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INCOSE Certification of Systems Engineers
Certification Program Briefing for Chapters CB0102 Karl C. Geist, CSEP 28 September 2005 This brief is intended for use in briefing INCOSE chapters and other groups interested in the status of the INCOSE Certification Program. It is recommended that a member of the INCOSE Certification Program Office CAG (Certification Advisory Group) present this brief in order to more accurately answer questions. This briefing is best shown in slide show format to focus the viewers attention to the speaker’s message. Some of the charts may be eliminated if a shorter briefing is desired. A note to this effect will be included in the speaker’s notes as to good candidates for elimination.
Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) Requirements
Table of Contents Background Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) Requirements Certification Program Features Program Status Communications This Briefing Agenda is a result of the work completed at the INCOSE 2005 International Symposium in Rochester, NY from 9-15 July. The contents are a brief synopsis of each topic area. Additional information is available from INCOSE and is sighted later in the brief. The Background emphasizes salient points of the Program’s history and reasons why the Program was established for the audience’s basic understanding.
What is Certification? Certification is an occupational designation issued by an organization that provides confirmation of an individual's qualifications (specific knowledge and/or skill level) in a specified profession or occupational specialty. Certification is voluntary. That means it is neither a barrier nor a gate to entering or exiting a job. However, it may be used as a qualifier in placement. The definition of Certification is important for the understanding of the topic. Certification is not a license which is a government granted permission to practice a skill within the government’s boundaries. A certificate is a document that confirms successfully completing a training or education program.
Certification – an Instrument for Realizing INCOSE Strategic Goals
Influence – increase awareness among SE professionals, employers, and educators Advance – promulgate today’s “State of the Art” to broaden the foundation for advancement Growth – certification should improve INCOSE membership retention and stimulate growth Certification provides a focus for many of the products that INCOSE produces. The impact of certification across INCOSE is becoming pervasive. The INCOSE Certification Program provides a formal method for recognizing a basic level of knowledge and experience of systems engineers for certification. This chart can be eliminated if pressed for time.
INCOSE Top Five Priorities
Complete the classification of all existing INCOSE products and make them available to members on web. Implement the Guide to the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge and populate it. Complete the INCOSE Technical Vision on the future of Systems Engineering. Revise the Systems Engineering Handbook, Version 3. Implement the Systems Engineering Certification Program INCOSE has established a number of goals for the organization. These are the top five or most important, but have not been specifically prioritized. The Certification Program is one of them. This chart can be eliminated if pressed for time.
Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) Requirements
Table of Contents Background Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) Requirements Certification Program Features Program Status Communications This section delineates the requirements of the Certification Program.
Requirements for Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP)*
SE Experience - 5 years minimum in multiple SE disciplines 2. Education – Bachelor’s degree/equivalent in technical field (Additional experience must be substituted for non-technical degree) 5 more years of engineering for non-technical Bachelor’s (total 10 years) 10 more years of engineering if no Bachelor’s degree (total 15 years) 3. Recommendations from at least 3 Colleagues/Peers/Managers who are knowledgeable in Systems Engineering Pass Certification Exam * Application and Fee Submittals Required Application requires copy of degree transcript or diploma Application fee is $400 – discounted to $300 for INCOSE members Test fee is $80 payable to Testing organization when scheduling exam Explain this chart slowly. Emphasize minimum 5 years of SE Experience. Explain degree variation effect on experience requirement. Point out reference details. On the application submittal, remind them that they must submit a COPY of their degree, transcript, or diploma. They can scan these in to electronic form for submittal. Warn them not to submit an actual diploma because we will not send it back. Note INCOSE cost advantage, and test payment is made at time of test. Be sure to emphasize INCOSE membership is not a requirement. INCOSE membership not required to participate in program
Certification Process Diagram
Application Development 1. Verifiable Education 2. Verifiable Experience 3. Applicant’s Advocates (three references knowledgeable about SE) INCOSE Application Center Evaluation $ Completed And Fee Pay test fee Take Cert Exam (Prometrics Test Center) Notify Applicant Two weeks ISO 15288 INCOSE SE Handbook Version 2a Study Pass 3 year Certification Walk the Class through the certification process – Talk to one Process Section at a time Process Section 1 - Develop Application Documented Systems Engineering experience (Specialize resume for SE experience) Applicants Education (Transcript of degree) Applicants’ Advocates recommendation (Choose carefully, and wisely, and find people who can communication your experience and qualifications) Payment to INCOSE Process Section 2 INCOSE reviews Application and notifies applicant of its status Application approval Provides applicant with test numbers Provides testing information Application disapproval What if the application is not accepted? – There is an appeal process! (Breifly describe) The applicant will be notified as to what areas need additional information, proof or may result in finding additional advocates. Process Section 3 Studying current INCOSE Handbook and ISO for the exam when application is approved (Confirm correct version of Handbook) Process Section 4 Schedule appointment with the Prometrics test centers, pay, and take the exam (Approximately 2 hours) Pass/Fail Notification of the Exam will be immediate Process Section 5 INCOSE will send the successful candidate their certificate and CSEP card – good for 3 years Process Section 6 Once the candidate has been awarded CSEP status – they must start accumulating PDUs for certification renewal within the 3-year period. Mention that areas that of preparation course should provide assistance for filing Application and studying for Certification Exam Four to six weeks Applicant’s own pace Applicant has up to one year to pass the test (three tries 3 months apart). Test is scheduled directly with Thompson-Prometrics. Timeline
SE Disciplines Qualifying for SE Experience
Requirements Engineering Risk and Opportunity Management Baseline Control Technical Planning Technical Effort Assessment Design Development Qualification, Verification, and Validation Process Definition Tool Support Training System Integration Quality Assurance Specialty Engineering Do not attempt to address each item on this list. Just mention that these 13 areas are taken directly from the handbook, and give broad coverage to all aspects of SE. Also note the application contains another area called “Other”. This permits the applicants to explain their experience in an area that they can not fit into one of the other areas. Also remind them that a minimum of three of these areas must be included in the applicant’s experience.
Exam Information Exam is based on current INCOSE SE Handbook Version 2A which is available on INCOSE web site Exam cost is $80 per exam Current exam is 120 questions (98 scored, 22 Beta questions) Current exam is 2 hours in length Pass/Fail results provided immediately upon exam completion Candidates eligible for two re-tests within the year SE Handbook version 3 is in development. Expected release is in 2006 Exam will be updated for SE Handbook Version 3 Explain this chart slowly. Be sure to mention the SE Handbook is downloadable free to INCOSE members. Also explain each candidate can take the exam up to three time in order to pass, however they must be at least 3 months apart, and all 3 exams must be taken within the maximum 1 year application/certification process. The applicant must also pay for each exam at the time it is taken. Also note as the INCOSE SE Handbook is updated, the exam will be updated to match its contents.
Exam Question Format with Sample Content
Which three of the following are methods to express functional behavior? (Choose three) Allocated requirement diagram Functional flow diagram Behavior diagram Integrated definition for functional modeling (IDEF) diagram Network Tree This question IS NOT from the INCOSE Certification Exam. The format and content are similar (based on SEHv2a), however it was created by CSM and Thompson-Prometrics, and is used with permission. These examples are similar to examples provided in a Certification Preparation Program. These are not actual exam questions. But they have been formulated from material in the INCOSE Handbook Version 2a (SEHv2a). They were composed by people who generated the actual exam questions to reflect the format, depth, and content of the exam. Pose this as a question, and get audience responses. Emphasis the format and style of the question and the number and choices of the answers.
Exam Question Format with Sample Content
Which three of the following are methods to express functional behavior? (Choose three) Allocated requirement diagram Functional flow diagram Pgs Behavior diagram Pg 125, ¶ last Integrated definition for functional modeling (IDEF) diagram Pg 127, ¶ 1 Network Tree This question IS NOT from the INCOSE Certification Exam. The format and content are similar (based on SEHv2a), however it was created by CSM and Thompson-Prometrics, and is used with permission. The correct answers are emphasized in red. Answer B was changed from “functional flow block diagram” to “functional flow diagram” to be consistent with SEHv2a (which uses mostly “functional flow diagram,” but occasionally uses “functional block diagram.” Answer C is specifically called out in SEHv2a. Answer D was changed from “narrative description” to “IDEF” again to match SEHv2a. Answers = B, C, D NOTE: The triple line was inserted to alert the instructor that the NEXT mouse click will highlight the answer.
Exam Question Format with Sample Content
Which are three justifications for Configuration Management? (Choose three) Facilitates communication Encourages changes Prevents changes Forces comprehensive change evaluation Maintain control over requirements This question IS NOT from the INCOSE Certification Exam. The format and content are similar (based on SEHv2a), however it was created by CSM and Thompson-Prometrics, and is used with permission. Again, these examples are similar to examples provided in a Certification Preparation Program. These are not actual exam questions. But they have been formulated from material in the INCOSE Handbook Version 2a (SEHv2a). They were composed by people who generated the actual exam questions to reflect the format, depth, and content of the exam. Pose this as a question, and get audience responses. Emphasis the format and style of the question and the number and choices of the answers.
Exam Question Format with Sample Content
Which are three justifications for Configuration Management? (Choose three) Facilitates communication Pg 48, ¶ 1 Encourages changes Prevents changes Forces comprehensive change evaluation Pg 48,¶ 1 Maintain control over requirements Pg 46, ¶2 This question IS NOT from the INCOSE Certification Exam. The format and content are similar (based on SEHv2a), however it was created by CSM and Thompson-Prometrics, and is used with permission. The correct answers are emphasized in red. Answers A and D are specifically called out in SEHv2a. Answer E was changed from “facilitates system integrity” to “maintains control over baseline” to match text in SEHv2a. The term “system integrity” is not used in SEHv2a. Answers = A, D, E
Requirements for CSEP 3-Year Renewal*
Continuing Education during Prior 3 Years PDUs * Renewal Application and Fee Submittals Must be submitted before current certification period ends Continuing education log submittal required Renewal Fee is $100 – discounted to $50 for INCOSE members Let them know that there is a prescribed log form online that can be downloaded for recording their continuing education. Highlight that they must initiate the renewal process prior to their existing Certification Expiration date. Again, point out INCOSE Membership is not required, however it does provide a cost savings. INCOSE membership not required to participate in program
Continuing Education Credits for Certification Renewal
Education Activity Credit 1 College or unit semester hour 45 PDU 1 College or unit quarter hour 30 PDU 1 Continuing Education Unit (CEU) 10 PDU 1 Professional Development Hour (PDH) 1 PDU 1 hour of teaching of professional development coursework. Teaching credit is awarded for teaching a course/seminar for the first time only. Not applicable to full-time faculty. 2 PDU Authoring published papers, articles or books in any area relevant to practice 1 hour of participation in professional and technical society working groups/management Patents 1 hour of professional development in coursework, seminars, or professional or technical presentation made at meetings, conventions, conferences, or exam preparation Highlight that this is the current draft of the PDU table. The final breakout may be different as the differences between “American” and “Global” education requirements are considered, and evaluated. Point out this is a three year requirement, and that as many as 30 PDUs may be carried forward.
Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) Requirements
Table of Contents Background Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) Requirements Certification Program Features Program Status Communications This section outlines the Certification Program intent, organization, and roles and responsibilities.
Certification Program Features
Certification Program Scope Initially only one level: Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) “Foundation Level” Advanced and Specialty area levels of certification may be added later Certification Program Operations Administration Provide candidates with appropriate test ID numbers Implement procedures for handling applications Handle applications for certifications and renewals Act as focal point for communications and coordination Management INCOSE BOD provides funding approval and Program oversight Certification Advisory Group (CAG) establishes policy and provides oversight to the Program Program Manager implements policy/procedures, manages operations, reviews and approves applications Certification Application Reviewers (CARs) are a pool of CSEPs to review candidate qualifications Emphasis this is a “Foundation Level” certification. Highlight Certification Program Advance and Specialty area Levels may be added as separate Certifications. Operations consists of both Administration tasking, and Management tasking. Management tasking is divided between the BOD and various parts of the Certification Program Office. Back-up Slides offer more details about the Organization, PM, CAG and CARs. Slides were taken out for a more generalized audience.
Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) Requirements
Table of Contents Background Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) Requirements Certification Program Features Program Status Communications This section provides the historical milestones associated with the Program, and their status.
Certification Program Milestones
Certification Program Development Authorized by BOD - IS 02 Certification Exam Beta Tested – IS 03 Certification Program Operational Plan Approved by BOD – IS 04 Initial CAG and Acting Program Manager Appointed – September 2004 Initial CSEPs Awarded – IW 05 Certification Program Available to Public via INCOSE Web Page – March 2005 If time limited, say that we begin to develop the program in 2002 and that it is now available to the public. Explain IS means International Symposium and IW means International Workshop.
Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) Requirements
Table of Contents Background Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) Requirements Certification Program Features Program Status Communications This sections provides an overview of the Program Communications.
Where Do I Find More Information?
INCOSE Certification Web Area at Introduction and Overview Briefing Certification Requirements Certification Renewal Requirements Certification Fees Online Payment Certification Exam Continuing Education Experience Applicable to Certification Colleagues/Peers Used for References Certification Forms Ethics Statement Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs - 47) Possible Future Levels of Certification Certification Reconsideration Appeal Certified Systems Engineering Professionals (53) This describes the various sections of the Certification Website. Point out the website address, and briefly cover the sections. This chart can be synopsized to just the web address, if short on time.
How Long Will It Take Me to Become Certified?
There is no one answer. Much depends on the applicant. Time Applicant Downloads information from INCOSE web page Collects information Fills out and submits forms via Pays fee on-line ?????? Applicant Schedules exam with test organization Takes exam at test site Receives results immediately Schedules another exam if needed ?????? References submit recommendations via to INCOSE. Applicant submits missing material. ?????? INCOSE Receives application & fee Checks completeness of submittal Requests recommendations from references identified by applicant Notifies applicant by that application was received and is complete or has missing material 2 weeks INCOSE Receives recommendations from references and missing information Evaluates education and experience Notifies applicant of evaluation results. If minimum requirements are met, authorizes exam 1 month INCOSE sends CSEP certificate via postal mail to applicant 2 weeks Go through this slide very slowly. Emphasize that the applicant is the main pacer for most parts of the certification process, and thus the length of the process. INCOSE involvement for processing is restricted by procedure to approximately 2 months. Note: We will collect metrics to establish a better historical estimate. Note: We will collect metrics to establish a better historical estimate.
Program Change Considerations
Selection of a Permanent Program Manager Online Submission of Applications and Renewals Update Exam After SE Handbook Version 3 is Introduced Review of Exam Training Programs Courseware Knowledge Providers (List or Recommendations) Internationalize the Program (Multiple Languages) Multiple Levels of Certification Systems Engineering Management Systems Engineering Specialist Systems Engineering Enterprise Processes Systems Engineering Fellow These are highlights just let them know that these are possible topics for future changes. For future certification distinctions: SE Management extrapolates the breadth of the CSEP into job roles with increased responsibility and demand for leadership abilities, personnel and resource management skills, and systems engineering process expertise. SE Specialist recognizes in-depth knowledge and focused experience in engineering specialty areas. Actual subjects for speciality certifications will be allowed to emerge based on developments in the discipline and the INCOSE organization. Some possible subjects are Requirements Engineering, Systems Analysis, Modelling and Simulation,Verification & Validation, Reliability Engineering, Systems Integration, Architectural Framework. SE Enterprise Processes recognizes the unique capabilities of those whose job role is dedicated to developing systems engineering processes for an enterprise to use in product development. The SE Fellow recognizes senior systems engineers who have the added responsibility of directing the technical effort on a program, providing guidance on setting up and executing all program systems engineering processes, or acting as a systems engineering advisor to multiple programs.
Questions? This is more important if all questions are held to the end to help control brief timing, instead of interaction through the briefing.
Back-up Slides These slides may provide some additional program background and details, and are included to help answer questions. It is not recommended that these be included as part of the normal brief.
CSEP Projected Potential Impact
PMP Experience INCOSE Opportunity* Slide shows PMI’s success over the past 11 years, dating back to 1994. Early success was limited due to gating factors: volunteer staffing, long application review cycles, limited advertising, lack of proven value propositions. The very factors INCOSE is presently facing with respect to the Certification Program, which is why we feel this is a valuable comparison. Recent success based on: Full-time employees Reduced application approval times <11 days Word of mouth advertising Value propositions (business now require PMP certification) These are consideration the INCOSE Certification Program will need to consider to reach the projected value and impact. It is not recommended that this slide be included as part of the normal brief. * Based on historical data provided by PMI, the number of PMP’s today exceeds more than 116,000 or 78% of total members. ASE/CSM’s CSEP forecast using current market indicators suggests similar success!
Certification Organization
Board of Directors Corporate Advisory Board Member Board Technical Board IV&V Handbook WG Inputs Admin Support Test Support Certification Office Program Manager (PM) Certification Advisory Group (CAG) Certification Application Reviewers (CAR) Just visually point to the two parts of the Certification Program. On the right, the Certification Program Office, and to its right the Administrative Support. Briefly mention the various interfaces and their relationships. It is not recommended that this slide be included as part of the normal brief.
Program Manager Establishes and Operates Program Office
Primary Interface with all INCOSE BOD/Support Contracted by INCOSE BOD to 2-year Renewable Term Based on Recommendation of CAG Establishes Program Procedures Develops Program Budget for INCOSE Approval Ensures Satisfactory Interfaces and Services to All Clients of the Certification Program Publicizes and Markets the Certification Program Monitors, Measures, and Reports on the Effectiveness of the Certification Process Maintains Records of All Certification Activities Highlight the various Program Manager responsibilities. Do not dwell on the individual duties. Just say that this chart summarizes the duties of the PM. This chart can be dropped if short on time. It is not recommended that this slide be included as part of the normal brief.
Certification Advisory Group (CAG)
Provides INCOSE Oversight to Certification Program Office Represents INCOSE perspective and interests 9 Members appointed by BOD for 3 year terms (staggered, limited to six consecutive years of service) Chair elected on annual basis by CAG members Establishes Certification Program Policy Identifies Qualified PM Candidates and Provides Recommendation to BOD for Appointment Evaluates and Reports Program Manager Performance to INCOSE BOD Monitors Program Metrics Provides Appeal Process for Contested Decisions Oversees Certification Examination Content Highlight the various Certification Advisory Group (CAG) responsibilities. Do not dwell on the individual duties. Just say that this chart summarizes the duties of the CAG who are appointed by the BOD for three year terms. Also mention there are 3 sets of rotating terms, 1, 2, and 3 year terms initially. This chart can be dropped if short on time. It is not recommended that this slide be included as part of the normal brief.
Certification Application Reviewers (CARs)
Pool of CSEPs available for evaluation of applicants’ technical credentials Applications assigned by PM to groups of CARs for review (min of 3 per application) Pool established by CAG based on following criteria INCOSE member in good standing Current CSEP status At least 20 years of engineering experience At least 10 years of systems engineering experience Some experience in hiring/managing engineering /technical personnel is desired, but not required. Initial pool appointed by BOD Additional CARs selected by CAG Highlight the various CAR responsibilities. Do not dwell on the individual duties. Just say that this chart summarizes the duties of the CARs. Mention the minimum of 3 CARs review each application for certification. Touch on the qualifications to be a CAR, in case anyone is interested. Tell them, if interested in becoming a CAR, to include at least 20 years of experience including at least 10 years of SE experience in their applications for CSEP, because that provides us the information on whether to consider them. This chart can be dropped if short on time. It is not recommended that this slide be included as part of the normal brief.
Example Commercial Knowledge Provider’s Prep course – ASE/CSM
The 3-part program is $1,050. The course includes our 1-day application workshop (free) and includes: Application Workshop 2-day Handbook Review complete with pre and post test exams with exam questions included in each module Course materials Study Guide INCOSE Handbook Thompson Prometric Exam Fee Follow-up and Coaching after the exam Our guarantee! Clients can recycle through the program up to 3 times without additional charge The $80 exam fee is refundable upon receipt of a self mailer, (currently in production), which is handed out during the Handbook review sessions. The mailer will include questions regarding our program, and applicant’s experience taking the exam. This is provided to demonstrate that Certification Preparation Courses and Programs are available at varying costs. Highlight that there are various courses and programs offered from various other sources. This is just one example which has had the inclusion of both actual Certification preparers, and CAG/CARs member as part of the quality assurance team who reviewed and approved the course. It is not recommended that this slide be included as part of the normal brief.
Example INCOSE Knowledge Provider’s Prep Course – HRA Chapter
Who: INCOSE Hampton Roads Area Chapter – The George Washington University What: Seminar on the Systems Engineering Handbook In Preparation for SE Certification For those individuals interested in taking the INCOSE Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) exam When: Tuesday November 8, AM to 7 PM, and Wednesday November 9, AM to 5 PM Concept: This Seminar will complement Systems Engineers' preparation for the SE Certification Examination by providing an overview of the each chapter of the INCOSE System Engineering Handbook (Ver. 2a) in a study group format. The program will consist of two days covering the Management and Technical Sections of the Handbook. The Management Sections (day 1) are chapters Chapters 8-12 are the Technical Sections (day 2). Location: Hampton Roads Area - INCOSE Chapter, at the Virginia Advanced Shipbuilding and Carrier Innovation Center (VASCIC), 241 West Avenue, Newport News VA, 23607 Cost: Free for INCOSE Members $50 for non members to cover lunch, etc. Program Agenda: Day 1 – Tuesday Day 2 - Wednesday Time Time 8-9 Keynote Speaker - Dr. Forsberg Technical Chapters 9-12 Management Chapters Lunch - Included in Cost 12-1 Lunch - included in cost Technical Chapters 1-6 Management Chapters 6-7 How to Apply for Certification (Dr. Forsberg) 6-7 Virtual Technical Reviews (Bill Fournier) Online Registration: Available at ( starting in mid July. To attend the seminar you must complete the online registration by COB October 21st, and be a citizen of the USA. A formal visit authorization letter may be required to gain access to the VASCIC facility. Sponsorship Opportunities: Available today with more information on our website. This is provided to demonstrate that Certification Preparation Courses and Programs are available at varying costs. Highlight that there are various courses and programs offered from various other sources. This is a second example which has had the inclusion of both actual Certification preparers, and CAG/CARs members as part of the seminar presentation team. It is not recommended that this slide be included as part of the normal brief.
INCOSE Certification Program Abstract
Program Managers throughout industry frequently request some number of systems engineers to perform “Systems Engineering (SE) tasks or jobs.” Too often in their hurry to get someone now, the program fails to define what capabilities or skills are required of the requested systems engineers. The other aspect of the personnel problem is the large number of people who are called, or who call themselves “Systems Engineers” without there being any standardization in what the title means in terms of: What “SE tasks” are they really capable of performing? This problem requires a twofold solution: Define SE task terms that can be used by Program Managers to specify SE tasks or jobs that need to be done, and Recognize SE personnel who have the knowledge and experience capabilities to perform the SE task or job assignments. The Board of Directors of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) recognized this industry-wide void, and conducted a member survey. The detailed responses of the survey showed a perception that certification would increase the credibility, marketability, and professional status of systems engineers. Respondents also believed that a certification program would benefit employers by providing an objective means for selecting candidates and assessing skills. Individuals viewed attainment of certification as an accomplishment, and more than half indicated that they would participate in a certification program, notwithstanding a lack of conviction that certification would influence employment. So in response to this members' request, INCOSE commissioned a working group to develop and implement a plan for certifying Systems Engineers who have demonstrated a fundamental level of knowledge and experience in the SE discipline. The Abstract has been include in the brief because usually it is a requirement or a request when advertising the presentation. Its intent is to help maintain consistency in the information being provided to INCOSE Members and the Public when discussing the Certification Program. This slide presents the problem and INCOSE’s response. It is not recommended that this slide be included as part of the normal brief.
INCOSE Certification Program Abstract (Cont)
This presentation briefly describes the background that led to the development of the operational concept and procedures that INCOSE is following for certifying systems engineering professionals by covering the following topics: Program Background, Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) Requirements, Certification Program Features, Program Status, and Program Communications. It also defines the objectives and initial scope of the certification program. Initially, this certification program will recognize only one level of SE Certification – a foundations level. After gaining experience in operating the program, INCOSE plans to expand the program to accommodate more global SE applications and to recognize multiple levels of SE capability. The program initially intends to achieve three goals defined in “INCOSE Strategic Directions,” January 2000, and to respond to its members’ needs. The potential contributions of an INCOSE Systems Engineering Certification Program to each of the three INCOSE strategic goals are as follows: Strengthen INCOSE’s influence: A professional SE certification program will increase the awareness among professionals, their employers, and their educators of the discipline of Systems Engineering and of INCOSE as the responsible SE professional association. Advance the state of the art and practice of systems engineering: A professional SE certification program will make a significant contribution to the promulgation of existing discipline knowledge, and will broaden the base for knowledge flow in the learning-codification-dissemination loop. Promote growth of the INCOSE organization: SE professional certification may promote membership in INCOSE as the corresponding professional association that provides the best source of SE contacts and professional expertise. The Abstract has been include in the brief because usually it is a requirement or a request when advertising the presentation. Its intent is to help maintain consistency in the information being provided to INCOSE Members and the Public when discussing the Certification Program. This slide presents some background and INCOSE’s intended results. It is not recommended that this slide be included as part of the normal brief.
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