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Class Day Seventeen.

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1 Class Day Seventeen

2 Chapter 12 Light Gauge Steel Frame Construction

3 Light Gauge is a term Used In comparison to hot rolled steel to form structural shapes for framing buildings. Hot rolled steel is formed at temperatures just below melting point. Cold Formed means that the members are formed from a specific thickness and finish of sheet steel, then pressed with a form to make the shape desired. Cold rolled steel is formed at room temperature

4 Light steel framing is a close parallel with wood framing.
External dimensions of members are similar. They are used as closely spaced studs, joists, and rafters Exterior sheathing and interior wallboard can be attached directly to the framing members. Manufactured according To strict standards. Zinc coating prevents rust Shapes are made to resist forces by forming to resist load direction

5 A single sheet of paper is very weak when laid flat across two supports . . .

6 But may be made much stronger when folded to a different configuration . . .

7 Cold rolled studs and joists are formed in “C” shapes, which provides lateral strength for studs and vertical strength for joists and rafters.

8 Strength & Stiffness depends on Configuration, Depth, & Thickness of material
Thickness - Gauge

9 Studs are manufactured in standard sizes
Standard widths are 1 ½”, 3 5/8”, 6”, and 8” Standard thickness of material is 26 gage, but thicker material is available for structural conditions. Standard Length lengths are 2’ foot increments, but custom lengths are available. Joists are made in standard depths, 6”, 8”, 10”, and 12”, and a variety of gauge thicknesses are available. Span and loading tables are provided by the manufacturers. Gage compared to thickness: 26 gage = inch thick 1/64 inch = inch thick

10 2’0” oc Punched for: Wiring Piping Bracing

11 Protective Conduit for Wiring
Metal Plastic

12 ANCHORAGE Steel studs fastened to bottom track with Self-Tapping Screws

13 Light Gage steel joists are similar to Light Wood Framing
and just as the same for wood joists, bridging between members within spans and end blocking is required to prevent the tendency to buckle or twist under load. Reinforcing the web Of joist ends adds Strength to joists under Bearing walls

14 Heavier gage studs are required for framing of walls that
COMMON USES OF STEEL STUDS Interior Partition Framing, either load bearing or non load bearing Exterior Framing Heavier gage studs are required for framing of walls that Support floor and roof loads.

15 Interior Partition Framing

16 Brick Veneer “Mockup” showing
Metal Stud Backup Wall

17 Metal Studs as Support Structure for Exterior Gypsum Sheathing
Channel Bracing Metal Studs as Support Structure for Exterior Gypsum Sheathing

18 Metal Studs used as Support for EIFS

19 Exterior Wall Sheathing Fastened with Self-Tapping

20 Temporary Bracing Metal Headers EXTERIOR WALL FRAMING

21 Multi story building framed with exterior steel studs
Applied directly to the structural frame.

22 Metal Studs used at the “Grill Area” in a restaurant kitchen

23 Metal Studs are available in Sizes not Possible in Framing Lumber
Long Studs

Sections of steel sections to be used as joists, rafters, and trusses are similar in shape to steel studs, in that the cross section assumes a “C” shape, which is structurally oriented. Units are made in standard sizes of 6”, 8”, 10”, and 12”. Methods of attachment are the same as for wall framing, and assembly, bracing, and bridging is similar to techniques used in wood framing. Structural load tables are available from manufacturer of steel joist products.

Easy to Install Higher quality material Dimensionally stable Lighter in weight, longer straight lengths available Insect resistant Non-combustible Less waste, Recyclable Not subject to mold

Steel conducts electricity. Requires isolation from dissimilar materials such as copper, which reacts with copper. Electrolysis deteriorates zinc. Thermal transmission – must have a thermal break. Installed cost of steel is more than wood. Difficult to attach wall accessories unless preparation made before installing wallboard.



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