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Anytown Public Library A Presentation to Local Officials Based on information provided by the North Carolina Library Association Funded by the Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "Anytown Public Library A Presentation to Local Officials Based on information provided by the North Carolina Library Association Funded by the Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anytown Public Library A Presentation to Local Officials Based on information provided by the North Carolina Library Association Funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the federal Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the Department of Cultural Resources

2 An Introduction: The following presentation is designed to serve as a template for use by library systems in presenting data and findings to County Commissioners, Town Councils or other funding bodies. The examples of data included are illustrative of the types of data libraries may want to include; however, users should be sure to tailor the findings included in their own presentations to meet their needs. (continued on next page)

3 For example, if the library system is attempting to achieve pay equity with positions in the local county government, data on those comparisons should be included. The comparisons would be different if the library is comparing itself to other surrounding library systems or to teachers working for the local board of education. Users should modify and tailor the entire presentation to fit their own particular situation.

4 4 Anytown Public Library: Compensation Study Agenda for Meeting with Local Officials –Introduction and Background What we did, Goals –Presentation of Survey Findings Methodology –Recommendations/Requests –Your questions

5 5 NCLA Salary Survey Salary survey –Process and methodology Libraries & Municipal Governments –Who was included? Independent consultant Funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Analysis –Our library compared to other libraries –Our library compared to municipal positions; pay equity –Our library compared to educators’ salaries Recommendations

6 6 NCLA Salary Survey Who participated –Survey sent to all public libraries (79) and local governments (110) in the state. 62 completed surveys were received from public libraries 50 completed surveys received from local governments –Data for 11 libraries and 56 local governments added from University of North Carolina’s Institute for Government Service’s (IGS) database

7 7 NCLA Salary Survey Who participated

8 8 NCLA Salary Survey Who participated Statistics of Respondents: Libraries – n=62 F/TP/TBudgetPop. Mean8961$15,997,236124,629 Median1823$1,339,36686,516 Low21$69,7884,900 High 433 118$36,947,113796,372

9 9 NCLA Salary Survey Positions surveyed: Public Library Survey –library director –library division manager –senior librarian –librarian –circulation supervisor –library associate –bookmobile driver –circulation clerk –technical processing clerk –systems administrator –computer technician –web master

10 10 NCLA Salary Survey –finance director –public health director –information technology director –county engineer –senior planner –civil engineer –solid waste truck driver –tax clerk –office assistant –zoning code enforcement officer –building maintenance worker –recreation program supervisor –GIS technician –planner –Systems Administrator –PC tech –web master Positions surveyed: Local Government Survey

11 11 A “primer” What we’ll be showing you 1.Our library jobs compared to the same jobs in other libraries 2.Our library jobs compared to similar jobs in surrounding local government

12 Example: Anytown Public Library’s salaries compared to Select Libraries

13 Introduction: The following section provides examples of data comparisons typical of those included in a presentation to officials at the completion of analysis of salary data available in the from the Pay Equity project database. In the examples, Anytown Library compares the pay of their positions to the pay of a group of other employers (library and government) in the geographic region. (continued on next page)

14 The tables show a comparison of Anytown’s actual salaries to the actual salaries of the positions at these other employers, both at the median and the average. In addition, the tables show a comparison of Anytown’s minimum and maximum pay to the median of the minimum and maximum for each position in the selected employers (market). Users should modify and tailor the entire presentation to fit their own particular situation.

15 15 Anytown Public Library: Salary Comparisons Data included for identified market: –Davidson County Public Library –Forsyth County Public Library –Greensboro Public Library –High Point Public Library –Randolph County Public Library –City of Greensboro –City of High Point –Forsyth County –Davidson County –Randolph County

16 16 Salary Comparisons: Anytown Library vs Select Libraries Market Median Actual Pay Anytown Median Actual Pay Variance to Anytown Library Director $85,381$74,281-13% Librarian $40,287$38,313-4.9% Library Division Mgr. $50,960$48,361-5.1% Circulation Supervisor $40,422$40,907+1.2% Library Branch Mgr. $47,457No match Library Associate $32,677$31,010-5.1% Circulation Clerk $24,526$21,289-13.2% Bookmobile Driver $30,518$32,959+8% Systems Admin. $54,195$49,046-9.5% PC Technician $36,691$29,059-20.8% No match = no comparable job at Anytown

17 17 Salary Comparisons: Anytown Library vs Select Libraries Market Average Actual Pay Anytown Average Actual Pay Variance to Anytown Library Director $86,014$75,434-12.3% Librarian $41,752$40,124-3.9% Library Division Mgr. $43,886$35,855-18.3% Circulation Supervisor $44,592$49,765+11.6% Library Branch Mgr. $48,693No match Library Associate $29,076$24,540-15.6% Circulation Clerk $24,255$21,660-10.7% Bookmobile Driver $28,930$29,595+2.3% Systems Admin. $59,225$58,574-1.1% PC Technician $39,835$34,258-14% No match = no comparable job at Anytown

18 18 Salary Comparisons: Anytown Library vs Select Libraries Market Range Minimum Anytown Range Minimum Variance to Anytown Library Director $60,331$50,316-16.6% Librarian $33,142$31,849-3.9% Library Div. Mgr. $41,707$41,415-0.7% Circ. Supervisor $32,250$33,282+3.2% Library Branch Mgr. $37,805No match Library Associate $27,081$27,244+0.6% Circulation Clerk $20,560$19,121-7% Bookmobile Driver $24,003$26,067+8.6% Systems Admin. $40,781$37,682-7.6% PC Technician $32,250$28,703-11% No match = no comparable job at Anytown

19 19 Salary Comparisons: Anytown Library vs Select Libraries Market Range Maximum Anytown Range Maximum Variance to Anytown Library Director $96,767$75,478-22% Librarian $48,160$43,200-10.3% Library Div. Mgr. $56,955$49,551-13% Circ. Supervisor $43,000$38,012-11.6% Library Branch Mgr. $54,267No match Library Associate $37,359$33,287-10.9% Circulation Clerk $30,880$27,699-10.3% Bookmobile Driver $38,700$43,499+12.4% Systems Admin. $58,716$45,564-22.4% PC Technician $43,000$32,766-23.8% No match = no comparable job at Anytown

20 Example: Anytown Public Library’s salaries compared to Local Government Comparable Positions

21 21 Salary Comparisons: Anytown Library vs Anytown Local Government Library DirectorFinance DirectorDifference $98,107$83,332+15% Public Health DirectorDifference $84,342+13% IT DirectorDifference $82,296+16% County EngineerDifference No match

22 22 Salary Comparisons: Anytown Library vs Anytown Local Government LibrarianSenior PlannerDifference $44,088No match Civil EngineerDifference No match Zoning Code Enforcement OfficerDifference $39,882+9.5% Recreation Program SupervisorDifference $59,002-34% PlannerDifference $44,833-1.7%

23 23 Salary Comparisons: Anytown Library vs Anytown Local Government Library Div. Mgr.County EngineerDifference $53,718No match Civil EngineerDifference No match Senior PlannerDifference No match Circ. SupervisorRecreation Prog. Supv.Difference $39,942$59,002-48% PlannerDifference $44,833-12.3%

24 24 Salary Comparisons: Anytown Library vs Anytown Local Government Library Associate Zoning Code Enforcement OfficerDifference $34,441$39,882-15.7% PlannerDifference $44,833-30.2% Circulation ClerkTax ClerkDifference $28,269$21,955+22.3% Office ClerkDifference No match Systems Administrator Difference $59,873$39,466+34%

25 Example 2: Dogwood County Public Library to Dogwood Local Government

26 26 Salary Comparisons: Library vs Local Gov’t. Library DirectorFinance DirectorDifference $98,107$112,994-15.2% Public Health DirectorDifference $84,342+14% IT DirectorDifference $93,663+4.5% County EngineerDifference $70,728+28%

27 27 Salary Comparisons: Library vs Local Government LibrarianSenior PlannerDifference $44,088$69,512-58% Civil EngineerDifference $57,358-30.1% Zoning Code Enforcement OfficerDifference $38,959+11.6% Recreation Program SupervisorDifference $58,630-33% PlannerDifference $44,833-1.7%

28 28 Salary Comparisons: Library vs Local Government Library Div. Mgr.County EngineerDifference $53,718$70,728-32% Civil EngineerDifference $57,358-6.8% Senior PlannerDifference $69,512-29.4% Circ. SupervisorRecreation Prog. Supv.Difference $39,942$58,630-47% PlannerDifference $44,833-12.3%

29 29 Salary Comparisons: Library vs Local Government Library Associate Zoning Code Enforcement OfficerDifference $34,441$38,959-13.1% PlannerDifference $44,833-30.2% Circulation ClerkTax ClerkDifference $28,269$24,700+12.6% Office ClerkDifference $27,791+1.7% Systems Administrator Difference $59,873$54,563+8.9%

30 Statewide Comparisons North Carolina Libraries & Local Governments

31 31 Statewide Salary Comparisons: Libraries vs. Local Government Library DirectorFinance DirectorDifference $61,737$67,650-9.6% Public Health DirectorDifference $78,209-26.7% IT DirectorDifference $63,572-3% County EngineerDifference $76,338-23.7%

32 32 Statewide Salary Comparisons: Libraries vs. Local Government LibrarianSenior PlannerDifference $36,951$47,164-27.6% Civil EngineerDifference $52,937-43.3% Zoning Code Enforcement OfficerDifference $36,327+1.7% Recreation Program SupervisorDifference $35,778+3.2% PlannerDifference $38,378-3.9% Systems AdministratorDifference $48,393-31%

33 33 Statewide Salary Comparisons: Libraries vs. Local Government Library Div. Mgr.County EngineerDifference $47,200$76,338-61.7% Civil EngineerDifference $52,937-12.2% Senior PlannerDifference $47,164+0.1% Circ. SupervisorRecreation Prog. Supv.Difference $33,469$35,778-6.9% PlannerDifference $38,378-14.7%

34 34 Statewide Salary Comparisons: Libraries vs. Local Government Library Branch ManagerSenior PlannerDifference $38,331$47,164-23% PlannerDifference $38,378+0.1% Civil EngineerDifference $52,937-38.1% Library Associate Zoning Code Enforcement OfficerDifference $27,898$36,327-30.2% PlannerDifference $38,378-37.6%

35 35 Statewide Salary Comparisons: Libraries vs. Local Government Circulation ClerkTax ClerkDifference $22,548$24,338-7.9% Office ClerkDifference $24,934-10.6% Bookmobile DriverSolid Waste Truck DriverDifference $24,416$26,077-6.8% Building Maintenance WorkerDifference $24,097+1.3%

36 36 Statewide Salary Comparisons: Libraries vs. Local Government Systems Administrator Difference $45,399$48,393-6.6% Webmaster Difference $46,492$52,791-13.5% PC Technician Difference $35,455$39,466-11.3%

37 FINDINGS in Your County An Example

38 38 Findings: Library Comparison Positions more than 3% below market Median Actual Pay –library director –librarian –library division manager –library associate –circulation clerk –systems administrator –PC technician Average/ Actual Pay –library director –librarian –library division manager –library associate –circulation clerk –PC technician

39 39 Findings: Library Comparison Positions more than 3% below market Range Minimum –library director –librarian –circulation clerk –systems administrator –PC tech Range Maximum –library director –librarian –library division manager –circulation supervisor –library associate –circulation clerk –systems administrator –PC tech

40 40 Findings: Government Comparison Positions more than 3% below market Median Actual Salary – library director vs finance director – librarian vs senior planner, civil engineer and recreation program supervisor – library division manager vs county engineer and civil engineer – circulation supervisor vs recreation program supervisor and planner – library branch manager vs senior planner and civil engineer – library associate vs zoning code enforcement officer and planner – circulation clerk vs tax clerk and office clerk – bookmobile driver vs solid waste truck driver –All IT positions

41 41 Implications Comparisons to surrounding libraries at or above market; however, Several key positions significantly behind all comparable local government positions –Librarian –Library Division Manager –Circulation Supervisor Consider impact on recruiting and retention when developing pay and pay ranges for these positions as compared to local government

42 42 Recommendations Update salary ranges to reflect market (both library and local government) Ensure pay equity of comparable positions in local government by adjusting pay ranges as well as actual pay (consider performance, length of service, position in range of incumbents)

43 43 Salary Structure Revision/ Update Ensure all pay ranges (minimum to maximum) are competitive with selected survey respondents and internally equitable Make classification adjustments/ upgrades of individual positions as necessary to reflect findings

44 44 Recommendations – Implementation Plan Ensure all employees at least at minimum of new grade Review impact of new salary structure on internal equity (salary compression); make adjustments as necessary Bring salaries closer to range midpoint (market value) based on criteria of value to Anytown Library Target or phase-in implementation over 1 yr to 18 months if necessary depending on available budget We will work with you to help “sell” the importance of fair pay!

45 45 Final Thoughts Libraries and governments should not have to choose between paying fair salaries and buying books A bachelor’s degreed Library Associate at Anytown Public Library is paid $34,441. Why is a bachelor’s degreed Recreation Program Supervisor in local government worth an average of $24,000 more? A master’s degreed Librarian at Anytown Public Library is paid $44,088. Why is a Senior Planner with a Master’s degree worth $15,000 more? Who will take the place of retiring librarians?

46 46 Final Thoughts Can’t live on love alone! Library Boards need to not take for granted library employees’ love of the job. Libraries work because library workers make them work! Today’s librarian is a tech savvy, info expert who can enrich the learning process of any library user – from pre-school to grad student to retiree! Today’s librarian is also a marketable commodity whose skills are a fit in many employment settings. From Advocating for Better Salaries and Pay Equity Toolkit

47 47 Next Steps Review financial impact of recommendations Board approval at next meeting Communications to employees

48 Definitions of Terms

49 49 Salary Comparisons: Definition of Terms Mean/Average – an arithmetic average derived by adding a set of numbers and then dividing the sum by the number of items in the set Median – the middle item in a set of hierarchically ordered data points containing an odd number of items or the average of the two middle items if there is an even number of data points. Minimum – the median of the minimum of all pay ranges reported for the position Maximum – the median of the maximum for all pay ranges reported for the position Range Minimum – the median minimum of the pay range or grade to which positions are assigned in the market Range Maximum – the median maximum of the pay range or grade to which positions are assigned in the market Actual Salary (Average) – the average of the actual salaries paid to incumbents in the position Actual Salary (Median) – the statistical median of the actual salaries paid to incumbents in the position Labor Market – the labor markets for libraries and other organizations are identified and defined by a combination of geography (local, regional, national), industry (e.g. librarian), education and experience required. The labor market will vary depending on the level and type of position.

50 50 Definitions Equal Pay for Equal Work and Pay Equity –The Equal Pay Act of 1964 prohibits paying different wages to men and women performing the same job. Persons performing equal work must receive equal pay. –Enacted to eliminate discrimination in private industry. –Applies to all employers and labor organizations. –Jobs in question must be essentially the same, and require substantially equal skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions.

51 51 Definitions Pay Equity –Defined by the National Committee on Pay Equity as evaluating and compensating jobs based on skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions, not on the people who hold the jobs (men or women). –Also known as Comparable Worth and Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value. –On average, women employed full-time earn 75¢ to each $1 earned by men. Larger gap for women of color. –Affects pension earnings, thus perpetuating inequity into retirement.

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