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P RIMARY AND S ECONDARY C RIME S CENES Page 57. P RIMARY C RIME S CENES The place where the crime actually took place May not necessarily be the location.

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Presentation on theme: "P RIMARY AND S ECONDARY C RIME S CENES Page 57. P RIMARY C RIME S CENES The place where the crime actually took place May not necessarily be the location."— Presentation transcript:


2 P RIMARY C RIME S CENES The place where the crime actually took place May not necessarily be the location to where officers were called Normally yield more usable evidence than secondary crime scenes There will be only ONE primary crime scene

3 S ECONDARY C RIME S CENES A location related to the crime but not where the actual crime took place Sometimes this is the only scene that investigator’s know about There can be MANY secondary crime scenes

4 P ICK THE SCENES ! Casey Anthony’s defense team alleged that her daughter, Caylee, drowned in the family pool and then was transported by Casey in her car to the wooded area where her body was found. What is/are the primary crime scene(s) and what is/are the secondary crime scene(s)?

5 P ICK THE S CENES ! Jaycee Duggard was kidnapped on her way to school one day and found 18 years later in a tent in her captor’s backyard. What is/are the primary crime scene(s) and what is/are the secondary crime scene(s)?

6 P ICK THE S CENES ! A cat burglar snuck into a rich couple’s house during dinner and stole jewelry from their upstairs safe. She then took the jewelry to a pawn shop to cash in, but kept a stunning yellow diamond for herself! What is/are the primary crime scene(s) and what is/are the secondary crime scene(s)?

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