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2 PPC Metrics 1. Page Bounce Rates 2. Click-Thru Rates 3. Ad Quality Scores 4. Price Per Click.

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2 2 PPC Metrics 1. Page Bounce Rates 2. Click-Thru Rates 3. Ad Quality Scores 4. Price Per Click

3 3 Source: Madden Media, Proprietary Insights November, 2008 MetricImprovement Range Typical RangeTarget Range Landing Page Bounce Rate40+ %30 %20 % Click-thru Rate Keyword Quality Score Average Cost Per Click

4 4 Source: Madden Media, Proprietary Insights November, 2008 MetricImprovement Range Typical RangeTarget Range Landing Page Bounce Rate40+ %30 %20 % Click-thru Rate1% or less2% - 4%5%+ Keyword Quality Score Average Cost Per Click

5 5 “Quality Score” Drives PPC Google uses “Quality Score” to determine: Source: 1. Cost you pay for each click; 2. Ad position of your copy; and 3. Eligibility for ad copy to show.

6 6 Improvements in “Quality Score” “The higher your Quality Score, the better your ad position and the lower your minimum bids.” Source:

7 7 Example “”

8 8 Elements of “Quality Score” Your “Quality Score” includes: 1. Relevance of Keywords to ad text/ad group; 2. Quality of your landing pages; and 3. Click Through Rate (CTR) ; and 4. Other relevance factors. Source:

9 9 Example “” Keyword

10 10 Example “” AD CopyKeyword

11 11 Example “” AD CopyKeywordRelevance

12 12 Elements of “Quality Score” Your “Quality Score” includes: 1. Relevance of Keywords to ad text/ad group; 2. Quality of your landing pages; and 3. Click Through Rate (CTR) ; and 4. Other relevance factors. Source:

13 13 Example “” Landing Page

14 14 Example “” Landing Page

15 15 Example “” Landing Page

16 16 Example “” Landing Page

17 17 Keyword Quality: “Siesta Key” 1. Keyword quality score; 2. Landing page indicator of quality; and 3. Cost Per Click

18 18 Keyword Quality Score: Ranges “Poor”“OK” “Great” Minimum Bid: Source: $0.01 – 0.05 $0.06 – 0.30 $0.40+

19 19 Keyword Quality Score: Ranges “Poor”“OK” “Great” Minimum Bid: Source: $0.01 – 0.05 $0.06 – 0.30 $0.31+ $5.00+

20 20 Source: Madden Media, Proprietary Insights November, 2008 MetricImprovement Range Typical RangeTarget Range Landing Page Bounce Rate40+ %30 %20 % Click-thru Rate1% or less2% - 4%5%+ Keyword Quality Score “Poor” 1- 4 “OK” 5 - 7 “Great” 8 - 10 Average Cost Per Click

21 21 Budget – Average CPC Cost Source: July 08

22 22 Budget – Range Tourism CPC Cost Source: Madden Media, Proprietary Insights November, 2008 $ 0.50$ 0.80+ $ 1.00+

23 23 Budget – Range Tourism CPC Cost Source: Madden Media, Proprietary Insights November, 2008 $ 0.50$ 0.80+ $ 1.00+ Lodging Mixed

24 24 Budget – Range Tourism CPC Cost Source: Madden Media, Proprietary Insights November, 2008 $ 0.50$ 0.80+ $ 1.00+ Lodging Mixed Typical Destination

25 25 Budget – Range Tourism CPC Cost Source: Madden Media, Proprietary Insights November, 2008 $ 0.50$ 0.80+ $ 1.00+ Lodging Mixed Typical Destination Fully Managed

26 26 Source: Madden Media, Proprietary Insights November, 2008 MetricImprovement Range Typical RangeTarget Range Landing Page Bounce Rate40+ %30 %20 % Click-thru Rate1% or less2% - 4%5%+ Keyword Quality Score “Poor” 1- 4 “OK” 5 - 7 “Great” 8 - 10 Average Cost Per Click $1.00+$0.80$0.50

27 27 14 years ago, Madden Media launched Internet marketing services for both tourism and other clients including: EA Sports Arizona Office of Tourism Coty Cosmetics America West Airlines In 2006, we decided to focus our online knowledge exclusively on tourism marketing We approach each online campaign or product first as destination marketers—not designers, developers, or database managers Online Experts Since 1995

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