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The role of the Staff Governor Presented by Kevin Finnigan 3 rd December 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "The role of the Staff Governor Presented by Kevin Finnigan 3 rd December 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 The role of the Staff Governor Presented by Kevin Finnigan 3 rd December 2012

2 Staff Governor Induction Welcome to new staff Governors Why do we need Governors? Why do we need Staff Governors?

3 Staff Governor Induction Staff Governors Boards are comprised of stakeholders and others who together can lead an education service Staff Governors reflect an important part of the ‘stakeholder’ community elected by the staff of the College

4 Staff Governor Induction Outline of the Programme The context of FE What will you do as a Staff Governor? Chair, Clerk and Principal. Leading the service of Education. Where to from here?

5 Staff Governor Induction Your Questions ? What do you need to know? What do you need to know that you are unaware of yet? How can you make this role work for you, your fellow governors and the success of the college? What does the future have in store?

6 Staff Governor Induction The context of FE Before 1992/93 Colleges were part of the local authority. The incorporation of colleges 1993. Why did we have this change? Funding bodies since 1993: FEFC LSC SFA YPLA EFA The current split between 16-19 and 19+ : Education Funding Agency (EFA) and Skills Funding Agency (SFA)

7 Student Governor Induction Recent key changes? The needs of the economy; Government priorities; commissioning services The Schofield Review of Governance and Strategic Leadership in English Further Education 2009 The Coalition Government 2010 Local strategic links strengthened: The Localism Act 2011 The Education Act 2011 The English Colleges’ Foundation Code of Governance 2011/2012 Your college in it’s context. Are you in partnership with other providers, or are you trying to be the best on your own?

8 Staff Governor Induction Questions What is the Mission of your college? Are you clear about your college’s priorities? Are you clear about where your college is going?

9 Staff Governor Induction

10 Question What is the difference between Governance and Management?

11 Staff Governor Induction Simplistically….. Governors govern Governors focus on the ends i.e. setting expectations then monitoring managers towards achievement of those ends, holding managers to account Managers manage Managers focus on the means i.e. working towards achievement of the board’s expectations, providing assurance through board reports and being held to account Where does your Board’s framework sit on this line?

12 Staff Governor Induction Key Documents for Governors Instrument and Articles of Government Code of Conduct Financial Memorandum Audit Code of Practice Strategic Plan Quality Strategy Register of Interests

13 Staff Governor Induction Nolan Principles of Public Life Selflessness Integrity Objectivity Accountability Openness Honesty Leadership

14 Staff Governor Induction Roles and Responsibilities GovernorsBoard PrincipalChairClerk Committees & Steering Groups

15 Staff Governor Induction a) educational character and mission and oversight; b) publishing arrangements for obtaining the views of staff and students on the determination and periodic review of the educational character and mission of the institution and the oversight of activities b) quality strategy c) resources, solvency and safeguarding assets; d) approving income and expenditure; e) appointment, grading, suspension, dismissal and pay and conditions of service of senior post-holders and Clerk to the Corporation f) Staff pay and conditions framework Some functions cannot be delegated Board Responsibilities of the Corporation

16 Staff Governor Induction A key role, but undefined responsibilities within the Instrument and Articles of Government Chair Role of the Chair

17 Staff Governor Induction a) proposals to Corporation re educational character and mission and implementing the decisions of the Corporation; b) determination of academic and other activities; c) income and expenditure and management of budget and resources; d) College management and staff leadership; e) pay and conditions of staff, f) student discipline Principal Role of the Principal

18 Staff Governor Induction Committees and Steering Groups Responsibilities: As stated in Instrument and Articles e.g. for Audit and Search Committees or As determined by the Board themselves within Terms of Reference Committees and Steering Groups

19 Staff Governor Induction Role of the Clerk Article 3 Responsible for advising the Corporation on: a) operation of its powers; b) procedural matters; c) conduct of its business; and d) governance practice. Clerk

20 Staff Governor Induction Set your objectives?? Governors So what are you going to do in your role as a governor?

21 Staff Governor Induction Monitoring the strategy College strategic aims and current objectives Measures of success Assessment of risk

22 Staff Governor Induction Monitoring the strategy Do you know what the College strategic aims and current objectives are?

23 Staff Governor Induction Key performance indicators – Quality Self Assessment Report Ofsted Inspection Framework Quality Improvement Plan Foundation Code of Governance Self Regulation

24 Staff Governor Induction Key Financial Priorities Enrolment/application numbers Budget surplus/deficit Budget expenditure/income Control mechanism

25 Staff Governor Induction Comparators Previous (last year/month)and trends Targets/Budget Benchmarks - Quality - Finance

26 Staff Governor Induction Support for Staff Governors Clerk to the Corporation Governor Mentors Skills Audit Training / Conferences (Networking) Expenses Say what you need

27 Staff Governor Induction The Staff Governor at Meetings Attendance – and targets Contributions Declaration of Interests Confidentiality Quoracy / Voting Are you on a committee?

28 Governor Induction Next steps Priorities for you??

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