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Published byMaude Watson Modified over 9 years ago
2004 Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction
The Course: 2 hour Advanced Accessibility Training Module Visit our website at: To be approved by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation as an advanced code course, a Department of Community Affairs certificate must be included with the application. accessibility2hr07
Advanced 2 hour Accessibility training module The Outline:
Accessible Route Definition , Scoping , Tech. Req. Parking- Scoping (5), F.S , Table (5), Tech Req., , Fig. 9(a)(b) Vertical Accessibility- F.S , New (5), Alterations , Elevators Toilet Rooms and Toilet Stalls- F.S (12), Scoping (6), New (11), Stalls , Toilet Rooms , Toilet Rooms Fig. 28, Clear floor Space, Fig. 28, Toilet stalls, Fig. 30, Florida Toilet Stalls, Fig. 30e Instructor Note: The Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction contains the ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) and also a number of requirements that are more stringent. These code requirements provide the basis for an accessible built environment in Florida. Without the proper construction and enforcement of FACBC (Chapter 11 of FBC) requirements, people with disabilities experience exclusion from education, work, transportation, recreation, social interaction and other major life activities that others take for granted. This loss of independence and opportunity are discriminatory in nature. This presentation provides some information that will help you understand how the code benefits the disability community.
Accessibility Chapter 11
Accessibility Requirements For The FLORIDA BUILDING CODE BASE MODEL CODE 2003 IBC, FBC 2004 with 05’,06’,& 07’Supplements New 2007 FBC (2006 IBC, Effective date Oct. 2008 Florida Accessibility Document, 1997 Edition, DOJ certified Building Volume, Chapter 11, Editorial Changes Plumbing Volume, No accessibility changes Residential Volume Accessibility referenced to Chapter 11 Existing Building Volume Accessibility referenced to Chapter 11 2004 U.S. Access Board Guidelines Not Implemented, Not Law Florida Law, Accessibility , Rule 9B-7, Florida Building Code,
Harmonized Accessibility Code, Standards, Guidelines
FBC Certified Accessibility Code-Chapter 11, Part A FBC Plumbing Code -Chapter 4 ANSI, A-117.1, 1986 Edition, Standards –Detectable Warnings Chap. 11 Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines-Chapter 11, Part B, Agency, HUD ASME A-17.1 Elevators Standards Chapter 30 –Agency, DBPR Educational Guidelines for Children, Chapter 4 –Agency, DOE Current Federal Guidelines Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines, HUD Guidelines/Standards for Public Spaces, Agency, FDOT UFAS - Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards 2004 U.S. Access Board Guidelines, NOT LAW
Equivalent Facilitation Section 11-2-2
Departure from the explicit technical and scoping requirements of this code for any element voids any otherwise applicable presumption of rebuttable evidence that the element has been constructed or altered in accordance with the minimum accessibility requirements of the ADA Departures from particular technical and scoping requirements of the Code that will provide substantially equivalent or greater access to and usability of the facility
Accessible Route Section 11-4.3
At least one accessible route within the boundary of the site shall be provided from public transportation stops, accessible parking, and accessible passenger loading zones, public streets or sidewalks. Width – General, 36” min. unless at doors 32”, at curb ramps, 44” min. Passing Space- If Access route is less than 60”, then 60”x60” at reasonable intervals not to exceed (nte) 200’. Headroom- General, 80” Surface Textures – General, Stable ,firm, slip-resistant Slope- General 1:20, > 1;20 considered a ramp at 1:12 Changes in Level- , up to ¼”w/o edge treatment, ¼” to ½” bevel with slope nte 1:2,>½” means of ramp,>3/4” Florida vertical access applies Doors- Min. clear opening of 32” with the door open 90 degrees Areas of Rescue Assistance-Exception, facilities having a supervised automatic sprinkler system Accessible routes to and from a facility are extremely important. When constructing a facility the design team, contractor and owner need to understand that their responsibility to build a compliant facility does not stop inside the building but goes beyond that. They are responsible for the outside access as well. In the design, the design team must look at providing an accessible route to and from the bus routes, sidewalks, accessible parking and other facilities. This may mean they have to correct deficiencies in a parking lot or the path of travel from the bus stop. Exercise – What is the only “Florida” exception in this section of the FACBC that is not part of the ADAAG? (Hint: Gray box text) Answer ( Exception) Time: min.
Entrances Section Entrances/Accessible Route: These elements shall be connected to public transportation stops, accessible parking, passenger loading zones, public streets or sidewalks. Minimum number: At Least 50% of all public entrances must be accessible. At least one must be a ground floor entrance. Signage: Entrances which are not accessible shall have directional signage to the location of the nearest accessible entrance
Ground & Floor Surfaces Section 11-4.5
Changes in Level Changes up to ¼ “ may be vertical and without edge treatment Figure 7c An often overlooked area are door sill treatments. Many details within building construction and design rely on what has been used in the past. The problem with that scenario is what has been done in the past may not be correct within the codes. In many areas marble sills are used at restrooms and those sills have an abrupt edge that is greater than ¼ inch with no treatment. Complete exercise and ask for other examples of changes in level. Example – marble sill at restroom Review Section (3) (a) (d) for exceptions to changes in level under alterations Exercise – for a restroom sill with an edge that is ½ inches or greater how long would the ramp be? Answer (6 inches minimum, see & ) Just because it is a past practice and has been done that way for years doesn’t mean it is correct. Time: 5 min.
Parking Section 11-4.6 Required Parking Spaces 11-4.1.2 (5)
Parking Location/Design Access Aisle Curb Ramps Accessible Route Passenger Loading Zones Signage
Accessible Parking Spaces Section 11-4.1.2(5)
Required minimum number 1 to = 1 26 to = 2 51 to = 3 76 to = 4 101 to 150 = 5 151 to 200 = 6 201 to 300 = 7 301 to 400 = 8 401 to 500 = 9 501 to 1000 –2% of total 1001 and over, 20 plus 1 for each 100 over 1000 In Florida, all accessible parking spaces are required to be 12 ft wide with an accompanying 5 ft. access aisle. Also, per the FACBC an accessible path of travel shall be provided from the parking space to the facility being served. Discuss the accessible path of travel. Example – 1100 space lot = 21 Accessible spaces (Disabled = Accessible parking spaces) Exercise – What is the required width of an accessible parking space within Florida Code ( )? Can spaces share an access aisle ( )? Answers (12 ft. wide plus a 5 ft. access aisle; yes, any two spaces can share a common access aisle) Review photos associated with slide and discuss observations. Review striping design details. Time: 5 min.
Accessible Route to Parking Section 11-4.3
Exterior accessible routes include parking access aisles, curb ramps. Location: Accessible parking spaces serving a particular building shall be located on the “shortest safely” (Statutory) accessible route All spaces must be located on an accessible route no less than 44” wide. See figure 9(A) and 9(B)
Parking Spaces/ Access Aisle Section 11-4.6 and related figures
Figure 9(b) Figure 9(a)
Non Compliant Parking Area
These parking spaces are non-compliant for the following reasons: Parking spaces are at an angle Accessible Parking Signs are posted too low No striping
Non compliant ramp & parking space
No curb cut at access Aisle
Compliant Parking Area
Parking spaces with 12 x 5 spaces in different applications (straight on and diagonal). Note signs (are they compliant). Also, the blue box and wheelchair on the ground isn’t by code, but it is shown here as in most applications it will be present. When measuring the width of the space and aisle where do you measure from? Review drawings on striping details. Compliant Parking Area
Curb Ramps at Parking Section 11-4.7
Curb ramps shall be provided wherever an accessible route crosses a curb. Curb ramps must be located outside of disabled parking spaces and access aisles Handrails are not required EXCEPTION: Curb ramps that are a part of a required means of egress shall be not less than 44” wide Maximum slope of flared sides shall be 1:12
Vertical Accessibility 553.509 F.S.
All Levels Above and Below Occupiable Grade, Florida Law Elevators (includes Limited Use, Limited Access (LULAS) Platform Lifts Code compliance or apply for waiver to Fl. specific issues. Exceptions to compliance Lube Pits Mechanical Rooms Projection Booths Certain Storage Unoccupiable Spaces Non-Public & Occupiable with 5 persons or less
Platform Lifts Section 11-4.11
If platform lifts are used, they shall comply with the following: controls and operating mechanisms shall be operable with one hand and shall not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist If platform lifts are used then they shall facilitate unassisted entry, operation, and exit from the lift Platform lifts to comply with, –Wheelchair turning space, Ground and floor requirements, Controls and operating mechanisms, and ASME A17.1 Safety Code for elevators and Escalators, Section XX 1990 Knowing the code is very important. Within the FACBC and ADAAG stair lifts shall provide unassisted entry. Discuss what happens when there are differences in the codes that govern (Health safety, fire code, etc): Exercise – All lifts in Florida are required to be key operated? T or F Answer (F, it was the elevator code previously, see ) (ASME A ) Time: 4 min.
Disproportionate Cost Section 11-4.1.6 (2)
Applies to Existing Buildings only Not to exceed 20% of the Cost of Alteration to the primary function area Priorities: Accessible Entrance Accessible Path of Travel Minimum of One Accessible Toilet Room for Each Sex Accessible Unisex Toilet Room shall be provided in accordance with the Plumbing Code, see Chapter 4, Table 403.1 Accessible Public Telephones Accessible Public Drinking Fountains
Ramps Section Figure 17 Handrails – 34” to 38” shall extend 18” at top and bottom. Any part of an accessible route with a slope greater than 1:20 shall be considered a ramp Landings: Not less than 60” clear
Section Ramps Compliant Level Ramp - Handrails
Ramp Handrails Non compliant – no extension
Ramp has noncompliant handrail for the following reasons: Pipe outside diameter is greater than 1 ½ inches and there is no extension at the bottom of the sloped surface ( and )
Ramp Handrails Non compliant
This handrail design does not meet the requirements for extension and has an open end ( and )
Ramp Handrails Correct Extension Non compliant Handrails. Rails
The handrails installed in this project do not project out the required 18 inches beyond the ramp. Non compliant Handrails. Rails Do not extend 18” beyond ramp.
Stairs with compliant handrails
Ramps Section The maximum slope of a ramp in new construction shall be 1:12 Figure 16
Toilet Stalls – Toilet Rooms Section 11-4.17 – 11-4.22
The 2004 FBC Building Code, Chapter 11 Toilet Stalls Specific Criteria Toilet Rooms Protruding Objects Reach range Additional related technical requirements for these Sections The 2004 FBC Plumbing Code, Chapter 4
Toilet Stalls Section 11-4.17
The “Florida accessible stall”: New construction shall contain a lavatory that complies with the Code. The lavatory shall be mounted so as not to overlap the clear floor space areas required. Doors: Shall not swing into the clear floor space of any fixture. Discuss the Florida Stall guidelines and how they differ from ADAAG. Review and thoroughly discuss figure 30e. In new construction a lavatory shall be provided within the accessible toilet stall. See Figure 30a for the required clear floor space for the water closet. The water closet shall be located in the corner diagonal to the door. The toilet stall door shall not swing into the required clear floor space for any fixture. Flush control shall comply with Section Note distinction between new construction and alteration requirements. Please note, that accessible stall designs may vary in size and dimension – the key is that the configuration and application meets each of the requirements within FBC. Exercise – What is the minimum clear space between the WC wall and the inside edge of the lavatory? Answer (60 inches minimum, see figure 30e & ) Time: min.
Toilet Stalls Section 11-4.17
Figure 30e Adopted by Rule 9B-7
Toilet Stalls – Grab Bars Section 11-4.17.6
Figure 30(c) Rear wall of Standard Stall Figure 30(d) Side Walls
Toilet Stalls Section 11-4.17
Figure 30b Alternate Stall
Water Closets Section 11-4.16
Water closet design, not in stalls. See Section on Toilet Rooms Figure 28 What are two of the most common design flaws and installation errors in restrooms? 1) Installing an accessible water closet above or below the minimum seat height guidelines of inches. 2) Installing the door so that it swings into the clear floor space. Get students familiar with clear floor spaces at the accessible water closet. Time: 5 min.
Water Closets Section 11-4.16
Flush valve is on wide side of the accessible water closet Grab bars required Figure 29a
Water Closets Section 11-4.16
Height of accessible water closets shall be 17” to 19” measured to the top of the toilet seat. Figure 29(b)
Toilet Room
Toilet Room
Toilet Room
Urinal 11-4.18 l Floor to rim 17” Max. NTE 44”
The urinal on the right is the accessible unit meeting the guidelines in The rim is a maximum of 17 inches from the finished floor.
Space Allowance and Reach Ranges Section 11-4.2
Minimum clear width for wheelchair passage -32”at a point, 36” continuously. Minimum for two wheelchair passage 60” Forward reach maximum 48”high, 15” low. See figure 5(b) Side Reach- Shall be 54”, and low side reach shall be no less than 9”. See figure 6(c). Side and forward reach is not always as simple as 54 inches side and 48 inches forward. The exercise presented will get that point across. Exercise- what is the maximum height reach range for an object attached to a wall that is immediately over a counter that is inches deep? (refer to figures 5a, 5b, 6b, 6c) Answer (44 inches high maximum) Time: min.
Space Allowance and Reach Ranges Section 11-4.2
Side Reach maximum Figure 6(b)
Space Allowance and Reach Ranges Section 11-4.2
Front reach maximum Figure 5(a)
Handrails, Grab Bars Section 11-4.26
Figure 39a Figure 39b Figure 39c
Lavatories & Mirrors Section 11-4.19
Lavatories shall be mounted with the rim or counter surface no higher than 34”above the finished floor Provide a clearance of at least 29”above the finished floor to the bottom of the apron. See Figure 31 Clear floor space- 30” by 48”shall be provided in front of lavatory When designing the lavatory, especially if it is a vanity, have the contractors coordinate the finished product. If the counter and base cabinet are designed to be 34 inches high and the bowl used (rimmed lavatory) is a ½ inch high then the unit will be off by ½ inch. Have the plumber speak with the cabinet people or have the architect design the shop drawings to account for a drop in bowl when it is used. The lavatory height will impact the apron height. Have the class look at the differences in sinks and lavatories. What is one of the major differences (apron height)? Exercise – Compare lavatories to sinks (4.24) and look specifically at apron height Time: 5 min.
Lavatories & Mirrors Section 11-4.19
Figure 31
Toilet Stall 18” from wall to centerline of WC; Minimum 42” from centerline of WC to edge of lavatory Toilet stall compliant with Florida accessible stall requirements. From the water closet wall to the inside edge of lavatory there is at least 60 inches of clear floor space. Mirror reflecting surface is a maximum of 40 inches above finished floor, insulated pipes and trap and water closet seat is within guidelines of 17 – 19 inches from top of seat to finished floor.
Lavatories & Mirrors Section 11-4.19
Hot water and drain pipes under lavatories shall be insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact Note: Many people with disabilities lack feeling in their lower extremities, and insulation protects them against potential cuts or burns.
Lavatories, Mirrors & Controls Section 11-4.19, Section 11-4.27
Mirrors – bottom edge of reflective surface no higher than 40 “ Faucets shall comply with the Code and shall require no more than 5 lb.ft. to operate
Section Sinks Sink Pipes Wrapped/ Insulated
End of Module
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