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Workshop for Setting Regional and National Road Traffic Causality Reduction Targets in the ESCWA Region 16-17June, 2009 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop for Setting Regional and National Road Traffic Causality Reduction Targets in the ESCWA Region 16-17June, 2009 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop for Setting Regional and National Road Traffic Causality Reduction Targets in the ESCWA Region 16-17June, 2009 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Nathalie Pereira – Road Safety Project Manager: Switzerland – International Road Federation (IRF) Developing a Road Safety Master Plan: The City of Tshwane

2 WHO IS IRF World forum advocating better and safer roads Stakeholders are responsible Five pillars of IRF o Road Safety o Environment o Road Finance o Education o ITS Statistics

3 City of Tshwane - Improving road safety in low-income communities where relevant information is not available Principle of Batho Pele ("putting people first")!

4 2,27 million residents Area 3200 km 2 Length = 65 km Width = 55km

5 Road traffic collisions kill nearly 1.2 million people worldwide every year, and injure millions more.

6 CHALLENGES 401 fatalities in 2002 in the city or 181 per million population  1 fatality per day 38% of fatalities – pedestrians High incidence in poorer communities – suffer disproportionately Communities living along main roads Limited traffic information Host City 2010 FIFA World Cup – improve road safety

7 ADDRESSING CHALLENGES Developed a “Safer City Policy” which included: The improvement of safety through Crime Prevention, Road Policing and By-law Policing The development and implementation of Road Safety Master Plans

8 ROAD SAFETY MASTER PLAN Set goals and objectives for master plan Use available accident data and develop systems where not available Utilize information within communities Focus on vulnerable groups Integrate engineering, enforcement, education, awareness and evaluation Set targets and goals to reduce fatalities

9 ROAD SAFETY MASTER PLAN Set goals and objectives for master plan Use available accident data and develop systems where not available Utilize information within communities Focus on vulnerable groups Integrate engineering, enforcement, education, awareness and evaluation Set targets and goals to reduce fatalities

10 ROAD SAFETY MASTER PLAN Set goals and objectives for master plan Use available accident data and develop systems where not available Utilize information within communities Focus on vulnerable groups Integrate engineering, enforcement, education, awareness and evaluation Set targets and goals to reduce fatalities

11 ROAD SAFETY MASTER PLAN Set goals and objectives for master plan Use available accident data and develop systems where not available Utilize information within communities Focus on vulnerable groups Integrate engineering, enforcement, education, awareness and evaluation Set targets and goals to reduce fatalities


13 TECHNICAL ASSESMENT EX. Marishane Street (P1252) FINDINGS: 1.No road signage 2.No speed restriction signs and road markings 3.No sidewalks for pedestrians and scholars 4.Obstruction on sidewalk REMEDIAL MEASURES: 1.Provide required road signage along the street 2.Provide speed restriction signage and road markings 3.Provide sidewalk for pedestrians / scholars 4.Remove obstruction on sidewalk

14 TYPICAL MEASURES Typical engineering measures include: Roundabouts and smaller mini circles Speed humps and raised pedestrian crossings Public transport facilities (bus and taxi lay-bys) Walkways Road signage and markings Separation of pedestrians and high speed vehicles (pedestrian bridges)



17 Highly successful process Sustainable 21% reduction in fatal accidents Serious and slight accidents and injuries were also reduced Reduction in fatalities and serious injuries among youth (age 6 – 20) due to educational campaigns at school and engineering measures at school Reduction in fatalities in the age group 21 to 25 due to law enforcement campaigns (speeding & drinking) at key venues Guidelines for the development of road safety master plans have been produced

18 CONCLUSIONS Essential to have a clear policy and strategy to reduce fatalities and serious injuries with goals and objectives Road Safety Master Plans is an effective tool to prepare implementation plan Information within communities can be very valuable in identifying Hazlocks (black spots) It must be verified through road safety assessments / audits Targets must be set and measured on a quarterly basis It is essential to incorporate enforcement, education and awareness programmes into the master plans


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