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Redistricting Gulfport Preparing for the effects of the 2010 Census on our community.

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Presentation on theme: "Redistricting Gulfport Preparing for the effects of the 2010 Census on our community."— Presentation transcript:

1 Redistricting Gulfport Preparing for the effects of the 2010 Census on our community

2 Purpose of the Meeting Begin to create a procedure for developing a Redistricting Plan.  Create a group that has clearly defined roles and responsibilities for each part of the creation of the procedure.  Identify others who need to be included in the creation of the procedure to develop a Redistricting Plan.  Establish a timeline for presentation of the procedure to the City Council. Mike Miller, Sr. GIS Analyst2

3 Purpose of the Procedure Create a Redistricting Plan that satisfies the City Council and Citizens. The Plan will be in accordance with all State and Federal laws. The procedure will at every step mitigate risk that may threaten the successful creation of the Redistricting Plan. By the efficient use of City manpower and other resources, the finalized Redistricting Plan will be delivered to the Department of Justice and accepted in time to prepare for the 2013 elections. 3Mike Miller, Sr. GIS Analyst

4 Who is involved? Citizens U.S. Department of Justice U.S. Census Bureau MS Secretary of State Harrison County Circuit Clerk Mayor City Council City Clerk Legal Department Division of GIS  Others 4Mike Miller, Sr. GIS Analyst

5 Scope  Collect requirements from all parties involved (from Slide 4).  Develop a detailed description of the products required (Deliverables). Identify assumptions and constraints.  Identify Risks and Alternatives for Plan.  From description of deliverables, subdivide work into smallest components. 5Mike Miller, Sr. GIS Analyst

6 Time Management  Define Activities to complete smallest Deliverable components  Sequence Activities  Estimate Activity Resources (Human Resources and Other Assets)  Estimate Activity Time  Develop Schedule 6Mike Miller, Sr. GIS Analyst

7 Rough Time Line Census Day 4/1/2010 Budget 2011 6/10 - 9/10 Census Data Delivered 3/31/2011 Election Day 5/14/2013 Budget 2012 6/11 – 9/11 Start Focus Groups 5/1/2011 Back from Dept of Justice 12/31/2012 Send to Dept of Justice 5/1/2012 Budget 2013 6/12 – 9/12 201120122013 PlanningExecutionClose 7Mike Miller, Sr. GIS Analyst

8 Communication  Identify Persons/Organizations involved and the level of information they need or want. Interactive – multidirectional exchange; meetings and phone calls Push – Email, Mass Mailing, Press Releases and Progress Reports Pull – Website, Web Media  Establish Formal Change Request Protocol 8Mike Miller, Sr. GIS Analyst

9 Quality Plan  A Quality Policy should either be created or adopted to ensure that the redistricting plan is in accordance with federal guidelines.  Schedule Baselines should be established.  Cost Baselines should be established (especially important with per hour outsourcing).  Use lessons learned from previous redistricting; Tap into corporate knowledge. 9Mike Miller, Sr. GIS Analyst

10 RISK (and Opportunity)  Either Negative or Positive, Risk represents an uncertain event in the future that can affect one or many objectives: Known – will have planned responses to avoid the consequences of risk or take advantage of opportunities Unknown – will need a contingency plan 10Mike Miller, Sr. GIS Analyst

11 Resources  Identify necessary Skills and Assets (Hardware, Software, Telecommunication).  Identify Authority, Roles and Responsibilities. Name Names; additional people may have to added  Establish Reporting Relationships for each Activity. If Skills and Capacity are mismatched; Mitigate with training, reassignment, hiring or outsourcing. 11Mike Miller, Sr. GIS Analyst

12 Procurements  Dependent on Make-or-Buy decisions  A clearly defined Statement of Work will be generated to help vendors decide if they can provide the necessary products or services.  Selection criteria include: Price, Technical Capability, Understanding of Need, Financial Capacity, Past performance, References, Intellectual and Proprietary Rights. 12Mike Miller, Sr. GIS Analyst

13 Cost  Estimate Costs  Determine Budget If Alternatives include outsourcing, they must be accounted for and rolled into 2010-11 Budget. 13Mike Miller, Sr. GIS Analyst

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