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PC20312 Wave Optics Section 3: Interference. Interference fringes I 1 + I 2 Image adapted from Wikipedia.

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Presentation on theme: "PC20312 Wave Optics Section 3: Interference. Interference fringes I 1 + I 2 Image adapted from Wikipedia."— Presentation transcript:

1 PC20312 Wave Optics Section 3: Interference

2 Interference fringes I 1 + I 2 Image adapted from Wikipedia

3 Temporal coherence Phase relationship changes over a characteristic time Coherence time: Image adapted from Wikipedia

4 Spatial coherence Wave with infinite temporal and spatial coherence Wave with infinite temporal coherence but finite spatial coherence Wave with finite temporal and spatial coherence A pinhole isolates part of the wavefront and thus increases spatial coherence. Coherence length is unaffected. Images adapted from Wikipedia

5 Types of interference Wavefront division e.g. Young’s slits Amplitude division e.g. Michelson interferometer

6 Thomas Young Thomas Young (1773-1829) “The Last Man Who Knew Everything “ Learned 13 languages by age 14 Comparative study of 400 languages Translated the Rosetta stone PhD in physics & medical doctor Young’s slits Young’s modulus Founded physiological optics: colour vision astigmatism accommodation of the eye Seminal work on haemodynamics Secretary to the Board of Longitude Superintendent of the HM Nautical Almanac Office. Image from Wikipedia

7 Young’s slits 1 Poor spatial coherence Good spatial coherence Single slit isolates part of wavefront Double slits act as two coherent sources To distant screen

8 Young’s slits 1 Young’s original diagram presented to Royal Society in 1803 Image from Wikipedia

9 Young’s slits 3 a y  r2r2 r1r1  rr s s >> a

10 Lloyd’s mirror ii y r1r1 l1l1 l2l2 Phase change on reflection source image of source r 2 = l 1 +l 2 tt Rev. Humphrey Lloyd (1800-1881) Trinity College Dublin

11 Multiple slits S0S0 S3S3 S4S4 S5S5 S6S6 S1S1 S2S2 a rr 2r2r 3r3r s>>a P

12 Interference pattern for multiple slits

13 Michelson Interferometer Albert Abraham Michelson (1852-1931)  d1d1 d2d2 beamsplitter Mirror, M 1 Mirror, M 2 compensator plate lens screen light source d = 2(d 1 - d 2 ) Image from Wikipedia

14 The compensator plate Without compensator: Unequal paths thru glass  path length diff. = f( ) With compensator: Equal paths thru glass  path length diff.  f( ) Rays to M 1 pass thru BS once Rays to M 2 pass thru BS three times NB n glass = f( )

15 Equivalent diagram for Michelson interferometer source plane M 1 plane M 2 plane   d d cos(  ) S S1S1 S2S2 Images of S in M 1 and M 2 lens f focal plane

16 Fringe patterns Sodium lamp Images from White light

17 Fourier Transform Spectroscopy d1d1 d2d2 beamsplitter compensator plate lens detector Movable mirror d I(d) monochromatic d I(d) polychromatic

18 Thin films ntnt nini nini B D C A s source lens ii tt A C D ii ii A C B s tt tt

19 Thin film applications Dichroic mirrors – high reflectivity for narrow bandwidth only Anti-reflection coatings – reduces glare from lenses Images from Wikipedia

20 Thin films in nature Oil on water – oil layer thickness varies giving a rainbow effect in white light Soap bubbles – thickness and angle of film varies to give rainbow The ‘Tapetum lucidum’ is found behind the retina of many animals (not humans) – it enhances night vision The tapetum lucidium in a calf’s eye Images from Wikipedia and Google Image

21 Multibeam interference ErEr s source E t0 E t1 E t3 E t2 E t5 E t4 E r0 E r1 E r3 E r2 E r5 E r4 E r6 lens EtEt

22 Stokes’ relations Sir George Gabriel Stokes (1819-1903) r 2 E+ttE E rE tE E rE tE rE tE rtE+trE A) B) C) B) is time-reverse of A) Comparing B) and C): r 2 + tt=1 r = -r Images from Wikipedia

23 The Airy function Sir George Biddell Airy (1801-1892) Finesse, F = Free Spectral Range,  Resolution,  Image from Wikipedia  


25 Fabry-Pérot Etalons 1 Potrait images from &Wikipedia Charles Fabry (1867-1945) Alfred Pérot (1863-1925) s r source lens f 2 highly reflecting parallel surfaces Outer surfaces are non-parallel

26 Images from Google imageData from D. Binks PhD thesis Fabry-Pérot Etalons 2

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