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The Presidency Magruder Chapter 13.

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1 The Presidency Magruder Chapter 13

2 The President’s Roles Chief of State Rules and reigns Chief Executive
Vested with immensely broad powers in both domestic and foreign affairs

3 Chief Administrator Head of one of the largest government machines in the world Chief Diplomat Speaks for the nation around the world

4 Commander-in-Chief Head of the American military Chief Legislator Main architect of public policies Chief of Party Leader of his respective party

5 Chief Citizen Representative of the people Each role is played simultaneously and is inseparable from the others

6 Formal Qualifications
The President must be: Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 35 years of age Has lived in the United States for at least 14 years Is a natural-born citizen, or a citizen at the time of the adoption of the US Constitution

7 The President’s Term of Office
The President is elected for a four-year term Article II, Section 1, Clause 1 Originally could serve as long as the Electoral College would elect him Today, can only be elected to two full terms Twenty-Second Amendment

8 Pay and Benefits The pay of the President $400,000 per year
Fixed by Congress Washington paid $25,000 per year $50,000 taxable expense account Pension of $181,100 per year Many other perks.

9 Presidential Succession

10 The Constitution and Succession
If the President dies, resigns, or is removed from office, the Vice President succeeds to the office

11 The Constitution and Succession
The Constitution states: “In case of the removal of the president from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve upon the Vice President.” Article II, Section 1, Clause 6

12 The Constitution and Succession
John Tyler took the office in 1841 instead of becoming acting president 25th Amendment “In case of the removal of the President from office or his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President”

13 The Constitution and Succession
Presidential Succession Act of 1792 President, Vice President, President pro tempore, Speaker of the House Special Election to fill the Vacancy

14 The Constitution and Succession
Presidential Succession Act of 1886 President, Vice President, Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, etc.

15 The Constitution and Succession
Presidential Succession Act of 1947 President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, President pro tempore, Secretary of State, etc.

16 Presidential Disability

17 Disability The Constitution made no provision for the disability of the President Dwight David Eisenhower had three serious illnesses James Garfield Woodrow Wilson

18 Disability 25th Amendment meets this problem
Vice President will become acting President If the President informs Congress in writing that he cannot discharge the powers The Vice President and a majority of Cabinet inform Congress that the President is incapacitated

19 The Vice Presidency

20 The Importance of the Office
The Constitution pays little attention to the office itself Vice President has only two formal duties Preside over the US Senate Article I, Section 3, Clause 4 Help decide presidential disability 25th Amendment, Section 3 & 4

21 The Importance of the Office
The Vice President is only a heartbeat away from the Presidency Eight presidents have died in office One president resigned Vice Presidency has been vacant 18 times 9 times by succession to President 2 by resignation, 7 by death

22 The Importance of the Office
25th Amendment changes this When a vacancy occurs, the President will nominate someone who will take the office upon a majority confirmation vote of both houses of Congress 1973 – Gerald Ford 1974 – Nelson Rockefeller

23 The Importance of the Office
President has made the Vice President more important of late Sits in on Cabinet meetings Head of NASA National Security Council Special Ambassador of President Still not an assistant President

24 The Importance of the Office
Basic bottom line is that the President of the United States cannot fire the Vice President

25 The Electoral College

26 The Electoral College Created in Article II of the US Constitution
Not well understood by most people Combination of the Constitution, a few State and federal laws, and a number of practices born of the nation’s political parties

27 Original Provisions Many debated this plan
James Wilson (PA) “this was the most difficult of all on which we had to decide” Most favored selection by Congress A few by the people This would lead to tumult and disorder

28 Original Provisions George Mason: “The extent of the country renders it impossible that the people can have the requisite capacity to judge the respective contentions of the candidates.” Plan that was approved was originally put forward by Alexander Hamilton The President would be chosen by electors

29 The College Each State would have as many presidential electors as it has representatives and senators in Congress These electors would be chosen in each State in a manner the State legislature directed

30 The College The electors, meeting in each State, would each cast two votes – each for a different person for President The electoral votes would be opened before a joint session of Congress and counted The person receiving the largest number of votes (if a majority) would become President

31 The College The person with the second largest number would become Vice President If a tie occurred, the President would be elected by the House of Representatives, voting by States If a tie occurred for the second spot, the Vice President would be chosen by the Senate

32 The College The Framers intended the electors to be the “Most enlightened and respectable citizens from each State” They were to be “free agents” who would be “deliberate freely” in selecting the person’s best qualified to fill the nation’s top two offices.

33 The Rise of Parties System works only as long as Washington was President Only President elected unanimously In 1796, political parties began to play a role. John Adams is elected President Thomas Jefferson is elected Vice President

34 The Election of 1800 Each party nominates a presidential and vice presidential candidate Each party also nominates candidates to serve as electors (would vote for party) Each of the 73 electors elected voted for Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr House took 36 ballots to decide on Jefferson

35 The Election of 1800 Election marked the introduction of three elements in the nomination of the president Party nominations for president Party nominations for electors pledged to vote for the candidate Automatic casting of electoral votes in line with those pledges

36 The 12th Amendment Added in 1804
Separates election of President and Vice President The fiasco of 1800 will never happen again

37 Nominating Candidates Today

38 Nominations First method devised to nominate candidates was the Congressional Caucus Used from 1800 to 1824 Both parties turned to the nominating convention in 1832 and used it ever since

39 The Nominating Convention
Largely a creation of the political parties Constitution is silent on this and have few federal or state laws controlling it The national committee makes the arrangements for the national convention Will set the time and date of the convention

40 The Nominating Convention
Will select the city for the convention Must have facilities Gain support of a swing state Many larger cities bid on a convention Will make a bundle of money

41 Apportionment of Delegates
The national committee issues a call for the convention Tells each state’s party organization how many delegates it is allowed to send. 1996 Republicans – 1,990 delegates Democrats – 4,320 delegates

42 Really are two campaigns for president
Primaries and election State laws and/or party rules fix the procedures for picking delegates in each State Can use primaries, conventions, and caucuses

43 Presidential Primaries

44 The Election

45 The Electoral College Today
One of the least understood parts of the American political process Constitution provides for the election of the President by the Electoral College Each State has the same number of electors that it has members of Congress Founders expected the electors would use their own judgment

46 The Electoral College Today
Today, the electors are really just a rubber stamp of the popular vote. They are expected to vote for their party’s candidates. They go through the form It is a far cry from the original intent

47 The Electoral College Today
Electors are chosen by popular vote in every State on the same day Electors are chosen at large except for Maine and Nebraska (district) Electors are chosen on a winner-take-all basis Names of the electors are found on less than one-fourth of the ballots in the US

48 The Electoral College Today
The electors meet in their respective State capitals on the Monday following the second Wednesday in December They cast their ballots for President and Vice President The ballots are signed, sealed, and sent to the President of the Senate

49 The Electoral College Today
Formal election of the President does not take place until January 6th Ballots are opened by the President of the Senate and counted before a joint session of Congress The candidate who receives a majority of Electoral College votes will be the President

50 The Electoral College Today
The candidate who receives a majority of the Electoral College votes in the vice presidential race will be the vice president. If no one receives a majority of votes (270 out of 538), the election is thrown into the House of Representatives House chooses from the top three candidates

51 The Electoral College Today
Each State delegation has one vote 26 votes necessary to win 1800 – Thomas Jefferson/Aaron Burr 1824 – John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, William Crawford, Henry Clay

52 If no one receives a majority of votes in the vice presidential race, the Senate chooses from among the top two It takes a majority of Senators to elect 1837 – Richard Johnson

53 Flaws in the Electoral College

54 The First Major Defect The winner of the popular vote does not become President Winner-take-all in the voting 1992 – Clinton won 50% of the vote in New York and all 33 electoral votes Bush won 2.2 million votes Perot won 1.1 million votes

55 The First Major Defect Way that electoral votes are distributed
California – 55 electoral votes 1 for every 652,614.5 persons Alaska – 3 electoral votes 1 for every 218,478 persons

56 The First Major Defect Popular vote winner has failed to win the presidency four times 1824 1876 1888 2000

57 The Second Major Defect
Nothing in any federal statute or the Constitution requires an elector to vote for the person who wins the state popular vote States can and do require this Not sure of the constitutionality of states laws Virginia and Tennessee do require this

58 The Third Major Defect Contest will be decided in the House of Representatives Voting is by state, not by individuals If the state is so divided that it cannot decide, it loses its vote If strong third-party candidate, then might not have a winner by inauguration day

59 Proposed Reforms

60 The District Plan Choose electors as one would do members of Congress
Two for the senators, and one per congressional district Much more accurate reflection of popular returns Would not eliminate possibility of winner of popular vote losing presidency

61 The District Plan 1960 – Richard Nixon wins
Gives another reason for Gerrymandering

62 The Proportional Plan Each candidate would receive the same share of the electoral vote as he won of the popular vote 40% of popular vote, 40% of electoral vote Cure winner-take-all problem Remove faithless electors Yield a more accurate count with states

63 The Proportional Plan Would not necessarily produce the same idea nationally 1896 – William Jennings Bryan wins 1880 – Winfield Scott Hancock wins 1876 – Samuel J. Tilden wins 1888 – Grover Cleveland wins

64 The National Bonus Plan
Keep the electoral college as it now is A pool of 102 electoral votes would be added to the total of the popular vote winner Need 321 electoral votes to win If no received 321, a national run-off election between the top two candidates

65 Direct Popular Election
Remove the electoral college altogether



68 “I am Vice President. In this I am nothing, but I may be everything.
“The most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived.” “Honorable and easy” “Tranquil and unoffending”

69 “The Vice Presidency isn’t worth a warm pitcher of spit”
“A woman had two sons. One of them went away to sea and the other one became Vice President and neither of them was ever heard from again.”

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