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Lesson 9- Normality and Abnormality

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1 Lesson 9- Normality and Abnormality
aberrant anomaly eccentricity endemic incongruous 6. mundane 7. outlandish 8. paragon 9. ubiquitous 10. unwonted

2 1. aberrant (adj) Deviating from what the normal; atypical.
Deviating from the proper or expected course. Related Word- aberation Ex: The dog’s sudden aberrant eating patterns alerted its owner to a possible health problem.

3 2. anomaly (noun) A deviation or departure from the normal or common order, form, or rule. Something that is irregular, abnormal, or unusual. Related Word: anomalous Ex: It was anomalous that the typically apathetic voters in Palmdale actually cast votes on November 8th.

4 3. eccentricity (noun) odd, peculiar, or whimsical behavior.
An example or instance of diverging from customary or conventional practices. Related Word: eccentric Ex: Geraldine’s particular eccentricity was her extensive collection of frogs.

5 4. endemic (adj) Prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality or people. Native. Related Word: endemically Ex: Measles, at first endemic to the eastern hemisphere, spread to the Americas after European voyages there in the late 1400s.

6 5. incongruous (adj) Not consistent with what is logical, customary, or expected; inappropriate. Not corresponding; disagreeing. Related Words: incongruity; incongruously. Ex: The modern furniture looked incongruous in the ancient castle.

7 6. mundane (adj) Typical or concerned with the ordinary, practical, or usual. Of or related to being typical. Related Words: mundanely Ex: Although cooking can be a creative task, laundry and cleaning tend to be mundane chores.

8 7. outlandish (adj) Conspicuously unconventional; bizarre; absurd.
Strikingly foreign, unfamiliar. Geographically remote from the familiar world. Related Words: outlandishly, outlandishness. Ex: At the party the prize was awarded to the wearer of the most outlandish costume.

9 8. paragon (noun) A model of perfection or excellence; peerless example. Ex: To Homer, author of The Iliad, Helen of Troy was a paragon of beauty.

10 9. ubiquitous (adj) Being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time; omnipresent. Related Words: ubiquitously; ubiquity. Ex: Bomb shelters were ubiquitous in London during WWII.

11 10. unwonted (adj) Not habitual, customary, or common; unusual.
Related Words: unwontedly, unwontedness. Ex: Isaac responded with unwonted rudeness, surprising everyone in the room.

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