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Checking for Understanding and Immediate Feedback.

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Presentation on theme: "Checking for Understanding and Immediate Feedback."— Presentation transcript:

1 Checking for Understanding and Immediate Feedback

2 A Vision for K-12 Students Today : A little inspiration…

3 How do you figure out each day which students do and do not understand the material you’ve taught? Your Experience

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5 Lessons that include effective use of formative assessment and checks for understanding… Would have 20 to 30 times as much positive impact on learning as the most popular current initiatives; Are about 10 times as cost-effective as reducing class size; Would add between 6 and 9 months of additional learning growth per year; Account for as much as 400 percent “speed of learning differences.” (Students would learn four times as fast as a result of its consistent use.) Wiliam, D. (2007) Content then process: Teacher learning communities in the service of formative assessment. In D. Reeves (Ed.) Ahead of the curve: The power of assessment to transform teaching and learning (pp. 182-204) Some Research

6 A Few Checking for Understanding Techniques Offline 1.Nonverbal Signals (dipsticking) 1.Accountable Talk (think, pair, share) 3. Conferring one-on-one (questioning) 4. Exit Ticket (summarizing and reflecting) Online 1.Polls (google forms) 2. Looking at Student Work Wordle Wallwisher Springnote 3.) Online Discussion (voice thread)

7 - one-question quiz - unison response - lots of questions on same concept to many students - verbal fill-in the blank sentences - short writing assignment - drawing a picture of… - fingers make math operation sign - which punctuation mark (. ! ?) - colored strips - individual white boards - clap anytime you hear a primary color SIGNALS NON- SIGNALS - thumbs up - hands on head if… - sign turned over - colored cups - red, yellow, green cards Self-Evaluation Direct Content Check DIPSTICKING

8 Dipsticking with strips: 2 colors Should I measure the area or perimeter? AREA PERIMETER 1.I want to figure out how much tape I’ll need to mark off a tennis court. 2.I want to put grass seed on my side lawn. 3.I need to buy a fence to contain my dog.

9 Dipsticking with strips: 3 colors To which branch of government do the following belong… legislative judicial executive <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><> Congress? Police? District court? Prison? FBI?

10 O Respond to Data Quickly Offline 1.Reteach using a different approach, order, or slower pace. 1.Reteach identifying students of concern (small group). 2.Student reteaches to another student. 4. Teacher or student shows multiple models or exemplars. *adapted from Doug Lemov’s Teach Like a Champion 2010 Online 1.Students watch online instructional videos (algebra lab). 1.Teacher provides links to other resources Online (writing support for analytical papers). 1.Teacher uses commenting tools to address misconception (google docs, voice threads, email).

11 Google forms is a great tool for looking at whole-class student data in order to: 1.assess understanding of the content. 2.receive feedback about how a lesson went and why. 3.take a quick poll of the class to plan next day’s instruction. 4.write answers to metacognition questions. 5.get to know your students. Example: Google Forms

12 1.Look at one of the four lessons in your module. 2.Identify a place where students might not understand the material in both the LAUNCH and the MODELING. 3.In your groups, answer the following questions: What are two ways you will check for understanding during these two activities and why would you do that? What would you do if many but not all of the students understood the material? What would you do if ½ of students understood the material? Practice Scenarios

13 1. ASCD Study Guide for Checking for Understanding Checking-for-Understanding@-Formative-Assessment-Techniques-for-Your-Classroom.aspx 2. CFU techniques for reading Checking-for-Understanding@-Formative-Assessment-Techniques-for-Your-Classroom.aspx 3. The Skillful Teacher (only in paperback version but valuable) 4. Dare to Differentiate (also on google site under Day 3) CFU Resources

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