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Griffith ’ s Mysterious Transformation Experiment.

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Presentation on theme: "Griffith ’ s Mysterious Transformation Experiment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Griffith ’ s Mysterious Transformation Experiment

2 Transformation DNA is released into surrounding medium Recipient cells incorporate it into themselves from the medium

3 How does it work? *plasmids* Bacterial chromosomal DNA Cell membrane

4 E. Coli = Escherichia coli Normally harmless bacteria in your gut E. Coli can be artificially transformed by exposure to calcium chloride solution and thermally “ shocked ” t o become receptive to foreign plasmid

5 What are we doing? We will transform bacteria (E. coli), giving it the ability to make green fluorescent proteins as well, make it ampicillin resistant.

6 Making Plasmids Gene Plasmid + =

7 pGLO Plasmid GFP araC To make green fluorescent proteins To survive with Ampicillin (antibiotic)

8 Bacteria Colonies Lawn – all together not separate

9 4 plates Luria Broth no plasmid(-plasmid LB) Luria Broth With plasmid (+plasmid LB) AMP Broth No plasmid (-plasmid LB/AMP) AMP Broth With plasmid (+plasmid LB/AMP)

10 What do you expect Luria Broth no plasmid (-plasmid LB) Normal growth = lawn of bacteria Luria Broth With plasmid (+plasmid LB) Normal growth = lawn of bacteria AMP Broth No plasmid (-plasmid LB/AMP) NO growth, all killed AMP Broth With plasmid (+plasmid LB/AMP) Individual Colony growth of transformed resistant bacteria

11 Results

12 Sterile technique!! Don ’ t touch anything Lift Petri lid partially, pour/swab etc. Immediately reclose Open instruments and use immediately Do NOT touch working end Close quickly Incubate ndsᴉpǝ poʍu!!


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