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 This is a short video that shows the movement of musical instruments in Europe during the Modern Age.

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2  This is a short video that shows the movement of musical instruments in Europe during the Modern Age.

3 The life and travels

4 Mozart was born in Salzburg in 1756 and followed his studies in Salzburg where he composed “La Finta Semplice" a small theatrical masterpiece. He went to Bologna, Milano, Roma, Napoli and In this period he set up writing successfully "Mithridates, King of Pontus" and "Ascanio” in Alba. Then he moved to Paris with his mother, touching Manheim, Strasbourg and Monaco and clashing for the first time with professional and sentimental failure. Disappointed, he returned to Salzburg where he wrote ​​the beautiful "Coronation Mass K 317" and the opera "Idomeneo, King of Crete”. Fundamental are theItalian theatrical masterpieces called the trilogy : "The Marriage of Figaro", "Don Giovanni“ and "Così fan tutte”.

5 The first trip to Italy began on December 13, 1769 and lasted fifteen. His first concert took place in Rovereto, on the evening of Christmas.In Milan he was commissioned the first play. Back in Salzburg, Mozart lived a particular period: he wrote eight symphonies, four entertainment, various sacred works and a serenade allegorical “The Dream of Scipio”. The third trip in Italy brought the creation of “Lucio Silla“ work that had more success than Mithridates.

6 For Mozart, Italy was the scene of great successes but also of meetings with musicians who became enduring influences. Barrymore Laurence Scherer, sums up the situation: "When he sets out on his travels, Mozart is a little boy. Italy is where he matures. When he returns it's almost as if he has been baptized: a new kind of sunshine permeates his music.“In Rome, Pope Clement XIV bestowed on the teenage Mozart the cross of the Order of the Golden Spur (for having excelled... in the sweetest sounding of the harpsichord"). And he was only 15 when commissioned to write music for the marriage of Empress Maria Theresa's son, Archduke Ferdinand to Beatrice d'Este, Princess of Modena in Milan. Perhaps the most significant influence during Mozart's early Italian trips, though, was the tutelage of Padre Giovanni Battista Martini, who also taught J.C. Bach.

7 Mozart reached Mannheim, where the court ofthe Elector Palatine was one of the most famous in Europe and evolved musically. He composed several piano sonatas, some with accompaniment of violin but Its most important result is the symphony (K. 297), a brilliant composition in D major.

8 He wrote three symphonies, the 32 in G major, the 34 in C major and the symphony for Violin and Viola in E flat major and also wrote concertos for piano. In the summer of 1780 he was commissioned to compose an italian work. The subject had to be Idomeneo, King of Crete.

9 Between force and tenderness, cheerfulness and tragedy, the language of Mozart remains universal. A language which had a great impact on the history of the music. Successors of Mozart do not escape its influence. Beethoven, firstly, was strongly impressed by Mozart who he crosses in his youth. Then Schubert, which grows in Vienna with the time when the genius of Mozart is finally recognized, a few years after its death. As for Gioacchino Rossini, its operas owe him much, and this is not a chance if this last chooses to put in music the barber of Seville de Beaumarchais, first shutter of the escapades of Barber. Finally the German opera of Weber and Wagner is also strongly influenced by the Magic Flute. Grace, power, emotion, humour and elegance make aclashing cocktail, with the image of Mozart, the most accomplished artist undoubtedly who ever existed. Did Mozart really leave? Made by Andrea Marra

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