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 Say "buen provecho" when you leave a table or join one. This means "bon appetit" in Spanish and is a customary salute.  Follow Continental etiquette.

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Presentation on theme: " Say "buen provecho" when you leave a table or join one. This means "bon appetit" in Spanish and is a customary salute.  Follow Continental etiquette."— Presentation transcript:





5  Say "buen provecho" when you leave a table or join one. This means "bon appetit" in Spanish and is a customary salute.  Follow Continental etiquette when holding utensils. The fork goes in the left hand and the knife goes in the right. Don't switch your utensils between hands.  Keep both hands above the table during a meal. Unlike in the U.S., it is considered impolite to rest your hand in your lap.

6  Wait until everyone has been served a drink and a toast has been made before drinking. The customary toast in Peru is "salud!“  Try to finish all of the food you have been served. If you must leave something uneaten, offer a considerate explanation like, "The food was so delicious that I have totally stuffed myself.“  Stand up if you are a man and a lady leaves the table. You should also stand when the lady returns to the table.

7  An inheritance of the Spanish conquest, for this reason, it is a mainly Catholic country (more than 75% of the population).  Since the 16th century, along with Catholicism, expressions of the native religion, based on the cult of the Sun, the Pachamama (Mother Earth) and elements of nature have also been present.  Many people who study religion still can’t agree how to treat two very different religions in a process of fusion or of parallel beliefs.




11  The Flag of Peru-1820- General San Martin during liberation campaign  National Bird of Peru- Andean Cock-of-the- Rock (Rupicola peruviana)  National Flower of Peru-The Cantuta

12 PeruThailand

13 Time: Most Peruvian are flexible and relax in terms of timeliness. One hour late on a meeting is seemed as normal for them. Business lunch meetings are common in Peru.

14  Relationship Relationship building is very important for the Peruvian. They will take some time to know their business partners before making any dial. Long term relationship is important for making business in Peru.

15  Companies in Peru are more centralized. Most business decisions are made by high level manager or CEO.

16  Greeting Initial introduction is considered informal. A handshake would be more preferable for them As a relationship develops between business partners, they tend to perform a greeting by kiss on the cheek or a hug.

17  Clothing Business attire is formal and professional but conservative. Men typically wear business suits with ties and women wear suits or dresses.

18  “Senor” or “Senora” Make sure to address your Peruvian business partner correctly. Use senor or Senora followed by the surname. Do not call them using first name unless they invite to do so.

19  Do not put your hand under the table while having meals.  Do not bring a knife as a gift or any gift that comes in odd numbers to your Peruvian counterparts. Knives symbolize the severing of friendship and odd numbers are considered bad luck.


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