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Presentation on theme: "Work Package 2 Dr Jüri Riives. Human resource development process VOCATIONAL EDUCATION INSTITUTION PROCESS COMPANY ORGANISATION OF PROFESSIONAL EXAMINATIONS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work Package 2 Dr Jüri Riives


3 Registry of occupations in Estonia 1. MANAGEMENT/ ADMINISTRATIVE 1.1. Member of the Board 1.2. General Manager (Director) 1.3. Executive Director 1.4. Marketing Manager 1.5. Financial Director/Manager 1.6. Production Director 1.7. Development Manager 1.8. Sales Manager 1.9. Quality Manager 1.10. Purchasing Manager 1.11. Human Resources Manager 1.12. Accounts Manager 1.13. Bookkeeper 1.14. Administrative Assistant 1.15. Internal Control/Audit Specialist

4 Registry of occupations in Estonia (2) 2. ENGINEERING STAFF2.1 Lead Mechanical Designer 2.2 Process Control Manager 2.3 Production Manager 2.4 Product Development Engineer 2.5 CAD Engineer 2.6 Production Planner 2.7 Work-shop Manager 2.8 Mechanical Designer 2.9 Manufacturing Engineer 2.10 Project Manager 2.11 Foreman 2.12 Storekeeper 2.13 Lead Mechanical Engineer 2.14 Lead Power Engineer 2.15 Welding Engineer 2.16 Welding Quality Assurance Engineer 2.17 Quality Control Engineer 2.18 Surface Finishing Engineer 2.19 Material Engineer 2.20 Inspector in Occupational Health and Safety 2.21 Safety Engineer 2.22 Mechanical Engineer

5 Registry of occupations in Estonia (3) 3. Workers3.1 Mechanic 3.2 Fitter 3.3 Quality Controller 3.4 Testing Operator 3.5 Machine Tool Operator 3.6 CNC Machine Tool Operator 3.7 Lathe Operator 3.8 Automatic Machine Tool Operator 3.9 Production Line Operator 3.10 CMM Operator 3.11 Milling Machine Operator 3.12 Grinding Machine Operator 3.13 Boring Machine Operator

6 Registry of occupations in Estonia (4) 3. Workers3.14 Hobbing Machine Operator 3.15 Sheet Metal Machining Tool Operator 3.16 Mechatronic 3.17 Welder 3.18 Locksmith 3.19 Machine Fitter 3.20 EDM Operator 3.21 Tooling specialist 3.22 Assembler 3.23 Painter 3.24 Powder Painter 3.25 Metal Polisher

7 Registry of occupations in Estonia (5) 3. Workers3.26 Heat Treatment Worker 3.27 Metal Casting Worker 3.28 Powder Metallurgy Worker 3.29 Galvanizing Worker 3.30 Slinging Worker 3.31 Crane & Hoisting Equipment Operator 3.32 Repair worker 3.33 Mechanical Engineering Technician

8  Job: CNC Machine Tool Operator  Structural unit:Production  Direct supervisor:Production Manager  Reports to:Executive, Production Manager  Subordinates: None 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS The Executive enters into and terminates the contract of employment with the CNC Machine Tool Operator. The CNC Machine Tool Operator is supervised by and reports to the Production Manager. In his activities the CNC Machine Tool Operator shall act pursuant to:  the legislation of the Republic of Estonia;  this job description;  directives of the Executive, lawful orders of the Executive and Production Manager;  internal work procedure rules, occupational health and safety rules and fire and electrical safety rules of the company;  other rules of procedure and guidelines established in the company. 2. MAIN OBJECTIVES  The main objectives of the work of the CNC Machine Tool operator are: making products of high quality and in a timely fashion pursuant to working drawings; constant quality inspection in order to ensure the quality of products; optimal and purposeful use of the mechanisms, machines and equipment that are at the disposal of the company; regular maintenance of the production equipment. 3. REQUIRED SKILLS  An employee who possesses the following knowledge and skills may hold the position of CNC Machine Tools Operator:  3.1. Education: CNC machine tool employee training;  3.2. Language skills: Estonian; professional English;  3.3. Work experience:preferably prior work experience as a machine tool operator;  3.4. General and special skills; skill of reading working drawings; general knowledge of mechanical processing technology; knowledge of CNC machine tools and their control devices; knowledge of tools and their usage skills; knowledge of processing technologies and materials to the required extent; skill of creation of control programs for CNC machine tools;  3.5. Qualities: ability to manage stress, sense of duty, precision, honesty, correctness;  3.6. Computer skills: quite important from the point of view of performance of the employment duties;  3.7. Driver's licence: not important from the point of view of performance of the employment duties. COMPANY JOB DESCRIPTION OF CNC MACHINE TOOL OPERATOR KD xxx-xx Version 1 DocumentPrepared byApproved byPage(s) 1/2 Date:

9 4. RIGHTS  The CNC Machine Tool operator has the right to: make proposals to the Executive and Production Manager for improving the work organisation; make proposals for modifying the production technology; receive information necessary for performance of working duties; demand the provision of special clothing, personal protective equipment and tools required for work; refuse work with regard to which no training has been received or which is against the law; receive as much in-service training as required. 5. EMPLOYMENT DUTIES Making products pursuant to the technical documentation (working drawings, routing technology, operation technology, etc.) with high quality and by the prescribed time; Creating control programs and entering them into the control system of the machine tool; Selecting tools and placing them in the instrument holder of the machine tool; Following the rules of procedure and quality requirements of production; Exercising quality supervision over products; Setting the machine tool; Following the user manuals of equipment; Carrying out current and planned maintenance of equipment; Sharpening and adjusting tools and measuring parameters; Following occupational safety instructions, using personal protective equipment; Operative notification of the Production Manager about problems; Keeping one's tools and workplace in order; following the lawful orders of the Executive, Production Manager or an employee replacing him; In the event of unforeseen hindrances, addressing the Executive or Production Manager for elimination of the hindrances. 6. LIABILITY  The CNC Machine Tool Operator shall be liable for: fulfilment of the requirements set out in this job description; following the internal work procedure rules, effective rules and regulations, legislation of the Republic of Estonia, directives and orders of the Executive and orders of the Production Manager; adherence to the occupational health and safety rules, fire and electrical safety rules and sanitation rules; making products in a timely fashion and complying with the quality requirements; prudent use of tools.  EmployeeEmployer  …………………………….. /Signature/………………………………… /Signature/  ………………………………… /Name/………………………………… /Name/   Date ……………………………Date ……………………………

10 Job description of CNC Machine Tool Operator  Job: CNC Machine Tool Operator  Structural unit:Production  Direct supervisor:Production Manager  Reports to:Executive, Production Manager  Subordinates: None 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS The Executive enters into and terminates the contract of employment with the CNC Machine Tool Operator. The CNC Machine Tool Operator is supervised by and reports to the Production Manager. In his activities the CNC Machine Tool Operator shall act pursuant to:  the legislation of the Republic of Estonia;  this job description;  directives of the Executive, lawful orders of the Executive and Production Manager;  internal work procedure rules, occupational health and safety rules and fire and electrical safety rules of the company;  other rules of procedure and guidelines established in the company.

11 Job description of CNC Machine Tool Operator (2) 2. MAIN OBJECTIVES The main objectives of the work of the CNC Machine Tool operator are: making products of high quality and in a timely fashion pursuant to working drawings; constant quality inspection in order to ensure the quality of products; optimal and purposeful use of the mechanisms, machines and equipment that are at the disposal of the company; regular maintenance of the production equipment.

12 Job description of CNC Machine Tool Operator (3) 3. REQUIRED SKILLS An employee who possesses the following knowledge and skills may hold the position of CNC Machine Tools Operator:  3.1. Education: CNC machine tool employee training;  3.2. Language skills: Estonian; professional English;  3.3. Work experience: preferably prior work experience as a machine tool operator;  3.4. General and special skills: skill of reading working drawings; general knowledge of mechanical processing technology; knowledge of CNC machine tools and their control devices; knowledge of tools and their usage skills; knowledge of processing technologies and materials to the required extent; skill of creation of control programs for CNC machine tools;  3.5. Qualities: ability to manage stress, sense of duty, precision, honesty, correctness;  3.6. Computer skills: quite important from the point of view of performance of the employment duties;  3.7. Driver's licence: not important from the point of view of performance of the employment duties.

13 Job description of CNC Machine Tool Operator (4) 4. RIGHTS The CNC Machine Tool operator has the right to: make proposals to the Executive and Production Manager for improving the work organisation; make proposals for modifying the production technology; receive information necessary for performance of working duties; demand the provision of special clothing, personal protective equipment and tools required for work; refuse work with regard to which no training has been received or which is against the law; receive as much in-service training as required.

14 Job description of CNC Machine Tool Operator (5) 5. EMPLOYMENT DUTIES Making products pursuant to the technical documentation (working drawings, routing technology, operation technology, etc.) with high quality and by the prescribed time; Creating control programs and entering them into the control system of the machine tool; Selecting tools and placing them in the instrument holder of the machine tool; Following the rules of procedure and quality requirements of production; Exercising quality supervision over products; Setting the machine tool; Following the user manuals of equipment; Carrying out current and planned maintenance of equipment; Sharpening and adjusting tools and measuring parameters; Following occupational safety instructions, using personal protective equipment; Operative notification of the Production Manager about problems; Keeping one's tools and workplace in order; following the lawful orders of the Executive, Production Manager or an employee replacing him; In the event of unforeseen hindrances, addressing the Executive or Production Manager for elimination of the hindrances.

15 Job description of CNC Machine Tool Operator (6) 6. LIABILITY The CNC Machine Tool Operator shall be liable for: fulfilment of the requirements set out in this job description; following the internal work procedure rules, effective rules and regulations, legislation of the Republic of Estonia, directives and orders of the Executive and orders of the Production Manager; adherence to the occupational health and safety rules, fire and electrical safety rules and sanitation rules; making products in a timely fashion and complying with the quality requirements; prudent use of tools.

16 Professional standard (fragment) PROFESSION: Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Machine Tool Operator Professional level ProfessionSpecialisationTitle on the professional certificate ICNC Machine Tool Operator NoneCNC Machine Tool Operator Professional level I IICNC Machine Tool Operator- Setter NoneCNC Machine Tool Operator- Setter, professional level II IIICNC Machine Tool Operator- Foreman NoneCNC Machine Tool Operator- Setter, professional level III IV V In the Estonian professional system level I is the lowest and level V is the highest professional level. Not all professions have all five levels. The definitions of the professional levels have been set out in section C.4 of the professional standard.

17 Professional standard (fragment) (2) B.1 QUALIFICATIONS Professional level II Employment duties at professional level II 1)Operating machine tools 2)Setting machine tools 3)Creation of the operation technology 4)Designing control programs 5)Teamwork

18 Professional standard (fragment) (3) Competence 1. Operating machine tools ActivitiesSkillsKnowledge of 1. Operating the machine tool and control system 1.1. Skill of operating CNC machine tools (incl. milling machines, service centres, etc.) a) mechanical engineering materials b) mechanical engineering technology c) metal cutting and CNC machine tools d) contour and position control systems e) occupational health and safety 2. Identification of defects of the machine tool, if necessary 1.2. Workplace organisation skill 3. Machine tool maintenance and minor repairs 1.3. Machine tool defect identification skill 1.4. Machine tool maintenance pursuant to the maintenance manual of the machine tool

19 Professional standard (fragment) (4) Competence 2. Setting machine tools ActivitiesSkillsKnowledge of 1. Placing the processed detail in the machine tool 1.1. Skill of basing the processed detail and using jigs a) basing b) working drawings c) dimension chain d) usage of jigs e) coordination systems f) use of cutting and auxiliary instruments g) CNC machine tool programming skill 2. Pre-initialisation of cutting instruments 1.2. Skill of drawing up and resolving dimension chains 3. Placing cutting instruments in the tool holder 1.3. Skill of choosing and inspecting technological zero points 4. Skill of setting technological zero points 1.4. Skill of choosing cutting and auxiliary instruments 1.5. Skill of entering control programs 1.6. Skill of adjusting control programs 1.7. Skill of using the sub- programs of the machine tool

20 Professional standard (fragment) (5) Competence 3. Creation of the operation technology ActivitiesSkillsKnowledge of 1. Accessing working drawings 1.1. Skill of designing the trajectories of the cutting instruments a) The coordination systems of the machine tool and processed detail b) designing the operation technology c) the detail production technology d) metrology e) possibilities of ensuring quality 2. Designating the moving trajectories of the cutting instruments 1.2. Skill of designating the cutting modes 3. Creation of the operation technology (unless specified) 1.3. Skill of achieving the required quality parameters 4. Creation of the control program 1.4. Working drawing reading skills 1.5. Skill of designating the spare processing capacity

21 Professional standard (fragment) (6) Competence 4. Designing control programs ActivitiesSkillsKnowledge of 1. Entry of the control program into the control system of the machine tool 1.1. Skill of creating control programs for making more complicated details a) programming CNC machine tools b) working principles of the control systems c) the essence and use of CAD/CAM systems 2. Inspection of the control program using the simulation system 1.2. Skill of manual programming of the control systems of various machine tools 3. Inspection of the operational readiness of the machine tool 1.3. Skill of using the CAD/CAM system for developing control programs 4. Processing details on the machine tool and inspection of the required parameters 1.4. Computer skills

22 Professional standard (fragment) (7) Competence 5. Teamwork ActivitiesSkillsKnowledge of 1. Sense of duty regarding ensuring quality 1.1. Performing employment duties by the prescribed time 1.2. Foreign language skills a) the production technique b) professional duties and liability c) microeconomics and macroeconomics 2. Sense of duty regarding high quality performance of employment duties

23 Competence chart of CNC Machine Tool Operator 1. CNC Machine Tool Operator Qualification / Skill VT (1-5)PT (1-5) 1.1. General skills / knowledge 1.1.1. General knowledge of CNC machine tools 1.1.2. General knowledge of mechanical engineering technology 1.1.3. Knowledge of occupational safety 1.1.4. Economic knowledge 1.1.5. Knowledge of designing control programs for CNC machine tools 1.1.6. Language skills 1.1.7. Computer skills

24 Competence chart of CNC Machine Tool Operator (2) 1.2 Basic skills 1.2.1 Knowledge of technological capacity of CNC machine tools 1.2.2 Skill of setting technological zero points 1.2.3 Skill of designing control programs 1.2.4 Knowledge of processed materials 1.2.5 Reading skills of working drawings 1.2.6 Knowledge of production technology 1.2.7 Machine tool operation skill 1.2.8 Knowledge of cutting and auxiliary instruments 1.2.9 Knowledge of measurement and control instruments 1.2.10 Skill of measurement and inspection of processed details

25 Competence chart of CNC Machine Tool Operator (3) 1.3 Specific skills 1.3.1 Skill of organisation of production at the workplace 1.3.2 Specific machine tool programming skills 1.3.3 Skill of pre- initialisation of cutting instruments 1.3.4 Ensuring and securing quality 1.3.5 Skill of using productive cutting modes

26 Competence chart of CNC Machine Tool Operator (4) 1.4 Personal characteristics 1.4.1 Sense of duty 1.4.2 Precision and correctness 1.4.3 Able to work independently 1.4.4 Sense of liability 1.4.5 Able to concentrate 1.4.6 Able to cooperate 1.4.7 Ready to learn

27 Competence chart of CNC Machine Tool Operator (evaluated) 1.CNC Machine Tool Operator Qualification / SkillVT (1-5)PT (1-5) 1.1. General skills / knowledge 1.1.1. General knowledge of CNC machine tools 44 1.1.2. General knowledge of mechanical engineering technology 43 1.1.3. Knowledge of occupational safety 53 1.1.4. Economic knowledge23 1.1.5. Knowledge of designing control programs for CNC machine tools 32 1.1.6. Language skills42 1.1.7. Computer skills33

28 Competence chart of CNC Machine Tool Operator (evaluated) (2) 1.2 Basic skills 1.2.1 Knowledge of technological capacity of CNC machine tools 53 1.2.2 Skill of setting technological zero points 54 1.2.3 Skill of designing control programs 33 1.2.4 Knowledge of processed materials 33 1.2.5 Reading skills of working drawings 53 1.2.6 Knowledge of production technology 43 1.2.7 Machine tool operation skill53 1.2.8 Knowledge of cutting and auxiliary instruments 43 1.2.9 Knowledge of measurement and control instruments 53 1.2.10 Skill of measurement and inspection of processed details 53

29 Competence chart of CNC Machine Tool Operator (evaluated) (3) 1.3 Specific skills 1.3.1 Skill of organisation of production at the workplace 43 1.3.2 Specific machine tool programming skills 43 1.3.3 Skill of pre- initialisation of cutting instruments 43 1.3.4 Ensuring and securing quality 43 1.3.5 Skill of using productive cutting modes 53

30 Competence chart of CNC Machine Tool Operator (evaluated) (4) 1.4 Personal characteristics 1.4.1 Sense of duty54 1.4.2 Precision and correctness 53 1.4.3 Able to work independently 42 1.4.4 Sense of liability43 1.4.5 Able to concentrate23 1.4.6 Able to cooperate23 1.4.7 Ready to learn43

31 Group of tooling companies

32 The analysis of technological capabilities by main characteristics Company Mechanical workingEDM Heat treatment Powder metal. Engineering methods

33 CNC milling possiblities in tooling companies

34 Main skills of CNC machine tool operator, characterized on the basis of 6 machine tools companies Knowledge about technol. capabilities Skills of developing CNC programs Knowledge about materials Skills about drawings Knowledge of manufacturin g technology Skills of measurement NT ET 5 4 3 2 1 0


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