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BUT THE UK IS FOR GENTLEMEN FROM THEN TILL NOW What is Crime? Crime is behavior that breaks those rules of a society which are codified in the criminal.

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4 What is Crime? Crime is behavior that breaks those rules of a society which are codified in the criminal law. Some changes of crime can be found in Britain nowadays. Most of the crimes committed in Britain(90%) are crimes against property.

5 2001 Interpol statistics showing number of crimes per 100,000 people in these countries: 9927 – England and Wales 8572 – Canada 7736 – Germany 6941 – France 4161 – United States

6 Offences recorded in Britain In England and Wales(in thousands) crimes197119891999 Violence against the person 47177231 Sexual offences 242635 Burglary452826952 Robbery83366 Drugs trafficking 921 Theft and handling stolen goods 83616192127

7 Offences recorded in Britain In England and Wales(in thousands) crimes197119891999 Fraud and forgery 100135174 Criminal damage 27466834

8 The causes of crime in Britain 1- national newspaper 2- poor policing 3-television 4- poverty 5- lack of discipline at school 6- unemployment 7- too lenient sentencing 8- alcohol 9- drugs 10- lack of discipline by parents

9 Juvenile crime in Britain Crimes committed by youngsters:  Physically attack other people  Shoplifting  Drive a car without license  Gang fight Causes: 1.boredom sense of right and wrong 3.lack of leisure facilities 4. Parental neglect

10 Britain has one of the highest crime rates in the developed world, and one of the most ineffective police forces In 1964 in England and Wales there were 72,000 domestic burglaries; in 2003/04 there were 402,000. In 1964 there were 3,000 robberies; in 2003/04 there were 101,000.

11 offenders in UK (in UK) 80% are male. The worst offenders are young males aged 16-24, with 648 offenders per 10,000population.


13 Crimes against property is still the most committed crimes in Britain. Over seven in ten of both men and women previously convicted for theft and handling stolen goods in England and Wales were reconvicted within 2 years of their discharge from prison in 1999

14 Gun Crime Crime has risen sharply and continually in England since it instituted a complete gun ban in 1997.Since then,crimes involving firearms in England and Wales more than doubled between 1997/98 and 2002/03,to over 10000.In 2002 alone,the English saw a 35% increase in gun crimes. Most crimes involving firearms are on the increase.For example,Robbery with firearm has increased from 51,004 in 1996 to 88,178 in 2000

15 Say hello to my little friends!

16 Causes of Crime? (U.K.) Lack of discipline by parents (about 75%) Drugs (about 72%) Alcohol and too lenient sentencing (about 62%) Unemployment (61%) Lack of discipline at school (51%) Poverty (40%)

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