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 Statistics  Story Time / Read Aloud  Alphabet Knowledge  Text Examples › How do I get my child to a level 6? › How do I move my child beyond a level.

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Presentation on theme: " Statistics  Story Time / Read Aloud  Alphabet Knowledge  Text Examples › How do I get my child to a level 6? › How do I move my child beyond a level."— Presentation transcript:


2  Statistics  Story Time / Read Aloud  Alphabet Knowledge  Text Examples › How do I get my child to a level 6? › How do I move my child beyond a level 6?  Math Concepts  At Home Ideas

3  Multiple scientific studies show that children who get a slow start in learning to read are not simply experiencing a developmental lag, but are unlikely to catch up. (Hall 2006)  If a child is struggling to read on level in first grade, there is an 88% chance that child will struggle in fourth grade. (Juel 1988)  74% of struggling fourth grade readers will continue to struggle in ninth grade. (Francis 1996)

4  Reading aloud to your child is one of the single most important factors for building critical concepts about reading. › Reading aloud bridges the gap between how we write and how we speak. › Reading aloud introduces your child to new ideas and vocabulary. › Reading aloud builds a lifetime love of reading.

5  Letter knowledge is the foundation for reading and writing.  ABC Chart Chant

6 a a_e ai ay e e_e ee ea _y ie i i_e ie igh _y o o_e oa ow oe u u_e ue ew

7  A level 6 has › A little repetition of the text › Unknown words are decodable › Usually 2-4 lines of text  Skills for a level 6 › Beginning and ending consonant sounds › Double final consonants › Short vowels › Two letter clusters › Endings › Contractions with ‘s

8  Sight words  Word work › Blends.flp Blends.flp

9  Sight words  Word work  Reading strategies


11  Sight words  Word work  Reading strategies  Comprehension

12 Retelling Hand

13  First grade sight words  Word work › ea.flp ea.flp

14  First grade sight words  Word work  Reading strategies


16  First grade sight words  Word work  Reading strategies  Comprehension › Making connections › Identifying favorite part and why

17  A level 18 has › Fewer pictures › Large amount of dialogue › Introduction of 2 nd grade sight words › Focus is on comprehension and fluency › Amount of information needed when retelling increases  Skills for a level 18 › Apply skills to decode larger words › Base words and endings › Words with multiple syllables › Recognize a large amount of sight words

18  Recognize ½ and ¼ shape  Identify, name and describe 2 and 3 dimensional shapes  Read, write, and compare numbers less than 100  Skip count by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s  Addition to 20  Subtraction within 20  Telling time to nearest hour and half hour  Count money to the value of one dollar  Graphing using bar and picture graphs  Numbers to 40 – use tens and ones, compare, 10 more and 10 less  Multiplication – use manipulatives, pictures and repeated addition to solve multiplication problems to 40  Division – use manipulatives, pictures and repeated subtraction to solve division problems

19  Making words › Pull down letters fast › Mix and make sight words and spelling words › Make and write sight words and spelling words › Shaving cream or pudding › Salt, kool-aid, or sand › Sidewalk chalk

20  Writing › Journals › Grocery lists › Story writing  Sight words › 1 minute drills › Flash cards  Math › Identify coins › Count change › Sort and order coins › Add or subtract objects around the house › Tell time at home › Sidewalk chalk

21  Websites › Apples for the Teacher Apples for the Teacher › Game Goo Game Goo › Soft Schools Soft Schools › Starfall Starfall › Gamequarium Gamequarium › Spelling City Spelling City

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