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Business Enabled Communications
Station Group Business Enabled Communications
Contents Station Group Pick Up Group Page Group
– Circular/Terminal/Longest Idle/Ring/Voice Mail – Station Group Announcement – Station Group Feature Pick Up Group Page Group Command Conference Group – One way / Conference PTT Group Interphone Group Pilot Hunt Group – Call Forward – Call Coverage
Station Group Station Group Capacity Station Group Attributes SYSTEM
No of Group No. of Member Number iPECS-MG 300 50 620 ~ 669 iPECS-MG 100 20 620 ~ 639 Station Group Attributes Basic Group Type can be assigned about each Group (Circular, Terminal, Longest Idle, Ring, Voice Mail. Group Name, Tenant, Time Table, Pickup Option can be assigned. Max. 50 Members can be assigned Greeting, Queuing Tone Greeting or Queuing Tone can be provided. Tone type : Normal, Prompt, Announcement, INT/EXT MOH,VMIB MOH,SLT MOH. Attribute Forward Feature can be provided (All, Queue Timeout, Queue overflow) Supplementary Service : Max Queue Counter, Wrap up timer, Member No answer timer
Station Group Group Assignment (PGM 200)
In each group, Group type, Name, Tenant, Time table, Pick up option can be programmed. Max. 50 member can be assigned in a group. Group Assignment Max 50 members can be assigned in a group. Group Type The following type can be selected. Terminal, Circular, Ring, Longest Idle, Voice Mail Group Name This will be provided with LCD message when a member receive Group Ring. Tenant Number Tenant can be assigned to each group. A call to a group can be restricted according to Tenant Access (PGM 283). Time Table Index Time table can be assigned to each group. This is defined for the ring mode of forward destination. Pick Up Option Group can be used as Pick up group with the following option (Disable, All Call, Internal, External) GROUP 620 RING (Help Desk) Member can be assigned/deleted with Range/Individual Case
Station Group Circular (Round-robin search)
Terminal (First-to-last search) An idle member of the hunt group is called when a call is received. If unavailable or unanswered, the call is routed to the next station in the group. If the call is unanswered or unavailable, it is routed to the next listed station in the group. STA101 answer CO LINE 2 CO LINE 1 STA101 STA103 STA105 STA104 STA100 STA102 CO LINE 2 CO LINE 1 STA101 STA103 STA105 STA104 STA100 STA102
Station Group Longest Idle Ring
Calls are routed to the station in the group that has been idle for the longest time. All the stations in the group will receive ring for a call of station group when a call is received CO LINE 2 CO LINE 3 CO LINE 1 STA100 STA101 STA102 STA103 STA104 STA105 CO LINE 1 STA101 STA103 STA104 STA105 STA100 STA102
Station Group Greeting/Queuing Tone (PGM 201) Greeting Tone
When a call is routed to a Station Group, Greeting Tone is played during Greeting Play Timer and repeated during repeat counter. Queuing/Second Queuing Tone If all member of group is busy, Queuing Tone Is played and repeated during repeat counter. If Greeting/Queuing Timeout timer is expired, a call is routed to forward destination. Tone Type Normal/Prompt/Announcement/Internal MOH External MOH/SLT MOH/ VMIB MOH CCR During Announcement CCR service can be provided during queuing announcement is played. MOH for Prompt/Annc. MOH can be provided during Repeat delay time.(INT/EXT/VMIB/SLT MOH)
Station Group Greeting/Queuing Tone (Prompt & Announcement case)
Greeting Tone RBT RBT Real Recording Time Delay Time Repeat Counter or, Greeting Play Timer is expired. Greeting Tone Start Greeting Tone Start Queueing Tone RBT/MOH RBT/MOH Real Recording Time Delay Time Repeat Counter is finished. Queueing Tone Start Queueing Tone Start Queueing Forward Timer 2nd Queueing Tone RBT/MOH RBT/MOH Real Recording Time Delay Time Repeat Counter is finished. Queueing Tone Start Queueing Tone Start
Station Group Additional Attributes (PGM 202)
Call In Greeting (Member Ring Start Time) -. In Greeting : Provide ring to member during Greeting. -. After Greeting: Provide ring to member after Greeting. Max Queue Count It defines maximum queue count of each group. Forward Type It defines forward type of group. Not Use – Call is routed to Error destination Unconditional – Call is directly routed to forward destination Queueing overflow – When Queue count overflows Queueing timeout – When Queueing timer expires. Queueing overflow or timeout – case 3 or 4 Apply Time Type It defines the time to apply forward feature. (All/Day/Night/Timed) Forward Destination It defines the destination to forward. Wrap Up Timer A member does not receive the next call during this timer when he goes to idle state. Member No-Answer Timer If a member doesn’t answer the call during this timer, it is routed to the next member. Ring No-Answer Forward Timer If a member doesn’t answer the call during this timer, it is routed to the forward destination
Station Group Basic Flow
1. When there’s an available member in group If Ring No Answer Forward timer expires, First idle member rings Next idle member rings Member No answer Time Ring Forward Destination Greeting Annc. RBT RBT/MOH Real Recording Time Delay Time Repeat Counter or, Greeting Play Timer is expired. Greeting Annc Greeting Annc. Repeated If Queuing Forward timer expires, 2. When there’s no available member in group Forward Destination Queuing Annc. RBT/MOH RBT/MOH Real Recording Time Delay Time Repeat Counter is finished. Second Queue Annc. Queuing Annc Queuing Annc Repeated
Pick Up Group Group Capacity Pick Up Group Attributes
SYSTEM No of Group No. of Member iPECS-MG 300 50 100 iPECS-MG 100 20 Pick Up Group Attributes Pick Up Group allows to pick up the call among members. Pick Up Condition -. All Call Pick up is allowed about all call. -. Internal Call Pick up is allowed about internal call -. external Call Pick up is allowed about external call Feature Code SYSTEM Direct Pick Up Group Pick Up iPECS-MG 300/100 7 + Station No. 566
Page Group Group Capacity Page Group Attributes PAGE ZONE 1 STA A
SYSTEM No of Group No. of Member iPECS-MG 300 30 50 iPECS-MG 100 15 Page Group Attributes PGM 134-Flex 2(Page Access) : Enable PGM 151(Internal Zone Page Group Access) : Enable Group Access A station, which is allowed to access page feature, can speak to any or all the internal/external page zones. Operation Lift Handset. Dials Page zone feature code. Dials zone index. Speaker of phones in zone goes open(ON) and Station A can announce the message. Feature Code. Dial Page Feature Code + Group No STA101 STA103 STA105 STA104 STA100 STA102 PAGE ZONE 1 STA A SYSTEM Internal Page External Page All Call Page iPECS-MG 300/100 543 + Group No. (00: All group) 548 549
Command Conference Group
Group Capacity SYSTEM No of Group No. of Member iPECS-MG 300 10 12 iPECS-MG 100 Command Group Attributes Stations and external contacts (up to 12 members) can be arranged in groups so that a user may create a conference or paging with all members in the group through a single call. Command Page (One Way) Only the caller can make announcements (paging) to members of the Command Group. Command Conference (Both Way) A user can make conference calls with members of the Command Group Feature Code PGM 152(Command Group Access) : Enable Group Access Command Group Command Page Command Conference iPECS-MG 300/100 581 + Group No. (00~10) 580 + Group No. (00~10)
CMD GR 01 Command Conference Group Group Attributes On Hook Service
On Hook – if a called party member goes to on-hook, he leave the conference Recall – if a called party member goes to on-hook, he receives recall ring. Busy Service (One-Way/Both-Way) Busy - if a member is busy, Command call is established without this member. Request Queuing – if a member is busy, Command call will queue to this member. Recover call – if a member is busy, Command call is established with a member in busy state and original call is disconnected. CMD GR 01 PSTN Dial One Way or Conference Command Call Code + Group No (580 / ) ONE WAY COMMAND CALL External CONFERENCE COMMAND CALL STA 3000 STA3001
PTT Log-In/Out Feature Code
PTT Group Group Capacity SYSTEM No of Group No. of Member iPECS-MG 300 10 50 iPECS-MG 100 PTT Group Attributes The user may log-in or log-out to one group, or to group 0 (all PTT group). Once logged in, the user may place or receive one-way page announcements to/from other users who are logged in to the same PTT group. Log In Dial the {PTT Group Log-In/Out Feature Code}; the PTT Group status and registration will be displayed. Dial PTT Group No (0 – 9) Log Out Dial * Operation Press PTT button. SPK of All Log-In Station will be on. Press PTT button to stop the PTT. PTT Button : PGM + Flex + 2(Fixed Key) + Select PTT + SAVE PTT Log-In/Out Feature Code 538
Interphone Group Access Feature code
Group Capacity SYSTEM No of Group No. of Member iPECS-MG 300 10 iPECS-MG 100 Interphone Group Attributes To call a station using a simple, one-touch digit, Stations can be put into an Interphone Group. (up to 10 members). Call is available only between members. Operation Dial {Interphone Group Access} Feature code. Dial one digit. Feature Code. Interphone Group Make a Call with “ ” Make a Call with “ ” Interphone Group Access Feature code 534
Pilot Hunt Group Group Capacity Pilot Hunt Group – Call Forward
SYSTEM No of Group No. of Member iPECS-MG 300 50 20 iPECS-MG 100 Pilot Hunt Group – Call Forward Pilot Hunt Call Forward If a call is routed to member of pilot hunt group, a call is automatically routed to forward destination according to RING MODE (Day/Night/Timed). Register Pilot Hunt Call Forward Dial {Forward Register Feature code} Select Call Forward Type. (Unconditional/Busy/No answer/Busy-No answer) Dial destination (Station or Station Group). Cancel Pilot Hunt Call Forward Dial {Forward Cancel Feature code} Feature Code. SYSTEM Forward Register Forward Cancel iPECS-MG 300/100 514 515
Pilot Hunt Group Pilot Hunt Group – Call Coverage Pilot Hunt Group
Pilot Hunt Call Coverage The member of Pilot Hunt Group can cover the call for other member. Busy Service Station can be programmed the busy service as Pilot Hunt. (Busy Tone/Camp-On/Call-Wait/Pilot Hunt) If he receives the call from Internal/external party, a call is routed to next member according to Service and Type. Service : All Call / Intercom call / External Call Type : Terminal /Circular PGM 131-Flex 5(Busy Service) : Pilot Hunt PGM 134-Flex 6(Pilot Hunt Ring Assign) : Enable CO LINE 2 CO LINE 1 STA101 STA103 STA105 STA104 STA 100 STA102 Pilot Hunt Group
Business Enabled Communications
Attendant Group Business Enabled Communications
Contents Attendant Group Night Attendant Group – Capacity – Attributes
– Group Assignment Night Attendant Group
Attendant Group Attendant Group Capacity Attendant Group Attributes
SYSTEM No of Group No. of Attendant iPECS-MG 300 9 (one per Tenant) 5 iPECS-MG 100 5 (one per Tenant) Attendant Group Attributes Basic Attendant Call is activated from Attendant Call Feature Code Group Type can be assigned about each Group (Circular, Terminal, Longest Idle, Ring) Group Name, CO Attendant Call Number can be assigned. Max. 5 Attendants can be assigned in a tenant. Greeting, Queuing Tone Greeting or Queuing Tone can be provided. Tone type : Tone, Prompt, Internal/External MOH/VMIB MOH/SLT MOH. Greeting/Queuing feature is the same as Station Group Attribute Forward Feature can be provided (All, Queue Timeout, Queue overflow) Supplementary Service : Max Queue Counter, Wrap up timer, member No answer timer Above features are the same as Station Group
Attendant Group Group Assignment (PGM 270, 271, 272)
Attendant Assignment Max 5 Attendants can be assigned in a tenant. Group Type The following type can be selected. Terminal, Circular, Ring, Longest Idle, Ring Group Name This will be provided with LCD message when a member receive Group Ring. CO Attendant Number If this number is assigned, system analyzes this number before it analyzes numbering plan/digit conv. table. Attendant Call by Station number Basically, Attendant call is activated when a caller dial Attendant call code. But, if this is enabled, attendant call is activated when a caller dials the number of attendant member. GROUP ATD RING (Main ATD Group)
Attendant Group Attendant Feature ACCESS [PGM] + 0 + (1~9, *, #)
1. SMDR Print/Delete 2. Traffic Print/Delete 3. COS / Password 4. DATE / TIME / Wake Up 5. Preselected Message 6. VMIB Announcement Record/Listen 7. User Program (Name/Language/Prepaid/Feature Cancel) 8. Ring Mode Change/ Conference Room Monitor-Delete 9. USB (Upgrade/ DB Up/Download) * + #. Admin Programming #. DECT Registration
Attendant Group Night Attendant Group Capacity
SYSTEM No of Group No. of Attendant iPECS-MG 300 9 (based on tenant) 5 iPECS-MG 100 5 (based on tenant) Night Attendant Group Attributes Basic Night Attendant Group Is activated when all attendant goes to DND mode or Ring mode is Night) Night Attendant cover the attendant call. Attendant PGM is not available. Greeting, Queuing Tone Greeting or Queuing Tone can be provided. Tone type : Tone, Prompt, Internal/External MOH/VMIB MOH/SLT MOH. Greeting/Queuing feature is the same as Station Group. Attribute Forward Feature can be provided (All, Queue Timeout, Queue overflow) Supplementary Service : Max Queue Counter, Wrap up timer, member No answer timer Greeting/Queuing feature is the same as Station Group
DND NIGHT Attendant Group Group Assignment (PGM 275, 276, 277)
Night Attendant Assignment Max 5 Member can be assigned in a tenant. Group Type The following type can be selected. Terminal, Circular, Ring, Longest Idle, Ring Operation In the following state, a attendant call is routed to night attendant Group All attendant goes to DND states. Ring mode of Tenant is Night mode. CO LINE DND STA101 STA 100 STA102 Attendant Gr. NIGHT STA101 STA 100 STA102 Attendant Gr. CO LINE STA110 STA111 Night ATD Gr.
Business Enabled Communications
ACD Group Business Enabled Communications
Contents ACD Group ACD Group Supervisor Function
– Capacity & Attributes – Status Service for Group Call – Call Queuing & Forward Service – Call Distribution by Agent Priority – Agent State ACD Group Supervisor Function – Group Status Management – Agent Management and Monitoring – Group Call Traffic Analysis
ACD Group ACD Group Capacity ACD Group Attributes (PGM 212 ~ 215)
SYSTEM No of Group Supervisor Agent Queuing Step Agent Priority iPECS-MG 300 50 1 (Sub-Supervisor 3) 5 20 iPECS-MG 100 ACD Group Attributes (PGM 212 ~ 215) Basic ACD Group Call is activated by dialing ACD Group Number (600 ~ 6XX) ACD Group has 4 types of status (Normal / Forward / Night / Holiday Status) An idle agent can receive the ACD group call after log-in procedure Max 1 main-supervisor and 3 sub supervisor can be assigned Supervisors can monitor member ‘s state and group call traffic Greeting, Queuing Tone Greeting for incoming CO Call or Queuing Announcement can be provided. Tone type : Tone, Prompt, Internal/External MOH/VMIB MOH/SLT MOH. Max 5 queueing steps are available to provide queuing announcements. Attribute Forward Feature can be provided in each group status (Forward / Night / Holiday / Overflow / Agent no-answer Status) Supplementary Service : Max Queue Counter, Queuing Announcement Rule, Agent State control, Information data control
ACD Group ACD Group Status Service for ACD Group Call Status Means
Normal General In-Service Status Forward Forward Status 1. Forward (Unconditional) Night Night time Status 1. Release 2. Night Announcement Service 3. Forward Holiday Holiday time Status 2. Holiday Announcement Service Forward Destination: Station / Station Group / Other ACD Group / Digits Forward, Night, or Holiday, these kinds of status can be set manually by Administrator or Main Supervisor Night, Holiday Status can be changed automatically by Auto Status Change Admin PGM212-Index5 In case of Announcement Service in Night, Holiday, assigned Announcement is played first and then the call is released
ACD Group ACD Call Queuing & Forward Service Max Queuing Count
Max 99 Group Call can be queued. Queuing Announcement Service Max 5 Announcement can be served Queuing Announcement Repeat Service Queuing Annc. can be rotated until repeat count Forward Service After Queuing Time 1. Call Release 2. Forward to registered destination 5 Step Queuing Announcement Can be defined CCR Service
BUSY BUSY ACD Group ACD Call Distribution by Agent Priority
There are 20 levels as priories. First higher priority group’s agents will receive the ACD call first. If there’s no idle agent, the next priority group’s agent will receive the ACD call. ACD Group Call 1 Priority-1 Group STA 2003 STA2005 2 STA2004 BUSY 3 Web: ACD Agent State & Priority Priority-10 Group Priority-2 Group STA 2009 STA 2006 STA2011 STA2008 STA2010 STA2007 BUSY
After Grp. Call or Other Rules Can Receive the Grp. Call
ACD Group Agent State Agent can has 4 states (Log-Out / Log-In Ready / Log-In Work / Log-In DND) Supervisors can check and change agent’s state Log-In Log-In Feature Code After Work-Out Timer Work State After Grp. Call or Other Rules Log-Out State Ready State DND Feature Code Can Receive the Grp. Call DND Feature Code DND State
Station Web Program of Main-Supervisor
ACD Group Supervisor Function Group Status Management (Station Web of Main Supervisor) Main Supervisor can check and change Group Status (Normal / Forward / Night / Holiday) Main Supervisor can make rules how to handle the ACD Call in each Group Status Main Supervisor can manage Group Status with Specific Feature Code [ACD Supervisor Group Call Forward] [ACD Supervisor Group Night Mode] [ACD Supervisor Group Holiday Mode] Main Supervisor can manage the Group Status by his Station Web Program Station Web Program of Main-Supervisor
Station Web Program of Main-Supervisor
ACD Group Supervisor Function Agent Management and Monitoring Supervisors can change Agent State (Log-Out / Log-In Ready / Log-In Work / Log-In DND) Supervisor can answer the Queued Group Call Supervisor can monitor the agent’s conversation Supervisor’s Specific Feature Code for Agent Management [ACD Supervisor Agent State Check] / [ACD Supervisor Queued Call Answer] / [ACD Supervisor Silent Monitor] Supervisor can manage Agent State by the Station Web Program Station Web Program of Main-Supervisor
Station Web Program of Supervisor
ACD Group Supervisor Function Group Call Traffic Analysis ACD Group Call Traffic information is saved automatically Supervisors can check and delete Group Call Traffic information Supervisor also can check each agent’s Call Traffic information Supervisor’s Specific Feature Code for Traffic Information [ACD Supervisor Traffic Check] Supervisor can manage Group or Agent Call Traffic by his Station Web Program Station Web Program of Supervisor
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