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Audits A-133 Compliance and Audit Readiness By: Tracy Jackson Senior Grants Management Specialist (Audits)

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Presentation on theme: "Audits A-133 Compliance and Audit Readiness By: Tracy Jackson Senior Grants Management Specialist (Audits)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Audits A-133 Compliance and Audit Readiness By: Tracy Jackson Senior Grants Management Specialist (Audits)

2 Audits 0 Sets forth standards for obtaining consistency and uniformity among Federal agencies for the audit of non-Federal entities expending Federal awards. 0 Safeguards Federal funds and protects against fraud, waste and abuse. 0 Audits conducted: 0 Independent Auditor - Single Audit & Program-Specific 0 NOAA Personnel - Grants Management Division (GMD) & Federal Program Office (FPO) 0 Conduct Site Visits 0 Resolve audit findings through Audit Resolution Process

3 A-133 Audits: Requirements 0 Applies to: States, Local Governments and Non-Profit Organizations. 0 Required if: Expenditures are $500,000 or more in one fiscal year. 0 Frequency: Annually, following audit fiscal year end date. 0 Due: nine months after the end of the recipients audit fiscal year end date. 0 Submission of Audit: Audit reports and Data Collection Forms should be submitted to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse: deindex.html deindex.html 0 Applies to: For-Profit Entities 0 Required if: Expenditures are $500,000 or more in one fiscal year, or as specified in the award. 0 Frequency: Bi-Annually based on Federal Program Office specifications via Special Award Condition. 0 Due: 90 days after the end of the applicable program year. 0 Submission of Audit: Program-Specific audits should be submitted to the program Officer and to the Department of Commerce Office of Inspector General. Single Audit Program-Specific Audit

4 Grants Management Division/Federal Program Office -Audit Review and Assessment 0 Is the Audit Current 0 Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs 0 Qualified or Unqualified Opinion 0 Significant Internal Control Deficiencies 0 Corrective Action Plan 0 Audit Resolution Process

5 0 Required pursuant to Departmental Administrative Order (DAO) 213-5 “Audit Resolution and Follow-up” 0 Audit Resolution Process: 0 OIG submits audit reports to the GMD with audit findings and recommendations were questioned cost is $10,000 or greater. 0 GMD conducts review, makes proposal for audit resolution, notifies the FPO and sends to OIG for concurrence. 0 GMD establishes an Audit Determination Letter and establishes a debt. 0 Recipient is afforded the opportunity to appeal the audit determination. 0 GMD renders a final decision on appeal. Audit Resolution Process

6 Common Audit Findings Cash Management Reporting Segregation of Duties Sub-Recipient Monitoring Questionable Costs Expenditures are not properly supported. Reports not filed in a timely manner; incomplete or missing reports. Payments initiated and approved by the same individual. Lack of financial or performance monitoring. Cost expended are not consistent with project avtivities and/or are unallowable in accordance with the applicable costs principles of the award.

7 Ways to Mitigate and Prevent Audit Findings Grantee Type Administrative Requirements Cost Principles Audit Requirements State & Local Governments (15 CFR Part 24)A-87 (2CFR, Part 225) A-133 Educational Institutions (15 CFR Part 14)A-21 (2CFR, Part 220) A-133 Non-Profit Organizations (15 CFR Part 14)A-122 (2CFR, Part 230) A-133 For-Profit Entities 15 CFR Part 1448 CFR Part 31.2A-133 – Program Specific

8 Questions Thank you! Tracy Jackson | | 301-628-1323

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