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Sarah Plain and Tall Web quest Compiled by Mrs. Kane.

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Presentation on theme: "Sarah Plain and Tall Web quest Compiled by Mrs. Kane."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sarah Plain and Tall Web quest Compiled by Mrs. Kane

2 Sarah Plain and Tall As you read, jot your thoughts on post-its. – Make Connections – Visualizations – Predictions – Questions – Inferences – Thoughts about Characters – New words learned – Any other thoughts Be prepared to discuss your thoughts

3 CharactersActions or InteractionsThoughtsEmotions Character Actions, Thoughts, Emotions

4 Character Diary Assignment Choose one of the main characters (Sarah, Jacob (Papa), Anna, or Caleb) to keep a character diary for. After reading each chapter, you will write a diary entry from the perspective of the character you choose. In the diary entry you write what happened in the chapter from the point of view of your character. Please include specific details from the story and inferred character emotions and thoughts about what happened. Remember to label the top of the sheet with the chapter number and today’s date. Then include your greeting “Dear Diary or Dear Journal.” Start your entry on the next line down. Please include a closing “Fondly,” or “Your Friend, “or “From,” and then go down a line to sign the characters name. In Chapter one, if your character does not yet appear in the story than you will just write a summary of what happened in the chapter. You can use the character actions, emotions and thoughts graphic organizer to help you.

5 Sample Character Diary Entry Chapter 1Today’s Date Dear Journal, Today was a glorious day. I don’t know why, but I had a feeling that something great was going to happen. I took a stroll down to see the beautiful flowers outside of the Cathedral of Notre Dame. Seeing the bright colors of the flowers invigorated my spirit. I could almost hear the chirping of the birds on a sunny spring day. I met a woman named Anabel. She looked about my age. She was working with the flowers. She kindly gave me some branches to decorate my buggy. I hope I didn’t make her angry when I took a sprig of holly for my lapel……. Your friend, Armand

6 Sample Student Entry



9 Sarah Plain and Tall Story Vocabulary If you want to learn more about these words click on the link to bring you to http//dictionary/ http//dictionary/ WordDefinitionSentencePicture paddock conch rustle squall eerie reins pesky windbreak smuggled huddled

10 Story Setting – Kansas Learn facts about Kansas by clicking below: Learn about Prairies by clicking on the below link Learn about Farming by clicking on the below link kansas/14188 In your notebook, please write 3 things you learned after reading information on this website. Please write how Kansas is different from the area you live in? Remember to label the page with the story title and date.

11 A view of Kansas

12 Sarah’s Home State - Maine Learn facts about Maine by clicking below: ine/ Learn about the Maine lifestyle by clicking on the below link In your notebook, please write 3 things you learned after reading information on this website. Please write how Kansas is different from the area you live in? Remember to label the page with the story title and date.

13 A view of Maine

14 Find Kansas and Maine on Map

15 Compare and Contrast Kansas Maine both

16 Final Thoughts When you are done with the book jot down your final thoughts – Favorite part of the story and why – Disappointing parts and why – Places you would like to go to in the book and why – Characters you would like to meet if they were real and why – Story Summary

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