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2 The FRAMECAD Solution

3 Design Build Solution Welcome to the future of cold formed steel frame design, manufacturing and building solutions With FRAMECAD technology and FRAMECAD building products, you can turn architectural inspiration into commercial reality much faster and more cost effectively than ever before. FRAMECAD Integrated design and Build Solution incorporates the intelligence of FRAMECAD software and FRAMECAD manufacturing solutions, complemented by an international building products supply chain providing steel, cladding, lining, flooring, roofing and building hardware. FRAMECAD is the world’s most advanced end-to-end steel frame design and manufacturing system, allowing us to mass produce cold formed steel frames with precision and accuracy that is determined by the system, eliminating factory workers or on-site assemblers.

4 In One Quarter of the Time…

5 In One Quarter of the Time…
Pre-fabricated stud wall panels: exterior and interior load bearing, exterior curtain / by-pass walls and interior partitions Floor trusses in multitude of depths and spans Roof trusses in virtually any shape or profile Blocking trusses Stud and track material custom cut to length for applications such as outlookers and soffit framing Construction of your building in ¼ of the time when compared to conventional framing

6 Code Compliance & Specifications
FRAMECAD Code Approvals and Industry Standard Compliance: ICC Certified Meets all ASTM specifications for Cold Formed Metal Framing Material Features Exclusive to FRAMECAD: Components are fabricated using 72 ksi steel – exceeds industry standards of 55 ksi G90 zinc coating All fasteners and components used to fabricate finished assemblies are sourced through FRAMECAD and are specifically designed and tested for use with the FRAMECAD Design and Build System

7 Design and Engineering
All pre-fabricated components produced by the FRAMECAD system are fully engineered FRAMECAD is the only system in the industry where the design and engineering software and the equipment are fully integrated and sourced through a single manufacturer Engineer sealed shop drawings provided by Douglass Colony for every project. Eliminates the need for the framing contractor to retain an engineer to design and seal shop drawings Building Applications Virtually any commercial, or industrial projects Low to mid-rise construction; single story – up to eight story structures Military and Institutional projects Custom Residential

8 3 5/8” Stud Dimensions

9 6” Stud Dimensions

10 FRAMECAD® The Product MENU

11 Benefits of Light Gauge Steel

12 The Rocky Mountain Region’s exclusive fabrication

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