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Instructions for Radiation Waste Submittal (e-102 form) Steve Parker 4/5/04

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions for Radiation Waste Submittal (e-102 form) Steve Parker 4/5/04"— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructions for Radiation Waste Submittal (e-102 form) Steve Parker 4/5/04

2 EHS Web Page

3 Click Environmental Affairs

4 Click Waste Disposal

5 Click Online Waste Pickup System

6 Type in your ONYEN and Password

7 Click Step 1.

8 Choose your PI or AU and hit Submit

9 Choose Building from drop-down box, and fill in Room#

10 Choose type of waste, container size and type of Nuclide, then click Submit

11 Make sure all information is correct, then hit Confirmed

12 This is your e-102 number for reference, click Menu

13 Copy of the computer generated email

14 Click Step 2

15 Find your serial number on the left column, and click it

16 Print this form out. This is what you fill out day-to-day

17 Bottom half of the form.

18 E-102 Form This form needs to stay with the container, and filled out as you normally would. If you need a continuation page, go back to Step 2, find your serial number, and print another one. Once complete, go to Menu

19 Click Step 3 when you are ready to submit your waste for pickup

20 Find your serial number on the left and click it

21 For dry waste, write “paper” in the Chemical Composition box and hit ADD CHEMICAL, for scintillation fluids, write brand name in box and hit ADD CHEMICAL

22 Click the date button and fill in the date. Click the box to write in your Nuclide and Activity. Put notes in the Notes Box if necessary, then click SUBMIT REQUEST

23 This is what your email confirmation looks like- Listing your serial number

24 This is a copy of an approved requests sent to your email. Click the hyperlink for a copy of your form.

25 Final e-102 form from hyperlink

26 E-102 form Print out final copy from hyperlink and attach to your waste Keep a copy for your records Your waste should be picked up the week after it is approved Please have waste ready for pick up: Form signed, box sealed, etc.. No need to call in for pickup

27 For deliveries only, Click Request for Deliveries only

28 Choose your PI or AU

29 Type in applicable information

30 If you need additional supplies not listed here, write it in the Notes section, then hit Submit.

31 This is your delivery confirmation number, plus an email is sent to you to confirm EHS received it.

32 e-102 Form Electronic copies will give you better data management No contaminated forms Verifiable submission for pickup Ease of use No need to call in, once approved, you are already on the pickup list

33 Online use Requirements: Make sure you have turned in your Worker’s Registration Form You are required to have taken one of the Radiation courses You need a current ONYEN and password to access the system

34 The End

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