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 The branch includes › Chief of Executive › Vice President › And any other advisers.

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2  The branch includes › Chief of Executive › Vice President › And any other advisers

3  Congress established the first three departments › Department of State › Department of War › Department of Treasury

4  Washington chose the heads of the Executive Departments(The Cabinet) who were called secerataries 

5  The heads of the cabinet departments were chosen from members of the legislature

6  Thomas Jefferson- in charge of foreign affairs  Henry Knox-Chief of artillery during the Revolution  Alexander Hamilton- Seceraty of Treasury  Edmund Randolph – Attorney general

7  Commander in chief of the armed forces and is responsible for relations with other countries

8  Serves for 4 years  22 nd Amendent limits the president to serving 2 terms

9  Decided that president is chose by indirect election by electors chosen for that purpose  Elected by Presidential electors from each state who form the electoral college  Each state has number of presidential electors equal to total number of senators and representatives

10  State legislatures determined how electors are chosen  No Senator, representative, or any other federal office holder can serve as an elector

11  Citizen of United States by birth  At least 35 years old  Resident of United States for 14 years

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