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LIAISON REPORT from CEN/TC 12 G. Trican, Samara, Nov. 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "LIAISON REPORT from CEN/TC 12 G. Trican, Samara, Nov. 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIAISON REPORT from CEN/TC 12 G. Trican, Samara, Nov. 2011

2 APOLOGIES Having prior engagements for this current week, I am sorry not to be able to attend your important meeting. Please accept my apologies and welcome the previous Chair of CEN/TC 12, Mr. Alain Loppinet, who has accepted to represent me. Gilles Trican G. Trican, Samara, Nov. 2011

3 CEN/TC 12 SCOPE AND GOAL TITLE: Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries SCOPE: CEN/TC 12 scope is nearly identical to ISO/TC 67 scope, but excludes what is covered by CEN/TC 234 (i.e. gas distribution). NOTES : a ) The standardization within CEN/TC 12 is to be achieved wherever possible by adoption of ISO TC 67 standards. b) National adoption of each one of CEN/TC 12 standards is mandatory in each one of the 30 member countries. MOTTO : GLOBAL STANDARDS USED LOCALLY WORLDWIDE

4 G. Trican, Samara, Nov. 2011 CEN/TC 12 WORK PROGRAM more than 60 Work Items Already published standards: 125 EN ISO (Identical) published standards + 14 being soon adopted + 6 EN (ISO modified) standards (exclusion of gas infrastructure industries) + 1 CEN TR 15549 (piping + ASME B31-3 + PED )

5 PLENARY MEETING Next plenary meeting of CEN/TC 12 will be held in Brussels (Belgium) on the 9th and 10th of February, 2012. OUR RUSSIAN PARTNERS ARE WELLCOME AS USUAL A number of interesting issues will be discussed then. Several of them are linked to regulations. G. Trican, Samara, Nov. 2011

6 Working with European Regulations General  A new version of the ‘European Project Leader (EPL) Manual’ was published and distributed in 2010.  We encourage everyone working as expert in working groups to use this valuable tool, and to make sure that on each project, an EPL has been identified by the European STandardization Bodies.  An “EPL” workshop will be organisedbeginning of 2012 in order to help training new EPLs.  NOTA: This manual may be used in other regional arena for standards drafter as usefull tool

7 Working with European Regulations EUROPEAN PROJECT LEADER The « EPL manual » clearly defines role and responsibilities of the EPL : Ensuring that both Environmental aspects and Regulatory aspects of the project have been checked. Making sure there is no contradiction with any applicable Directive, is -as of today- the main task of an EPL. Demonstrating that the EN ISO project is in full compliance with all the requirements of any applicable Directive has not yet been expected from an EPL, but could be in the future. A specific “European Annex” can be drafted within an ISO standard to fit the needs of European stakeholders. European annex of ISO/DIS 3183 (Line Pipe) is a good example. G. Trican, Samara, Nov. 2011

8 Working with European Regulations Anticipated new deal Following ‘recent industry events’, intense work has been performed by the Oil & Gas industry, in particular with OGP. European Regulators (i.e. European Commission) have launched a number of actions, and in particular held a workshop in March 2011. A Draft Mandate requesting a ‘programme of Harmonised Standards (in full compliance with a Directive) ’ has been issued in September 2011, and commented by various CEN/TCs. For CEN/TC 12, this can be useful if there is an added value for Safety, but it is important that the present coherent set of EN ISO standards giving technical integrity is not jeopardised by modifications linked with harmonising. G. Trican, Samara, Nov. 2011

9 FUTURE EUROPEAN REGULATION COMING FROM EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels, 27.10.2011 Proposal for a : REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL ON: safety of offshore oil and gas prospection, exploration and production activities G. Trican, Samara, Nov. 2011

10 DRAFT REGULATION ON: safety of offshore oil and gas prospection, exploration and production activities (1) (3) This Regulation should apply not only to future installations and operations but, subject to transitional arrangements, also to existing installations. (13) Within the Union, there are already examples of good standards in national regulatory practices related to offshore oil and gas activities. However, these are inconsistently applied throughout the Union and no Member State has yet incorporated all of the best regulatory practices in their legislation for preventing major offshore accidents or limiting their consequences to persons and the environment. Best regulatory practices are to secure effective regulation on safety and environment by integrating related functions into a joint competent authority ("the competent authority") that may draw resources from one or more national agencies. G. Trican, Samara, Nov. 2011

11 DRAFT REGULATION on safety of offshore oil and gas prospection, exploration and production activities (2) (25) To ensure safety in design and continuous safe operations, the industry is required to follow the best available practices defined in authoritative standards and guidance, and these require to be updated with new knowledge and invention and pursuant to continuous improvement so that operators and competent authorities should collaborate to establish priorities for the creation of new or improved standards and guidance in the light of the Deepwater Horizon accident experience and other significant offshore accidents, and should commission the preparation of the highest priority guidance and standards without delay. G. Trican, Samara, Nov. 2011

12 DRAFT REGULATION on safety of offshore oil and gas prospection, exploration and production activities (3 ) And more : (26) In view of the complexity of offshore oil and gas operations, the implementation of the best practices by the operators requires a scheme of independent third party verification of safety critical elements. (49) At Union level, it is important that technical standards are complemented by a corresponding legal framework of product safety legislation that apply to all offshore installations in Union waters, and not just non-mobile production installations. The Commission should therefore proceed with further analysis of the product safety standards applicable to offshore oil and gas operations. G. Trican, Samara, Nov. 2011

13 CONCLUSION The outcome of the 2 mentioned regulatory actions is not yet known, but it is obvious that whenever standardisation work must be done, applicable regulations have to be taken into account. We hope to have a clearer picture by February next year. G. Trican, Samara, Nov. 2011

14 CEN/TC 12 THANKS TO ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION (and again to Alain Loppinet) Secretary :

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