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Chapter 14, Section 3.  The 17 th century in Europe is sometimes called the “Age of Absolutism.”  “Absolute monarchy or absolutism meant that the sovereign.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 14, Section 3.  The 17 th century in Europe is sometimes called the “Age of Absolutism.”  “Absolute monarchy or absolutism meant that the sovereign."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 14, Section 3

2  The 17 th century in Europe is sometimes called the “Age of Absolutism.”  “Absolute monarchy or absolutism meant that the sovereign power or ultimate authority in the state rested in the hands of a king who claimed to rule by divine right” (Spiel.4thEd. 427).  The king rules alone. There is no Congress or Parliament. Even the Church is under the king’s authority.  In this time period, the idea of the state emerges. The king is no longer a protector and leader of his people; the king rules over the people and the people are his subjects who serve him.  France was the first absolutist state and it served as a model for other European countries.

3  “L’État c'est moi.” = I am the state.  Called himself the Sun King  Supporter of the arts: had his portrait painted often  Built the new French capital at Versailles  Revoked the Edict of Nantes  Fought in the War of Spanish Succession



6  Wanted to make Russia like western European countries He forced Russian nobles to shave their beards.  Interrogated his son for plotting against him His son died from being tortured.  Sought to expand Russia to the North and South— that way it would have access to water and could build up a navy  Built a new capital at St. Petersburg


8  “The Great Elector” from Prussia  Germany and Italy are still the Holy Roman Empire  Prussia emerging as a major power among the German states  Electors from each state voted for the Holy Roman Emperor  Builds an efficient and well-disciplined standing army  Frederick William manages to rebuild Protestant Prussia after the 30 Years’ War

9  Baldwin, Richard. "AGE OF ABSOLUTISM." Gulf Coast Community College. Web. 01 May 2014.

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