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C ONNECTING THE D OTS T OWARDS G RADUATION Parents and Students Working Together for Success.

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Presentation on theme: "C ONNECTING THE D OTS T OWARDS G RADUATION Parents and Students Working Together for Success."— Presentation transcript:

1 C ONNECTING THE D OTS T OWARDS G RADUATION Parents and Students Working Together for Success

2 P URPOSE Solve problems that are keeping students from getting to school everyday Show the connection between attendance and academic success Parental involvement Learn about AISD, campus and community resources Answer questions about Texas state law, truancy filings and AISD policies

3 T EXAS C OMPULSORY S CHOOL A TTENDANCE L AW (a) A child who is required to attend school under this section shall attend school each school day for the entire period the program of instruction is provided. Unless specifically exempted by Section 25.086, a child who is at least six years of age, or who is younger than six years of age and has previously been enrolled in first grade, and who has not yet reached the child's 18th birthday shall attend school. (c) On enrollment in prekindergarten or kindergarten, a child shall attend school.

4 T EXAS ATTENDANCE L AW Texas state law requires that all students who have not reached their 18 th birthday must be in attendance 90% of the days a class is offered. Did you know? Students with too many unexcused absences may NOT be issued credit for their course(s) even if they have a passing grade.

5 T RUANCY F ILINGS Austin ISD can file a complaint against a parent/guardian in court if a student has 3 unexcused “days or parts of day absences” within a 4-week period Part of days-means arriving late (tardy) or leaving before the end of the school day AISD must file a complaint if a student has 10 or more absences during a six month period

6 AISD T RUANCY F ILINGS Truancy means “skipping class” Austin ISD can prosecute a student OR parent/guardian in Travis County Court if a student has: 3 unexcused “days or parts of day absences” within one month OR 10 unexcused “days or parts of day absences” within a 6-month period Fines may be as much as $500. There is an appeal process.

7 W HEN I S A N A BSENCE E XCUSED ? Absences are excused IF the student was: Participating in an extracurricular activity (Band, Field Trips, Sports, etc.) Spending time with a mentor Attending a MEDICAID Appointment Involved in court proceedings Involved in a Human Services appointment Observing a religious Holy Day Having a personal illness or doctor’s appointment (with a doctor’s note) Or due to a reason that is pre-approved by the Principal

8 MORE I NFORMATION A BOUT A BSENCES If a student is absent for a reason not on the previous slide, it is “unexcused” If a student has missed 50% of a class, he/she will be counted absent A written note is required for ALL absences and must be turned in to the Attendance Clerk NOT the teacher, located in the main office within 2 days If a student is out sick for 3 or more days, a doctor’s note is required A parent, sibling, or student’s child illness is NOT an excusable absence

9 T ARDIES Tardy means arriving to class after the bell has rung Consequences for tardies are handled by school administration

10 W AYS AISD C OMMUNICATES W ITH P ARENTS Teachers may call you with concerns about your student The “Messenger” automated phone system sends messages to your phone every time your child is absent from school AISD Central Office sends home a letter when you child has 3 or more absences

11 I MPROVING S CHOOL -P ARENT C OMMUNICATION If you have not received any phone calls from teachers or the school about your child’s absences OR If you have not received letters or progress reports in the mail from the school THEN THE SCHOOL NEEDS YOUR UPDATED INFORMATION! Please give a current light bill and current phone number(s) to the Attendance Clerk!

12 W HAT T O D O I F … Your student has failing grades, attendance or behavior problems: Call the teacher to schedule a parent/teacher conference in his/her conference period You get an AISD attendance letter: Go to the school & talk with the Attendance Clerk You get a notice of court filing: Go to the school & ask to talk with the Dropout Prevention Specialist or appropriate staff member WHEN IN DOUBT... GO TO THE SCHOOL!!!! WHEN IN DOUBT... GO TO THE SCHOOL!!!!

13 W HO C AN H ELP M E … Teacher Teacher Aides Assistant Principal Principal Attendance Clerk/ Office Staff Nurse Parent Support Specialist o Social Service Specialist (SSS) o Child Study Team o After School Programs o Homebound Services o Dropout Prevention Specialist o Communities In Schools (CIS )

14 P ARENT C ONNECTION Internet-based program that will let parents see: Kindergarten – 2 nd Grade: Attendance Report Cards Calendar 3 rd Grade – 12 th Grade: Assignment Grades Attendance Report Cards And more… For more information, contact the Parent Connection Facilitator at your child’s school.

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