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2 Homestead Planning. Planning Factors 1.Water Supply 2.Services 3.Fire Prevention 4.Security 5.Space.

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Presentation on theme: "2 Homestead Planning. Planning Factors 1.Water Supply 2.Services 3.Fire Prevention 4.Security 5.Space."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 Homestead Planning

2 Planning Factors 1.Water Supply 2.Services 3.Fire Prevention 4.Security 5.Space

3 Water Supply Most essential consideration Does it need to be developed? Account for present and future needs Quality?  If an adequate supply of good water is not available, find another location.

4 Services to consider 1. Road Access 2 entrances to farmstead Snow removal issues Install entrance gates at least 30-40 ft from public road Design parking to reduce congestion

5 Services 2. Utilities (Electricity, Phone, Gas) – Plan installation carefully, centralize – Plan for future growth – Consider underground line placement – Record underground lines in great detail

6 Fire Prevention Use fire resistant building materials Consider location of water hydrants Space buildings properly Keep grass and weeds mowed around buildings Keep shelter belts free of fallen branches

7 Security Homesteads & small acreages are vulnerable to theft, trespassing & arson. Maintain a clear view from house Evaluate location of fuel tanks and portable property Strategically place lighting Be able to secure entrances

8 Space Divide the homestead into 4 concentric rings or activity zones. 1.Family living 2.Machinery storage & service 3.Small animal buildings/nursery 4.Major livestock facilities

9 Family Living Mach. Storage & Service Small Animal Buildings/Nursery Major Livestock Facilities

10 Family Living House, lawn, play areas, garden, guest parking, drive  Operation center – vehicles, animals & materials  Short distance to frequent work areas  Make sure drainage is sloped away  Orient the house to enjoy beautiful view

11 Mach. Storage & Service Shop, work yard, equip. parking, fuel, chemical, and transformer pole. Isolate Fuel and chemicals to outer perimeter Need location for parking of mach. & stored snow Drainage must be away from building & parking areas

12 Small Animal Buildings/Nursery Maternity arns, grain & feed storage, feed processing equipment Be able to accommodate large bulk delivery vehicles Avoid overhead power lines where loaders are operating

13 k Major livestock facilities Feedlots, livestock & horse barns, manure storage, & pastures Furthest from house due to odors & flies Mngmt of waste important for you & your neighbors

14 Off-homestead factors: Proximity to town, highways and neighbors Dust & noise from gravel roads Conclusion: All considerations to Homestead planning become a compromise of priorities. It is always difficult to settle on the “one”best solution, but a good plan will add value to the real estate, provide functionality and meet most of your goals.

15 Contact Information Dave Ollila SDSU Extension Sheep Field Specialist Rapid City Regional Center 1530 Samco Road Rapid City, SD 57702 605-394-0224

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