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Hate Crimes Bias Motivated Incidents University Security Minnesota State University, Mankato.

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Presentation on theme: "Hate Crimes Bias Motivated Incidents University Security Minnesota State University, Mankato."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hate Crimes Bias Motivated Incidents University Security Minnesota State University, Mankato

2 Hate Crimes & Bias-motivated Incidents Defined Hate crime generally defined as a crime which in whole or part is motivated by the offender’s bias toward the victim’s status. Bias motivated incident is an action in which a person is made aware that her/his status is offensive to another, but does not rise to the level of a crime

3 Hate Crimes Murder, Manslaughter, Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Burglary, Motor Vehicle Theft, Arson, Forcible & Non-forcible Sex Offenses, Intimidations Destruction, Damage or Vandalism of Property & any other crimes involving injury to any person or property in which the victim is intentionally selected because of actual or perceived race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity or disability of the victim.

4 Bias-motivated Incidents Incident that do not fall into one of the crime categories, hate offenses are referred to as bias-motivated incidents. May include: Minor harassment Verbal slurs May be precursors to more serious hate motivated violence

5 Reporting Hate Crimes & Bias-motivated Incidents Some occur without ever being officially reported Some don’t report because they want to put the incident behind them Others not aware of or do not have access to proper resources which can offer assistance

6 How Do We Increase Reporting? Make it as easy as possible Confidential reporting? Make sure victims know who they can report these crimes or incidents to Provide victims with choice of pressing charges or taking some other action When incidents do happen, send a clear message strongly condemning

7 Campus Response Notify University Security Notify Mankato Police Members who may be involved: Security Director, Vice President of Student Affairs, Director of Student Rights and Responsibilities, Legal Counsel, Others dependant on nature of incident (e.g. American Intercultural Center, LGBT Center Director etc.)

8 Campus Response cont’d Victim Assistance Resources – Staff trained to address Special considerations – Adequately implement response – President’s strong public position in support Demonstrates commitment

9 Campus Response cont’d Communication & media relations – Reduce rumors – Provide accurate & timely information – Work w/ Media Relations & Cabinet to develop appropriate communications – Take seriously, quick response crucial – Offenders look for reaction from community & if ignored easily conclude others sympathetic to ideology

10 Bias Incident Example A Resident Assistant finds that someone has scrawled “KKK” on the lobby wall of a residence hall.

11 Hate Crime Example Several students come into your office to report that someone sent threatening email messages to specific minority & international students, opening with the line, “Your time is up” “Go back home”

12 Hate Crime Example Last night a group of white men shout racial slurs at four international students outside of a bar in downtown Mankato, ending in a fight. All four students were injured & taken to the hospital. Two of the students remain in the hospital.

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