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DUE DILIGENCE SOLUTIONS Our new enhanced Due Diligence functionality gives you dramatically improved searching, intelligent technology for faster response.

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3 DUE DILIGENCE SOLUTIONS Our new enhanced Due Diligence functionality gives you dramatically improved searching, intelligent technology for faster response time, and powerful new automated tasks.

4 WHAT’S NEW? Nationwide name look-up and our enhanced Smart Search algorithm Express solutions and templates Tips and guidance make sure it’s done right Stored client information means no re-keying Faster turnaround times Bulk Order self-service And more!

5 TAKE A LOOK AT THE ENHANCED DUE DILIGENCE SOLUTION Structure your deal efficiently with our new and enhanced features…

6 NAME LOOK-UP & ENHANCED SMART SEARCH START SEARCH - Search for both corporations and business names across Canada. SEARCH RESULTS - Note the results are sorted via the Carswell Legal Solutions Smart Search algorithm. The most relevant and similar names are brought up to the top of the list. Add multiple names to the entity list without re- searching the name.

7 EFFORTLESSLY REQUEST POST DATED SEARCHES NEW POST DATE SEARCH OPTION – Request searches to be ordered using a future date.

8 EASILY ORDER MULIPLE REPORTS SHORTCUTS - Set up packages of favourites in your “Preferences” section and easily order them here with the new shortcut option.

9 NEW EXPRESS ORDER WORK FLOW OPTION EXPRESS ORDER - Allows you to order the most requested searches quickly and efficiently. Also, request updated searches with one click.

10 NEW BULK ADD ORDER SERVICE AVAILABLE BULK ORDER – New feature allows you to save time entering large transactions and get more searches in a single request.

11 EASILY ADD REPORT DETAILS AND MANAGE SERCHES FROM ONE MAIN WORKING AREA ORDER DETAILS - Use this guide to add additional details to your report. COPY FEATURE – Save time and copy the details from one search over into other searches.

12 SEAMLESSLY RETRIEVE YOUR RESULTS ALL ORDERS PAGE – This page will store all of your orders, whether they are saved, in progress (submitted) or completed.

13 QUICKILY REQUEST ADDITIONAL SEARCHES AND SUMMARIES ADDITIONAL SEARCHES – After reviewing initial results, use this features to order additional reports or summaries. SUMMARY REPORT & BILLING SUMMARY- Review a summary of your entire order and fees associated with it.

14 GAIN THE BENEFITS OF OUR DUE DILIGENCE SOLUTIONS ONE NATIONAL SERVICE PROVIDER Ease of working with one national service provider Multi-jurisdictional Bilingual service POWERFUL TECHNOLOGY/INTUITIVE INTERFACE Customized workflows and shortcuts Real time tracking Multiple system redundancy 24/7 EXPERT SERVICE + KNOWLEDGE Personalized training and support Self-serve with a “twist” Over 30 years + history of delivering results

15 SEE WHAT ARE CUSTOMERS ARE SAYING “I am very excited to use the new features. They will definitely make for smoother and easier searching.” Keara Barton Paralegal/Law Clerk Fasken Martineau

16 SEE WHAT ARE CUSTOMERS ARE SAYING “… I’d like to stress how happy I am with the Post-Dated Searches and Update Search Order features. Bulk Add feature is going to save so much time as well. …Being able to save preferences is just great and the progress bar will be utilized often, I’m sure.” Amanda Jaeger Corporate Law Clerk Borden Ladner Gervais LLP

17 CONTACT A REPRESNTATIVE TODAY Call: In Toronto: 416-306-3070 In Montreal: 1-800-668-0668 Email: Visit

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