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Nicholasville Downtown Master Plan City of Nicholasville Jessamine County Fiscal Court April 29, 2008.

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1 Nicholasville Downtown Master Plan City of Nicholasville Jessamine County Fiscal Court April 29, 2008

2 Nicholasville Downtown Master Plan  Purpose of the Master Plan:  Develop a “vision” for downtown Nicholasville  Support justification for future funding/grants  Build public buy-in and consensus for the “vision”  Promote economic growth within the downtown and community

3 Nicholasville Downtown Master Plan  Purpose of the Master Plan:  Encourage redevelopment and infill development  Preserve the historic character of the Downtown  Provide opportunities for mixed- use activities  Improve the physical and social character  Promote pedestrian accessible and public open space

4 Nicholasville Downtown Master Plan  Scope:  Base Map / GIS  Inventory & Analysis  Public Workshop / Public Consensus  Conceptual Studies  Recommendations  Short and Long Term Goals  Phasing Implementation

5 Nicholasville Downtown Master Plan  Planning Process:  Data Gathering  Inventory & Analysis  Public Workshop “Charrette” – Public Input  Opportunities & Constraints  Public Meeting – Community Input – “Heard - Ya”  Preliminary Master Plan  Refine Master Plan  Final Master Plan

6 Public Involvement Recap  Preference Selection  Downtown Parks  Community Center  Streetscape  Anchor  Parking Improvements  Infill/Redevelopment  Gateways

7 Master Plan Master Plan  Unique Themes to Nicholasville & Jessamine County  Palisades  Music: Bluegrass and Country  Wine Industry

8 Nicholasville Downtown Master Plan  Recommendations from public meetings  Sidewalk Improvements  Urban Parks  Greenways  Downtown Anchor  Parking Improvements

9 Nicholasville Downtown Master Plan  Street Trees  Lighting  Urban Parks  On Street Parking  Sidewalk Improvements Oak Street Walnut Street Maple Street Chestnut Street Main Street First StreetSecond Street York Street

10  Street Trees  Lighting  Urban Park  On Street Parking  Sidewalk Improvements Nicholasville Downtown Master Plan Main Street Walnut Street

11 Streetscape Master Plan

12 Typical View of Streetscape  New Sidewalks  Limestone Pavers  Street Trees  Tree Grates  Signage  Lighting  Underground Utilities

13 Recommendations  Community Center  Urban Parks  Wayfinding Signage  Parking Improvements  Infill/Redevelopment  Gateways  Greenways

14 Downtown Community Center

15 Music Park Main Street Oak Street

16 Vineyard Square Oak Street York Street

17 Palisades Park York Street Maple Street

18 Implementation Schedule  Short Term  Clean up “Bird’s Nest”  ADA improvements and Sidewalk clean up  Tree Replacement

19  Mid Term  Streetscape Block by Block  Gateways  Wayfinding Signage  Parking Improvements Implementation Schedule

20  Long Term  Community Center  Urban Parks  Infill/Redevelopment  Greenways Implementation Schedule

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