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Herbs that release the exterior Warm, Spicy herbs: Ma Huang Gui Zhi Zi Su Ye Jing Jie Fang Feng Qiang Huo Gao Ben Bai Zhi Xi Xin Sheng Jiang Cong Bai Xiang.

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Presentation on theme: "Herbs that release the exterior Warm, Spicy herbs: Ma Huang Gui Zhi Zi Su Ye Jing Jie Fang Feng Qiang Huo Gao Ben Bai Zhi Xi Xin Sheng Jiang Cong Bai Xiang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Herbs that release the exterior Warm, Spicy herbs: Ma Huang Gui Zhi Zi Su Ye Jing Jie Fang Feng Qiang Huo Gao Ben Bai Zhi Xi Xin Sheng Jiang Cong Bai Xiang Ru Cang Er Zi Xin Yi Wind-Cold ( Superficial) Chills more than fever; white phlegm; sensations of cold; general muscle pain; white tongue coating; tight pulse All Go to Lu. & UB Ma Huang; Gui Zhi; Qiang Huo; Gao Ben Digestive Sym. Zi Su Ye; Cong Bai; Sheng Jiang; Xiang Ru Nasal, Sinus, Headache Bai Zhi; Xin Yi; Xi Xin; Cang Er Zi General cold & flue Sym. Jing Jie; Fang Feng

2 Part One Agents which disperse wind-cold from the lungs and move fluids through the urinary bladder Ma Huang 麻黄 Gui Zhi 桂枝 Qiang Huo 羌活 Gao Ben 藁本

3 Ma Huang 麻黄 Distinct Look: Pale green, Brown stem

4 Pharmaceutical NameEphedrae herba Actions Induces sweating & releases the exterior Disseminates & facilitates the Lung Qi Reduce Edema Promote urination Warms & disperses cold pathogens Indications (Excess) Asthma ( Mi Zhi Ma Huang ) & cough No sweating ( Wind cold ) Edema with exterior sym. (10~15g) ( + Shi Gao 3:1) Wind-cold-damp Bi sym. Difficulty urination with exterior Sym. Dosage2~ 9 g Cook10~15 min Toxic dosage30 ~ 45 g Contraindications Deficiency (asthma; exterior cold or wind ); Insomnia; High Blood Pressure or heart disease Ma Huang (Warm) 麻黄 麻黄

5 Herb Pairs of Ma Huang IndicationsFormular Shi GaoCoughing & Asthma ( Lung Heat )Ma Xin Shi Gan Tang Gui Zhi Exterior cold with no sweating ( Spicy warm to treat the exterior cold disease ) Ma Huang Tang Xing RenAsthma & coughing ( Cold )Ma Huang Tang Gan JiangAsthma & Coughing ( cold )Xiao Qing Long tang Bai GuoAsthma & CoughingDing Chuan Tang Ge Gen Exterior cold with tight neck and shoulder muscle Ge Gen 6 : Ma huang 1 Hyperostosis ( pain, and arm fingers numbness) Bai Zhu Whole muscle pain due to wind- dampness Ma Huang (Warm) 麻黄

6 Gui Zhi 桂枝 Cinnamon twigs Dark bark with pale center Distinct mild cinnamon taste

7 Pharmaceutical NameCinnamomi Ramulus Actions Releases the exterior & assists the yang Warms & unblock the channels and collaters Warms the yang & transforms thin mucus Assists the Heart Yang & unblocks the yang qi of chest Warms the middle & direct turbid yin downward Indications (Excess & Dfe.) Exterior wind cold deficiency with sweat Edema Amenorrhea Damp in upper limbs Dosage3 ~ 9 g Cook Toxic Sym.Dizziness; dry; burning sensation in the urine; allergy Gui Zhi (Warm) 桂枝 桂枝

8 ContraindicationsPregnantHeat or Yin def.Bleeding problems Gui Zhi (Warm) 桂枝 Combinations IndicationsFormular Ma HuangExterior cold with no sweating Ma Huang Tang Gan CaoHeart Yang Qi Def. (irritability) Gui Zhi Gan Cao Tang Bai Shao>Gui Zhi Bai Shao<Gui Zhi ----Muscle & internal organs pain---- ----Warm & open the meridian (Bi Syn.) ---- Gui Zhi Tang Fu Ling & Bai ZhuDifficulty of urination Gua Lou & Xie BaiChest pain due to Ht. Yang blocked Chuan XiongExpel wind-dampness: pain in joints & limbs Sheng JiangCold stay in middle Jiao Fu Zi = Gui Zhi Fu Zi > Gui Zhi Fu Zi < Gui Zhi ----Cold hands and feet due to Yang Qi def.---- ---- Cold Bi Symptoms ---- ----Spontaneous Sweating ---- Sheng Di=Gui Sheng Di 5:2Gui ---Move Qi & Blood to treat Bi Sym.--- ---Ht. blood def. & stag. : palpitation ---

9 Qiang Huo 羌活 Brown root Dark brown scalloped exterior Distinct smell

10 Pharmaceutical NameNotopterygii Thizoma seu Radix Actions Releases the exterior & disperses cold Unblocks painful obstruction & alleviates pain Guides Qi to the greater Yang channel Indications (Excess) Exterior wind cold Occipital headache Joints pain due to dampness Wind-Damp pain in upper body or upper limbs Dosage3 ~ 9 g Cook Toxic Sym.vomiting Qiang Huo (Warm) 羌活 羌活

11 Contraindications Blood def. type pain Yang def. type headache Qiang Huo (Warm) 羌活 羌活 Combinations IndicationsFormular Du HuoBody or joints pain due to dampnessJuan Bi Tang Fang FengHeadache or heaviness Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang Cang ZhuHeaviness of head Qiang Huo Shen shi Tang Jiang Huang & Gui Zhi Arthritis due to dampness Jing Jie & Fang Feng Exterior cold sym. Jing Fang Bai Du San

12 Gao Ben 藁本 Pale brown root Compare with Qiang Huo: Distinct look

13 Pharmaceutical NameLigustici Rhizoma Actions Discharge exterior conditions & disperse cold Disperse wind Overcomes Dampness & Alleviates pain Externally for skin fungus & scabies Indications (Excess) Exterior wind cold Vertex headache Joints pain & back pain due to dampness Dosage3 ~ 9 g Cook Toxic Sym.none Gao Ben (Warm) 藁本 藁本

14 Contraindications Blood & Yin def. Heat disease Gao Ben (Warm) 藁本 藁本 Combinations IndicationsFormular Xi XinVertex headache, stiff neck, or toothache Cang ZhuLower back pain Wu Zhu YuAbdominal pain Bai Zhi & Chuan Xiongheadache Qiang HuoHeadache and stiff neck Qiang Huo shen shi tang

15 Part two Agents which enter the lung channel and middle burner to disperse wind cold and warm the middle Zi Su Ye 紫苏叶 Cong Bai 葱白 Sheng Jiang 生姜 Xiang Ru 香薷

16 Sheng Jiang 生姜

17 Pharmaceutical NameZingiberis Rhizoma recens Actions Discharge exterior conditions & disperse cold Warms the middle burnner & alleviates vomiting Warms the lungs & stop cough Resolves toxicity Indications (Excess) Exterior wind cold Coughing phlegm Food or herbs toxin ( Ban xia, Dan Nan Xing, Tian Nan Xing ) Dosage3 ~ 9 g Cook Toxic Sym. In high dosages: Dry mouth, sore throat, epistaxis & nephritis Sheng Jiang (Warm) 生姜 生姜

18 ContraindicationsFever due to yin def.Heat disease Shen Jiang (Warm) 生姜 Combinations IndicationsFormular Jing JieExterior cold Jing fang Bai Du San Gui ZhiLower back pain Gui Zhi Tang Ban XiaVomiting ( cold & phlegm ) Xiao Ban Xia Tang Zu Ru & Huang LianVomiting ( phlegm-heat ) Da ZaoMiddle jiao disease Zi Su Ye & Xin RenCoughing due to wind coldZhi Sou San Sheng JiangGan JiangPao Jiang Vomiting or nausea due to cold in the ST. Spleen Yang def. with cold hands and feet Irregular menses due to cold in the lower Jiao

19 Zi Shu Ye 紫苏叶 Dark purple on one side Army green on the other

20 Pharmaceutical NamePerillae folium Actions Discharge exterior conditions & disperse cold Circulate Qi & harmonize the middle Using during pregnancy Resolves seafood poisoning Indications (Excess) Exterior wind cold Nausea, vomiting, or poor appetite Calming a restless fetus or morning sickness Sea food poisoning Dosage5 ~ 9 g Cook ToxicityRaise blood sugar levels Zi Su Ye (Warm) 紫苏叶 紫苏叶

21 Contraindications Diabetes Sweating ( promotes sweating ) Zi Su Ye (Warm) 紫苏叶 紫苏叶 Combinations IndicationsFormular Shen JiangExterior cold Xin Ren & Qian HuExterior cold: coughing & phlegm Xin Su San Xiang Fu & Chen PiExterior: Chest fullness Xin Su San Huo XiangVomiting ( cold ) Huang LianVomiting ( Heat ) Bai ZhiVomiting ( Food toxicity ) Chen Pi & Sha RenRestless fetus Huo XiangGastroenteritis Huo Xiang Zhen Qi San

22 Cong Bai 葱白

23 Pharmaceutical NameAllii fistulosi bulbus Actions Release the exterior & inducing sweating Disperse the cold & unblock the yang Resolves toxicity & disperse clumps Indications (Excess) Exterior wind cold Abdominal pain & distension or nasal congestion Sores & abscesses ( external using ) Dosage3 ~ 9 g Cook Toxicitynone Cong Bai (Warm) 葱白 葱白

24 Contraindications Not using with honey together Spontaneous sweating Combinations IndicationsFormular Dan Dou chi 淡豆豉 Exterior cold ( early stage ) ( no sweating ) Dan Dou Chi Tang 淡豆豉汤 Sheng Jiang 生姜 Exterior cold: headache Da Zao 大枣 Middle Jiao Fu Zi 附子 & Gan Jiang 干姜 Abdominal pain & distension Chong Chi Tang 葱豉汤 Cong Bai (Warm) 葱白 葱白

25 Xiang Ru 香薷 Entire plant Distinct look

26 Pharmaceutical NameMoslae Herba Actions Release the exterior & inducing sweating Promote urination & reduce swelling Expel Summer heat Indications (Excess) Exterior wind cold ( no sweating ) Edema ( less urination ) Summer heat ( thirsty, irritability, vomiting, diarrhea ) Dosage3 ~ 9 g Cook ToxicityVomiting Xiang Ru (Warm) Xiang Ru (Warm) 香薷 香薷

27 ContraindicationsSpontaneous sweating Combinations IndicationsFormular Huo Xiang 藿香 Summer exterior sym. (chest oppression, vomiting, abdominal pain ) Huo Xiang Zhen Qi San 藿香正气散 Bai Bian Dou 白扁豆 Vomiting ( summer exterior sym.) Bai Zhu 白术 Edema due to damp-cold Huang Lian 黄连 & Hua Shi 滑石 Irritability & difficult urination Xin Jia Xiang Ru Yin 新加香薷饮 Bai Mao Gen 白茅根 Yi Mu Cao 益母草 Edema ( fever, no sweating, difficult urination ) Xiang Ru (Warm) Xiang Ru (Warm) 香薷 香薷

28 Part three Agents which enter the lung channel to disperse wind and open the nose Bai Zhi 白芷 Xin Yi Hua 辛夷花 Xi Xin 细辛 Cang Er Zi 苍耳子

29 Bai Zhi Thin, flat, brittle, white root with brown edges Distinct smell

30 Pharmaceutical NameAngelicae dahuricae Radix Actions Expel wind & relieve pain Reduce swelling & expel pus Expel dampness & alleviates discharges Opens the nose Indications (Excess) Exterior wind cold especially those with headache Frontal headache Vaginal discharge due to damp cold ( or heat ) Congested sinuses Dosage3 ~ 9 g Cook Toxicity (30~60g) Vomiting, nausea, dizziness, palpitations, shortness of breath, profuse sweating, high blood pressure, convulsions, restlessness, dyspnea, precordial pain, and even respiratory arrest Bai Zhi (Warm) Bai Zhi (Warm) 白芷 白芷

31 Contraindications Def. or heat in blood Vomiting due to fire Combinations IndicationsFormular Chuan Xiong 川芎 Exterior cold with headache Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang 九味羌活汤 Shi Gao 石膏 Toothache ( St. heat ) Xi Xin 细辛 Sinuses headache Bai Zhu 白术 Hai Piao Xiao 海螵蛸 Vaginal Discharge ( damp- cold ) Huang Bai 黄柏 Vaginal discharge ( damp- heat ) Bai Zhi (Warm) Bai Zhi (Warm) 白芷 白芷

32 Xin Yi Hua 辛夷花 “ Hua “ = flower Inch long furry flower Distinct smell & look

33 Pharmaceutical NameMagnoliae Flos ActionsExpel wind-cold & unblocks the nasal passages Indications (Excess) Nasal Congestion Runny nose Sinus problems Sinus headache Dosage3 ~ 9 g CookCover with gauze Toxicity dizziness, red eyes, thirst & dry nose Xin Yi Hua (Warm) Xin Yi Hua (Warm) 辛夷花 辛夷花

34 Contraindications Pregnant women Vomiting due to fire Combinations IndicationsFormular Cang Er Zi 苍耳子 Nasal congestion & sinus headache Cang Er Zi San 苍耳子散 Shi Gao 石膏 Bo He 薄荷 For heat pattern of nasal congestion Xi Xin 细辛 Bai Zhi 白芷 Improve its efficacy Xin Yi San 辛夷散 Ju Hua 菊花 Xi Xian Cao 西莶草 Frontal sinusitis Mu Xiang 木香 Zhi Mu 知母 Huang Bai 黄柏 Acute sinusitis Xin Yi Hua (Warm) Xin Yi Hua (Warm) 辛夷花 辛夷花

35 Xi Xin 细辛 Whole dried plant Distinct taste Burns the tongue & fingers

36 Pharmaceutical NameAsari Herba Actions Disperse cold & releases the exterior Disperse wind, disperse cold, & release pain Warms the lungs & transforms thin mucus Unblocking & facilitating the orifices Indications (Excess) Exterior wind cold with deficient yang Aches & headache ( Shao Yin Headache) Cough with watery phlegm Various types of nasal congestion Dosage1 ~ 3 g CookLonger than other exterior herbs Toxicity headache, nausea, diaphoresis, restlessness, red face, tachypnea, cardiac arrhythmia, hypertension… Xi Xin (Warm) ( small toxin ) Xi Xin (Warm) ( small toxin ) 细辛 细辛

37 Contraindications Internal heat Blood def. headache Qi Def. with sweating Combinations IndicationsFormular Qiang Huo Fang Feng Exterior cold with headache & sniff nose Bai Zhi Chuan Xiong Headache Huang LianTeeth ache due to St. fire Zi Yuan & Kuan Dong Hua Coughing with thin white phlegm Bai Zhi & Fang FengSinus Xi Xin (Warm) Xi Xin (Warm) 细辛 细辛

38 Cang Er Zi 苍耳子 ½ inch long seed-like fruit Covered with tiny spurs Distinct look

39 Pharmaceutical NameXanthii Fructus Actions Disperse wind Drys damp Opens the nose Indications (Excess) Deep-source nasal congestion ( thick discharge, headache ) Skin conditions with itching Wind damp pain Dosage3 ~ 9 g Cook Toxicity Vomiting, nausea, anorexia, dizziness, diarrhea, abdominal pain Cang Er Zi (Warm) small toxin 苍耳子 苍耳子

40 ContraindicationsBlood Def. Pain Combinations IndicationsFormular Xin Yi Hua 辛夷花 Bai Zhi 白芷 Nasal congestion & sinus headache Cang Er Zi San 苍耳子散 Shi Gao 石膏 Bo He 薄荷 Yellow discharge Fang Feng 防风 Bai Zhi 白芷 Gao Ben 藁本 Severe headache radiating to the back of the head Di Fu zi 地肤子 Cang zhu 苍术 Chan Tui 蝉蜕 Itching ( due to wind rash or dampness-induced sores ) Cang Er Zi (Warm) small toxin 苍耳子 苍耳子

41 Part Four Agents which enter the lung & Liver channel to disperse wind Jing Jie 荆芥 Fang Feng 防风

42 Jing Jie 荆芥 Green Distinct look & smell Compare with Xia Ku Cao

43 Pharmaceutical NameSchizonepetae Herba Actions Release the exterior & dispels wind Vents rashes & alleviates itching Stops bleeding Indications (Excess) Exterior Sym. ( either wind-cold or wind-heat ) The initial stage of measles Hemorrhage ( blood in the stool or uterine ) Dosage5 ~ 9 g Cook ToxicityAllergic reactions ( skin & digestion sys. ) Jing Jie (Warm) Jing Jie (Warm) 荆芥

44 ContraindicationsDeficiency of the exterior Combinations IndicationsFormular Liao Qiao 连翘 Jin Yin Hua 金银花 Wind-heat exterior sym. Yin Qiao San 银翘散 Bo He 薄荷 Chan Tui 蝉蜕 Ge Geng 葛根 Initial stages of Measles Dang Gui 当归 Chuan Xiong 川芎 Skin disorder due to wind Xiao Feng San 消风散 Zi Su Ye 紫苏叶 Wind-cold exterior sym Jin Fang Bai Du San 荆防败毒散 Huai Hua 槐花 Ce Bai Ye 侧柏叶 blood in stools Huai Hua San 槐花散 Jing Jie (Warm) Jing Jie (Warm) 荆芥

45 Fang Feng ¼ to ¾ inch diameter root Slices with a beige core, Orange-brown outer core with brown skin Distinct look

46 Pharmaceutical NameSaposhnikoviae Radix Actions Release the exterior & dispels wind Expel wind-damp & relieve pain Relieves spasms & tremors ( wind ) Indications (Excess) Exterior wind cold ( headache, body ache, stiff neck ) Painful obstructions itching Diarrhea Dosage5 ~ 9 g Cook ToxicityAllergic reactions ( skin & digestion sys. ) Fang Feng (Warm) Fang Feng (Warm) 防风

47 ContraindicationsBlood def. type disease Combinations IndicationsFormular Jing Jie 荆芥 Wind-cold exterior sym. Jin Fang Bai Du San 荆防败毒散 Qing Jiao 秦艽 Cang Zhu 苍术 Pain due to Wind-damp (Joints) Huang Qi 黄芪 Spontaneous sweating Yu Ping Fen San 玉屏 风散 Bai Zhu 白术 Diarrhea with abdominal pain Tong Xie Yao Fang 痛泻要方 JIng Jie 荆芥 Zi Su 紫苏 Bo He 薄荷 Skin rashes itching Fang Feng (Warm) Fang Feng (Warm) 防风

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