Disorder function associated with the possible branches of the decision tree once the root node (hair colour) has been chosen.

8 Answer: 1 st branch Sarah Annie Dana Katie Hair colour is_sunburned Blonde HeightWeightLotion used Short Average Tall SarahAnnie Katie DanaSarah Katie Annie Dana AverageLight No Yes Sarah Annie Dana Katie 0.5 1.0 0

9 n So in this branch (1 st branch) we found the “Lotion Used” is the next attribute to split on n We also found that by doing that this branch is done. n The method of computation for the other 2 branches (red and brown) is exactly the same.

10 Exercise 3 n Using the decision tree learning algorithm, calculate the decision tree for the following data set

11 Data for Exercise 3

12 Ex 3: Search for Root. Candidate: Hair Colour Hair colour Blonde Brown Sarah Annie Dana Julie Ruth Alex Pete John is_sunburned Av Disorder = (5/8)* 0.971 = 0.6069

13 Height is_sunburned Tall Average Short Alex Annie Sarah Julie John Ruth Dana Pete Av Disorder = ¼ + 1/2 * 0.8113 + 0 = 0.655 Ex 3: Search for Root. Candidate: Height

14 Weight is_sunburned Heavy Average Light Dana Alex Annie Sarah Julie Ruth Pete John Av Disorder = 2*(3/8)*0.9183 = 0.6887 Ex 3: Search for Root. Candidate: Weight

15 Lotion used is_sunburned Yes No Dana Alex Sarah Annie Julie Pete John Ruth Av Disorder =(3/4)*0.9183 = 0.6887 Ex 3: Search for Root. Candidate: Lotion

16 Ex 3: Next Dana Hair colour Blonde Brown Sarah Annie Dana Julie Ruth No is_sunburned Height Weight Lotion used ? ? ? Short Av Tall LightAv Heavy No Yes Annie Sarah Julie Ruth Dana Sarah Julie Ruth Dana Annie No Sarah Annie Julie Ruth

17 Ex 3: Next Hair colour Blonde Brown No is_sunburned Height Short Av Tall Yes No Sarah Julie Ruth No further split will improve the classification accuracy on the training data. We can assign a decision to this leaf node based on the majority. That gives a ‘No’.

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