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The Electoral College Candidate #1 Democrat Candidate #2 Republican.

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Presentation on theme: "The Electoral College Candidate #1 Democrat Candidate #2 Republican."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Electoral College Candidate #1 Democrat Candidate #2 Republican

2 The Electoral College Candidate #1 Democrat Candidate #2 Republican Each political party holds primary elections in each state and then a national convention and chooses a candidate to support for president.

3 The Electoral College Elector #1 Elector #2 I promise to vote for
Candidate #1 I promise to vote for Candidate #2

4 The Electoral College Elector #1 Elector #2 I promise to vote for Candidate #1 I promise to vote for Candidate #2 Each political party chooses an elector in each voting district in the state that promises to vote for their candidate in the electoral college, if their candidate wins.

5 The Electoral College VOTERS

6 The Electoral College VOTERS On election day (the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November), the people go and vote. While they might think they’re actually voting for president, they are really voting for an elector who promises to vote for their candidate in the electoral college.

7 The Electoral College Each elector represents one of the voting districts where the people vote. Each voting district represents about the same number of people, just like for Congressional Districts.

8 The Electoral College Michigan has 17 electors in the Electoral College. Each state gets one elector for each representative in the House of Representatives (for us that’s 15) and one elector for each senator in the Senate (which is 2 for every state) for a total of 17 electors.

9 The Electoral College 1 elector for each representative in the H.of.R 1 elector for each senator in the Senate 3 for the District of Colombia 538

10 The Electoral College So, on election day, there is a winner from each district, either Candidate #1 or Candidate #2. Whichever candidate wins the most districts, gets the electoral votes for the whole state because it is a winner takes all system.

11 The Electoral College 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 So, on election day, there is a winner from each district, either Candidate #1 or Candidate #2. Whichever candidate wins the most districts, gets the electoral votes for the whole state because it is a winner takes all system.

12 The Electoral College Michigan 17 Ohio 22 California 55 Nebraska 4 3
Candidate #1 Democrat Candidate #2 Republican Michigan Ohio California Nebraska Arkansas Florida etc. WINNER?

13 The Electoral College Candidate #1 Democrat Candidate #2 Republican This process repeats itself in each state and then on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December, all of the results are sent to the Senate and the Vice President declares a winner. Michigan Ohio California Nebraska Arkansas Florida etc. WINNER?

14 The Electoral College Candidate #1 Democrat Candidate #2 Republican The Electoral College is a system, not a place. The electors meet at the capital of each state and report the results of their voting district and CAST their electoral vote. Michigan Ohio California Nebraska Arkansas Florida etc. WINNER?

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