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Presentation on theme: "PREFERENCES FOR CUSTOMARY ROUTINES AND ACTIVITIES SECTION F June 3, 2015 1-3PM."— Presentation transcript:


2 Objectives Understand the importance of knowing the resident’s preferences for their daily routine and activities Understand how to conduct the interview Understand why this information is necessary to be on the care plan

3 Section F: Preferences for Customary Routine & Activities Quality of life enhanced when respecting resident’s choice of what is important & establishes meaning in their life If unable to conduct resident interview interview family, significant other staff interview 8 Daily Preferences 8 Activity preferences Not Done on Discharge Assessments

4 F0300: Should Interview for Daily & Activity Preferences Be Conducted? Review Is resident rarely or never understood? (B0700) Does resident want or need interpreter? (A1100) Is interpreter, family or significant other available? Code 0. No. Interview should not be attempted if resident rarely/never understood, or needs or wants interpreter but one not available, and family member or significant other not available for interview.  SKIP to D0800: Staff Assessment of Daily and Activity Preferences Code 1. Yes. Interview should be conducted If resident understood, and if interpreter needed and one is available or family member or significant other available for interview

5 F0400: Interview for Daily Preferences F0500: Interview for Activity Preferences Complete in 7 day look-back period Resident Interview - current preferences Family/Significant Other Interview - may consider resident’s past preferences Quiet, private setting Be sure resident can see and hear you

6 F0400 & F0500 - Interview Guide Explain interview purpose. Show and tell response choices on cue card “I am going to ask you how important various activities and routines are to you while you are in this home. I will ask you to answer using the choices you see on this card: ‘Very Important,’ ‘Somewhat important,’ ‘Not very important,’ ‘Not important at all,’ or ‘Important, but can’t do or no choice.’”

7 F0400. Interview for Daily Preferences While you are in this facility how important is it to you to: A. choose what clothes to wear? B. take care of your personal belongings or things? C. choose between a tab bath, shower, bed bath, or sponge bath? D. have snacks available between meals? E. choose your own bedtime? F. have a family or close friend involved in discussion about your care? G. be able to use the phone in private? H. have a place to lock your things to keep them safe?

8 F0400: Interview for Daily Preferences After 3 or more Nonsensical responses or No responses: Code 9 for remainder of questions Stop interview & SKIP  to F0600

9 F.0500 Interview for Activity Preferences While you are in this facility how important is it to you to : A. have books, newspapers, & magazines to read? B. listen to music you like? C. be around animals such as pets? D. keep up with the news? E. do things with groups of people? F. do your favorite activities? G. go outside to get fresh air when the weather is good? H. participate in religious services or practices?

10 F0500: Interview for Activity Preferences After total of 3 or more Nonsensical responses or No responses to F0400 or F0500: Code 9 for remainder questions Stop interview & SKIP  to F0600

11 F0400 & F0500 Coding Code 5. Important, but can’t do or no choice. If resident, family, or significant other indicates that topic “important,” but resident physically unable to participate, or has no choice about participating while staying in nursing home because of nursing home resources or scheduling.

12 F0600: Daily & Activity Preference Primary Respondent Code 1. Resident Code 2. Family or significant other Code 9. Interview could not be completed by resident, family member, or significant other

13 F0700: Should Staff Assessment of Daily and Activity Preferences Be Conducted? Code 0. No. F0400 & F0500 completed  SKIP to Section G Code 1. Yes. F0400 & F0500 not completed due to 3 or more items Code 9. or “-” or resident, family or significant other was unable to answer 3 or more items.

14 F0800: Staff Assessment of Daily and Activity Preferences 7 day look-back period Check all that apply Observe resident when care, routines, and activities specified in items made available Interview staff and others regarding observations Does resident appears happy or content (i.e., is involved, pays attention, smiles) during activity? Does resident appear to resist or withdraw?

15 F0800. Staff Assessment of Daily & Activity Preferences Resident prefers: A. Choosing clothes to wear B. Caring for personal belongings C. Receiving tub bath D. Receiving shower E. Receiving sponge bath F. Snacks between meals H. Staying up past 8:00PM I. Family or significant other involvement in care discussions J. Use of phone in private K. Place to lock personal belongings

16 F0800. Staff Assessment of Daily & Activity Preferences Resident prefers: L. Reading books, newspapers, or magazines M. Listening to music N. Being around animals such as pets O. Keeping up with the news P. Doing things with groups of people Q. Participating in favorite activities R. Spending time away from the nursing home S. Spending time outdoors T. Participating in religious activities or practices Z. None of the above


18 Care Plan Considerations It’s very important to know the resident’s preferences and provide care the way they want it. This allows their voices to be reflected in the care plan This should be very detailed and specific, i.e. time they get up, what type of bath and how often, daily routine, food likes and dislikes, activities they like, etc Again, do a life story

19 Questions? I’ll take the next few minutes to answer any questions you might have

20 Thank you!! Please feel free to contact me Shirley L. Boltz, RN RAI/Education Coordinator 785-296-1282


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