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3.5.1. boom town As pioneers moved west they set up boom towns along the way as they settled the land.

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Presentation on theme: "3.5.1. boom town As pioneers moved west they set up boom towns along the way as they settled the land."— Presentation transcript:

1 3.5.1

2 boom town As pioneers moved west they set up boom towns along the way as they settled the land.

3 boom town = a town that grows very quickly in a short period of time

4 grum - bled Mr. Grumble was not a happy character, he always grumbled about something in this book.

5 grumbled = complain or protest Grumbled is a great descriptive word to use instead of "said." Can you think of other words you can use instead of said?

6 tra - ders The town traders often exchanged goods and services.

7 traders = people who buy and sell things

8 blos - som - ed The sun flower blossomed in the field.

9 blossomed = grew or produced flowers

10 stage - coach The passengers shook side to side, as the stagecoach rushed over the rough road.

11 stagecoach = a four- wheeled vehicle, pulled by horses, used to transport mail and passengers in the past

12 side - walk The lazy cat slept on the sidewalk.

13 sidewalk = path at the side of the road Sidewalk is a compound word. Can you think of other compound words?

14 miners Miners are people who work under ground to get natural resources like coal, silver, and copper.

15 miners = a person who works under the earth to get minerals

16 wailed The baby wailed loudly for its mother.

17 wailed = loud cry

18 lone - some The lonesome cowboy was a common image in the wild west.

19 lonesome = alone or by himself Is lonesome a compound word?

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