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WOD Quiz TODAY. SPS3a. Differentiate between alpha and beta particles and gamma radiation. EQ: What is the difference between alpha and beta particles.

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Presentation on theme: "WOD Quiz TODAY. SPS3a. Differentiate between alpha and beta particles and gamma radiation. EQ: What is the difference between alpha and beta particles."— Presentation transcript:


2 SPS3a. Differentiate between alpha and beta particles and gamma radiation. EQ: What is the difference between alpha and beta particles and gamma radiation?

3 Activator In 1974, Donald Johnson and Tom Gray discovered the skeleton of the world’s oldest human relative. Nicknamed Lucy, the remains were dated using the potassium- argon radioactive decay method. Lucy was determined to be 3.2 million years old. Radioactive nuclei are said to DECAY. From the general meaning of decay, what do you think this means?

4 Jig-Saw Find your group Use the following pages: – Blue Book: pages 541 to 544 Create a CIRCLE - MAP Every one must make one for your symbol. – Alpha – Beta – Gamma

5 Back at your original seat: Make a tree map Find three bubble maps in your row to complete Types of Radiation ALPHA BETA GAMMA

6 Radioactive atoms – unstable nucleus due to too many neutrons Emit particles and energy to become stable – nuclear decay

7 3 types of radiation Alpha radiation Beta radiation Gamma radiation

8 Alpha Radiation Releases 2 protons, 2 neutrons (Helium or He atom) Very large particles Can’t travel thru materials Not dangerous to health

9 Beta Radiation Releases electrons Very small fast particles Can travel thru paper but not anything else Not dangerous to health

10 Gamma Radiation Releases energy Can go thru most materials Very dangerous to health

11 Neutron Radiation Releases neutrons Can go thru materials Very dangerous to health

12 TOD! Take your tree map Take the tree map we just took notes with Compare and contrast them using your original type of radiation My Gamma Notes Gamma

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