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Class 8 Process Analysis & Diagramming MIS 2000 Information Systems for Management Instructor: Bob Travica Updated Jan. 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Class 8 Process Analysis & Diagramming MIS 2000 Information Systems for Management Instructor: Bob Travica Updated Jan. 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class 8 Process Analysis & Diagramming MIS 2000 Information Systems for Management Instructor: Bob Travica Updated Jan. 2015

2 Outline Identifying a business process in a narrative Creating process diagram Class exercise

3 Figuring Out a Process 1/4 Description of business – how a customer order is fulfilled: When a customer places an order with Computers International, a Sales clerk opens an order, using a Sales System that adds a new order to a database. Then, the Sales clerk fills the order in the system, and the details area stored in the Sales System. COMMENT: Process has components, like activities (actions), which some actor (person, or an IS) performs. Actions Actor –Place OrderCustomer –Open OrderSales Clerk –Add New OrderSales Information System –Fill OrderSales Clerk –Store OrderSales Information System 1 of 6

4 Figuring Out a Process 2/4 Next, a shipping clerk books a shipment with a carrier company, and selects a rush or regular service, depending on what kind of delivery the customer ordered (note: this text shows a decision point). Actions Actor –Book ShipmentShipping Clerk –Select Service Shipping Clerk (Decision) 2 of 6

5 Figuring Out a Process 3/4 The carrier delivers the shipment to the customer receiving it. At Computers International an accountant creates a new invoice and the company Accounting System adds a new invoice. The accountant sends invoice. If the payment is not received by the due date, the accountant sends a reminder notice to the customer. Actions Actor –Deliver ShipmentCarrier Company –Create InvoiceAccountant –Add New InvoiceAccounting IS –Send InvoiceAccountant –Payment CheckAccountant (Decision) –Send Notice Accountant 3 of 6

6 Figuring Out a Process 4/4 A payment received is recorded in the Accounting System. This event allows the Sales clerk to close the order and it is marked as fulfilled in the Sales System. Actions Actor –Record paymentAccounting System –Close OrderSales Clerk –Mark Order FulfilledSales System 4 of 6

7 Process Diagram Process diagram is graphical representation of a business process. Process diagram kinds Actor is the process performer, and it can be person, an IS, a piece of IT, company, department… An Actor performs within a swimlane (a column; next slide). 5 of 6 Simple (process composition without Actors; past class) Complete (process composition with Actors; this class)

8 Process Diagram: Customer Order Fulfillment Process (complete)* 6 of 6 2 Open Order 4 Fill Order 7’ Deliver overnight Rush 7 Deliver regularly 9 Create Invoice 12 Send Reminder Payment due received? 14 Close Order Regular yes Delivery requested? no 1 Place Order 3 Add New Order 6 Book Shipment 10 Add New Invoice 11 Send Invoice 15 Mark Order fulfilled 13 Record Payment Customer Sales Clerk Sales System Accountant Accounting System Shipping Clerk Carrier Co. 8 Receive shipment 5 Store details Note: Numbering of steps is just for study. No need to do that.

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