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KEK (High Energy Accelerator Organization), Japan

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Presentation on theme: "KEK (High Energy Accelerator Organization), Japan"— Presentation transcript:

1 KEK (High Energy Accelerator Organization), Japan
CAT-KEK SOKENDAI School on Spallation Neutron Source: Accelerator Physics &Technological Aspects February 2 – 8, 2004, Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, India ION SOURCES Akira Takagi KEK (High Energy Accelerator Organization), Japan

2 ION SOURCES(2) Volume Production Negative Hydrogen Source
Early results in KEK Recent results for J-PARC H- Diagnostics (with laser) References

3 Production Processes of Negative Hydrogen ions in Hydrogen Plasma
Dissociative Attachment H2*(v) + e(~1eV)  H- + H s = 4.3x10-16 cm2 Esmax = ~0.4 eV Dissociative Recombination H e  H- + H s = 1x10-17 cm Esmax = 3 eV H e  H- + H s = 1.6x10-18 cm2 Esmax = 7.5 eV Polar Dissociation H e  H- + H+ + e s = 1.7x10-20 cm2 Esmax = 38 eV Radiative Capture H e  H- + hn s = 2.6x10-22 cm2 Esmax = 0.7 eV

4 Destruction Processes of Negative Hydrogen ions in Hydrogen Plasma
Collisional Detachment H ef  H + 2e s = 4.3x10-15 cm2 Esmax = 15 eV H H  2H + e s = 1.6x10-15 cm2 Esmax = 500 eV H H2  H + H2 + e s = cm Esmax = 10-4 eV Charge transfer H H+  2H s = 2.5x10-13 cm2 Esmax = 0.15 eV (c.m.)

5 H- Ions from H2-Xe Discharges

6 Volume Production Negative Hydrogen Source
Early results in KEK Recent results for J-PARC

7 Multicusp Volume Production H- Ion Source (KEK)

8 Ar Plasma Cleaning Remove The Cs on A Plasma Electrode

9 Cs Effect

10 Volume H- Ion Source (JAERI) (with Cs)

11 New Surface Production Dominating Cs-Free H- Ion Source (J-PARC)


13 Plasma Chamber of J-PARC-IS-KP

14 H- Beam Extraction Simulated with BEAMORBT

15 Electron Angle Correction Elector-Magnet (EACEM)


17 LaB6 Filament

18 Filter and Electron Suppression Magnetic Field on Beam Axis

19 Various Shapes of Mo Plasma Electrode

20 H- Current vs Thickness of Mo Plasma Electrode

21 Waveform of H- Current ARC Current (a)200A (b)300A

22 Relationships between arc currents and H- current

23 H- Ion Production Process on Surface of Mo Plasma Electrode

24 Beam Diagnostics for H- Beam Application of Laser Stripping (Electron Affinity = 0.75 eV)

25 Photoneutralization Cross Section

26 Profile Monitor (Photoneutralization)

27 Lorentz Transformation
ECM : the photon energy in the H- rest frame ECM = gEL[1 – bcos(JL)] Laser beam H- beam JL H-, Ho, e-

28 Beam Energy Analyser (LASL) Fechbach Resonance(n=2) (Dissisiative Resonance)


30 REFERENCES A. Ueno, et al.,”Surface Production Dominating Cs-Free H- Ion Source for High Intensity and High Energy Accelerators” 10th internatinal Conference on Ion Sources, Dubma (2003). H. Oguri, “Study of High Intensity Negative Ion Source” Thesis, Sokendai. O. R. Sander, “Transverse emittance: its definition, application, and measurement” AIP Conference Proc. 212, Accelerator Instrumentation Workshop R. E. Shafer, “Laser Diagnostic for High current H0 Beams” LINAC’98.

31 BIBLIOGRAPHY Ion Source Other
R. H. Huddlestone and S. L. Leonard, “Plasma Diagnostic Techniques” (1965) Academic Press. R. G. Wilson and G. R. Brewer, “Ion Beams-with Application to Ion Implantation” (1973) John Wiley & Sons, Inc. L. Valyi, “Atom and Ion Sources” (1977) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. J. R. Roth, “Industrial Plasma Engineering-Volume 1;Plinciples” (1995) Institute of Physics Publishing. Bernhard Wolf (Editor), “Handbook of Ion Sources” (1995) CRC Press Inc. Other R. H. Thomas and G. R. Stevenson, “Radiological Safety Aspects of the Operation of Proton Accelerators” (1988) Technical reports series no. 283, IAEA, VIENNA. J. D. Cossairt, “Radiation Physics for Personal and Environmental Protection, Revision 5” (2001), FELMILAB-TM-1834, Revision 5. M. Awschalom and T. Borak, “The Effect of Radiation on Electrical Insulating Materials” (1969), FELMILAB-TM-183. H. Schonbacher and M. Tavlet, “Compilation of Radiation Damage Test Data, Part 1, 2nd edition: Halogen-free cable-insulating materials” (1989) CERN 89-12 M. Tavlet and H. Schonbacher , “Compilation of Radiation Damage Test Data, Part 1, 2nd edition: Thermoset and thermoplastic resins, composites. materials” (1998) CERN 98-1.

32 Other Useful Reports (pdf files)
Radiation R. H. Thomas and G. R. Stevenson, “Radiological Safety Aspects of the Operation of Proton Accelerators” (1988) Technical reports series no. 283, IAEA, VIENNA. J. D. Cossairt, “Radiation Physics for Personal and Environmental Protection, Revision 5” (2001), FELMILAB-TM-1834, Revision 5. M. Awschalom and T. Borak, “The Effect of Radiation on Electrical Insulating Materials” (1969), FELMILAB-TM-183. H. Schonbacher and M. Tavlet, “Compilation of Radiation Damage Test Data, Part 1, 2nd edition: Halogen-free cable-insulating materials” (1989) CERN 89-12 M. Tavlet and H. Schonbacher , “Compilation of Radiation Damage Test Data, Part 1, 2nd edition: Thermoset and thermoplastic resins, composites. materials” (1998) CERN 98-1. Power Supply W. North, “High-Power Microwave-Tube Transmitters” (1994), Los Alamos, LA MS. SNS, KEK SNS CDR (1997) BNL/SNS Technical Note JKJ TDR (July, 2002)

33 CONCULUSIONS Volume H- Ion Sources (J-PARC)
Various Types of H- Ion Source KEK Surface H- Ion Source LaB6 Filament Secondary Electron by Ion/H- Impact Beam Chopping Volume H- Ion Sources (J-PARC) Beam Diagnostics for H- Beam

34 Thank you!

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