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Darrell Knecht President, IEMA Coordinator Howard County Emergency Management & E911 Cresco, Iowa Doug Reed 1 st Vice President, IEMA Director Pottawattamie.

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Presentation on theme: "Darrell Knecht President, IEMA Coordinator Howard County Emergency Management & E911 Cresco, Iowa Doug Reed 1 st Vice President, IEMA Director Pottawattamie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Darrell Knecht President, IEMA Coordinator Howard County Emergency Management & E911 Cresco, Iowa Doug Reed 1 st Vice President, IEMA Director Pottawattamie County Emergency Management Council Bluffs, Iowa L OCAL E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT C OMMISSIONS AND A GENCIES I OWA E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A SSOCIATION I OWA S TATE A SSOCIATION OF C OUNTIES N EW C OUNTY O FFICERS S CHOOL

2 2 New County Officers School 15 January 2015 P URPOSE T ODAY Present the commission’s structure Introduce the mission of local emergency management Discuss budget process and funding options Provide overview of statutes and basic requirements Address questions

3 3 New County Officers School 15 January 2015 L OCAL E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT C OMMISSION S TRUCTURE Commission Board of Supervisor Sheriff Mayor City A Mayor City B Mayor City C Mayor City D Agency

4 4 New County Officers School 15 January 2015 C OMMISSION M EMBERSHIP A Commission Member (BOS, Sheriff, Mayor) may designate an alternate to represent the designated entity For any activity relating to Section 29C.17, subsection 2 (selection of funding option) or Chapter 24 (Budget adoption and certification), participation shall only be by a commission member or designated alternate that is an elected official for the same designated entity

5 5 New County Officers School 24 January 2013 Establishing partnerships with local jurisdictions, private sector, NGOs and citizens. Planning Training Exercises Public Education Incident Support Coordination Resource Management Facilitating state and federal recovery programs Unmet needs identification Liaison work Our Mission: To serve the public…

6 6 New County Officers School 15 January 2015 L OCAL E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT F UND (I OWA C ODE 29C.17) Fund created in the office of the County Treasurer Unencumbered balance in the fund shall not revert to county general revenues Reimbursement, matching funds, moneys from sale of property or obtained from any source in connection with local EM program shall be deposited in EM fund

7 7 New County Officers School 15 January 2015 L OCAL E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT F UND (I OWA C ODE 29C.17) Local EM’s approved budget shall be funded by one or any combination of the following options, as determined by the commission: a) Countywide special levy pursuant to Section 331.424, subsection 1 b) Per capita allocation funded from city and county general funds or by a combination of city and county special levies which may be apportioned among the member jurisdictions c) An allocation computed as each jurisdiction’s relative share of the total assessed valuation within the county d) Voluntary share allocation e) Other funding sources allowed by law

8 8 New County Officers School 15 January 2015 L OCAL E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT F UND (I OWA C ODE 29C.17) A political subdivision may appropriate additional funds for the purpose of supporting Commission expenses related to special or unique matters extending beyond the resources of the agency Expenditures shall be made on warrants drawn by the county auditor, supported by claims and vouchers signed by the emergency management coordinator or chairperson of the Commission

9 9 New County Officers School 15 January 2015 L OCAL E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT F UND (I OWA C ODE 29C.17) Subject to Chapter 24, the Commission shall adopt, certify, and provide a budget, on or before Feb. 28 of each year, to the funding entities determined pursuant to subsection 2 (based on funding options selected by Commission) Any portion of a tax levied by a county or city to support the local emergency management agency shall be identified separately on tax statements issued by the county treasurer

10 10 New County Officers School 24 January 2013 S TATUTES AND R EQUIREMENTS Code of Iowa – Chapter 29C Iowa Administrative Code Section 605

11 11 New County Officers School 15 January 2015 A DMINISTRATION & F INANCE Establish agency Determine mission Appoint EM Coordinator Develop and adopt a budget in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 24

12 12 New County Officers School 15 January 2015 H AZARD I DENTIFICATION, R ISK A SSESSMENT & C APABILITY A SSESSMENT Identify credible hazards, likelihood and vulnerability Identify mitigation and preparedness considerations based on this analysis Assessment of program elements and operational capabilities of the jurisdiction to address these risks

13 13 New County Officers School 15 January 2015 R ESOURCE M ANAGEMENT Method to ID, acquire, distribute and utilize resources essential to emergency functions Utilize to the maximum extent practicable, the services, equipment, supplies and facilities of the political subdivisions ID shortfalls and steps necessary to overcome Develop written mutual aid agreements and participate in compacts (IMAC)

14 14 New County Officers School 15 January 2015 P LANNING Develop multi-hazard, capabilities-based plan Review and submit 20% annually (5 year schedule) Hazmat plan reviewed and submitted annually Recovery and mitigation plans reviewed and submitted within 180 days of declared disaster Adopted by the Commission, attested by Chairperson State participation in funding financial assistance is contingent upon the Commission having on file a state- approved plan

15 15 New County Officers School 15 January 2015 P LANNING F RAMEWORK Comprehensive Emergency Plan Base Plan – Command & Control TransportationSearch & RescueCommunicationsHazmat Public Works and Engineering Ag., Natural Res., & Pets FirefightingEnergy Emergency Management Law Enforcement & Security Mass Care Mitigation & Recovery Resource Support Public Information Public Health & Medical Services 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1

16 16 New County Officers School 15 January 2015 D IRECTION, C ONTROL AND C OORDINATION Establish and maintain capability to direct, control and coordinate emergency and disaster response and recovery efforts Establish a means of interfacing on-scene management Actively support use of Incident Command System (ICS)

17 17 New County Officers School 15 January 2015 D AMAGE A SSESSMENT Develop and maintain capability for damage assessment Designate individuals responsible for this function Personnel trained through a course approved by the Iowa HSEMD

18 18 New County Officers School 15 January 2015 C OMMUNICATIONS AND W ARNING Identify means of disseminating warning to the public and key officials Primary and secondary means of communication to support direction, control and coordination of emergency activities

19 19 New County Officers School 15 January 2015 O PERATIONS AND P ROCEDURES Commission shall encourage public and private agencies to develop standard operating procedures to implement the emergency plans

20 20 New County Officers School 15 January 2015 T RAINING Require coordinator to meet minimum training requirements Support related training for public officials and volunteers Training consistent to implement responsibilities within the emergency plan

21 21 New County Officers School 15 January 2015 E XERCISES Commission shall ensure that exercise activities are conducted annually Follow a progressive multi-year plan Local entities should actively participate in design, conduct and evaluation

22 22 New County Officers School 15 January 2015 P UBLIC E DUCATION AND I NFORMATION Commission should designate and train individual(s) responsible for public information functions Ensure a system of receiving and disseminating emergency public information Method to authorize the release of information Establish a capability to communicate with functional needs populations

23 23 New County Officers School 15 January 2015 Q UESTIONS ?

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