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Introductions  How many teachers? K-8; 9-12?  School administrators?  District administrators?  Counselors, Librarians, etc?  Company/Organization.

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2 Introductions  How many teachers? K-8; 9-12?  School administrators?  District administrators?  Counselors, Librarians, etc?  Company/Organization Representative?

3 Purpose: To share a little history about legislation and policy regarding online learning in California

4 Past LegislationPast Legislation AB 885 (2002) AB 294 (2003) – Passed (Sunset in 2006) AB 1985 (2006) - Suspense AB 2457 (2008) - Suspense AB 802 (2011) - Suspense SB 532 (2011) - Suspense

5 Present LegislationPresent Legislation CA AB 644 “…provide that school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools that offer online courses may claim attendance toward average daily attendance on the basis of a pupil’s attendance in an online course…”

6 Considerations  Focused on grades 9-12  Synchronous focused*  Possibility of multiple attendance reporting requirements *( (h) Pupil attendance in asynchronous online courses shall not be included in the calculation of average daily attendance pursuant to Section 46300 until the Superintendent has adopted rules and regulations pursuant to subdivision.

7 Present LegislationPresent Legislation ONLINE K-12 EDUCATION. COLLEGE PREPARATORY COURSES (CA Student Bill of Rights)  Authorizes school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools to claim average daily attendance funding for student participation in approved online courses.

8 Considerations  Currently gathering signatures to be placed on next election ballot (November, 2012)  Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) report found potential long-term savings from online learning  Focus on University of California a-g requirements

9 Current LawsCurrent Laws  State: Independent Study  ADA: High school students must be in face-to-face attendance 240 minutes per day

10 Current Policy/Initiatives (Formal and Informal)  University of California  Cal Learning Resources Network (  Census  Courses  County Offices and Districts  CCSESA  Individual Schools and Teachers  Consortiums  Leading Edge Alliance  California Consortium of Independent Study

11 California Department of Education

12 CA Independent Study Resources






18 Future LegislationFuture Legislation  What do we need and want?  Assembly  CCSESA  Voter Initiatives

19 Contact InfoContact Info  Dr. Joyce Hinkson, CDE, ucindex.aspx OR ucindex.aspx  Dr. Greg Ottinger, Director of Online Learning, San Diego COE,  Dr. Rob Darrow,

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