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October 2001 Tidemark User's Conference1 Session: Records Management Principles Presenter : Robert Monzon, City of Pasadena Date: Wednesday October 3,

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2 October 2001 Tidemark User's Conference1 Session: Records Management Principles Presenter : Robert Monzon, City of Pasadena Date: Wednesday October 3, 2001

3 October 2001 Tidemark User's Conference2 Overseen by the City Clerk Establish by Resolution #6051 Managed by the Records Manager It is a City Wide Program Pasadena Records Program

4 October 2001 Tidemark User's Conference3 Implementing a Records Program / Identify the need. Gain Knowledge of existing records keeping practices Identify areas where poor practices exist.

5 October 2001 Tidemark User's Conference4 Gather Information to Justify the Records Program A. Conduct Preliminary Walk-through B. Identify equipment - filing inches C. Gather copies of reports / forms D. Take Photographs E. Count number of records personnel

6 October 2001 Tidemark User's Conference5 Sell the program / staff it City Council Management Employees Establish a committee with representation from legal, financial, and records management. Consider a consultant Outline duties

7 October 2001 Tidemark User's Conference6 Develop a plan Organization and Administration Records Retention and Disposition Records Center Operations Records Protection - Vital Records Disaster Recovery Program

8 October 2001 Tidemark User's Conference7 Develop a plan Microfilming Office layout Employee Education and Training Forms, correspondence, and reports control Archives Program

9 October 2001 Tidemark User's Conference8 Establish your Operating Principles Need for central control Consistency of operations Standardization of equipment Eliminate duplication of records Decide to Centralize or Decentralize

10 October 2001 Tidemark User's Conference9 Initiate the RM Program Inventory and Appraise your records V - Vital? A - Archival? L - Legal? U - Useful? E - Extra Copy Establish records retention periods

11 October 2001 Tidemark User's Conference10 Document your Appraisal Research procedures with counsel Produce full text of all legal requirements Prepare and index Relate legal requirement to specific records Submit for legal review Retain legal research

12 October 2001 Tidemark User's Conference11 Your Program is in place Audit the program in the Departments Apply Technology where feasible Microfilming Imaging C.O.L.D. Records Center Management Software NOW WHAT !!!!!

13 October 2001 Tidemark User's Conference12 Microfilming 16mm Role Film 16mm Jackets 35mm Role Film 16mm and 35mm Jackets 105mm fiche 35mm slides Diazo Aperture Cards

14 October 2001 Tidemark User's Conference13 Document Imaging Technology Current Trends Best Practices

15 October 2001 Tidemark User's Conference14 Benefits from Imaging Technology Office Space Saving Four drawer cabinet holds 10 to 12k pages One cabinet takes up 10 to 12 sq. ft. Office space is about $12 to $18 per annum A 40 Gb Hard Drive hold 1,000,000 pages One employee requires between 60 and 120 SF of floor space

16 October 2001 Tidemark User's Conference15 Conclusions 40 Gb of storage could replace 80 file cabinets 80 file cabinets could free up 800 to 1,000 SF of floor space Enough room for 7 to 16 additional employees This could save you up to 18k in office rental space

17 October 2001 Tidemark User's Conference16 Final Wrap up Hand outs Retention Schedule Sample Benefits from Imaging Technology Outline of this presentation

18 October 2001 Tidemark User's Conference17 Thank you !!! City of Pasadena City Clerk and Records Management Staff

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