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Version: Release date: 2 nd May, 2012. 2 The 2.0 version of the Aadhaar Enrolment Client, which is now referred to as ECMP, i.e. Enrolment Client.

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Presentation on theme: "Version: Release date: 2 nd May, 2012. 2 The 2.0 version of the Aadhaar Enrolment Client, which is now referred to as ECMP, i.e. Enrolment Client."— Presentation transcript:

1 Version: Release date: 2 nd May, 2012

2 2 The 2.0 version of the Aadhaar Enrolment Client, which is now referred to as ECMP, i.e. Enrolment Client MultiPlatform, has several new and updated features and differs from its predecessor, the client ver.1.3 in the following areas: New Features 1.New Look and Feel 2.Multiplatform 3.Enrolment Client Administrator (ECA) 4.ECMP Lite 5.Import from ECMP Lite 6.Advanced search 7.“Copy Previous” option 8.Number of remaining attempts 9.Print Preview option 10.“Life Cycle Changes” option 11.GPS 12.Fingerprint Verification at login 13.Proof of Date of Birth 14.Total number of documents submitted 15.Lost Aadhaar Number 16.Pickup list report Updated Features 1.Reclassification of Tabs 2.Contact details types 3.Separate screen for capturing “References” details 4.“Banking Details” options 5.Correction can now be done within 96 Hours of enrolment 6.Local Language Settings – “Change for the whole application” option (at ECA) 7.Verify Enrolment Details screen - position of the Acknowledgement Slip 8.Review screen – display of the biometric details

3 3 Version 1.3 – Demographic screenVersion 2.0 - Demographics screen New Look and Feel Enrolment Client Multiplatform (ECMP) has a new look-n-feel.

4 4 ECA (Enrolment Client Administrator) ECA login Version 2.0 – ECA – Client Identity screen Enrolment Client Administrator (ECA) is used to Configure and register the Aadhaar Enrolment Client. Using ECA, Administrator can also import master & register data and onboard OSI.

5 5 ECA (Enrolment Client Administrator) contd.. Version 2.0 – ECA – Import registrar certificate After successful registration, the registrar certificate is automatically downloaded from the server. If the system is unable to download certificate file from the server, user can manually import registrar certificate.

6 6 ECA (Enrolment Client Administrator) contd.. Version 2.0 – ECA – Local Biometric Enrolment Local Biometric Enrolment (bio auth) has been moved under ECA login. Local Enrolment is required to onboard Operator, Supervisor, Introducer (OSI). The onboard status can be Enrolled / Partially Enrolled / Not Enrolled.

7 7 Version 1.3 – Local Biometric EnrolmentVersion 2.0 – Local Biometric Enrolment In Version 2.0, for Local Biometric Enrolment (onboarding), all 10 fingers of OSI have to be captured. ECA (Enrolment Client Administrator) contd.. Left Hand Finger Prints Right Hand Finger Prints Thumb Prints

8 8 ECA (Enrolment Client Administrator) contd.. Version 2.0 – ECA - Client Security A Client Security screen, which contains “Import User Credential”, “External Encryption and Decryption” and “GPS Information” sections, has been introduced.

9 9 Version 1.3 – Settings - System Configuration – Enrolment Data Capture Settings Version 2.0 – ECA - Demographics Screen – Local Language Settings ECA (Enrolment Client Administrator) contd.. In the “Demographics Screen” of the Enrolment Client Administrator (ECA) login, for “Local Language Settings”, Change for the whole application checkbox option is included.

10 10 Version 1.3 – Enrolment Client Data Import Utility Version 2.0 – ECA - Database Mgmt. – Data Import ECA (Enrolment Client Administrator) contd.. Master data, registrar data and name dictionary are available in the portal and it has to be downloaded from the portal. Database management screen provides following options: Import Master Data Import Registrar Data Import Name Dictionaries

11 11 Why ECMP Lite?  Operators spend a significant amount of time in capturing demographic details of residents during the enrolment process  To make the enrolment system more efficient, ECMP provides a feature called Independent demographic client (ECMP Lite).  This reduces the cost involved and the time spent by operators in entering resident’s demographic details. ECMP Lite Version 2.0 – ECMP Lite login

12 12 How ECMP Lite works? ECMP Lite allows an operator to pre-enrol a resident. The operator has to enter and save the resident details on the demographic screen from the application filled by the resident. At the time of actual enrolment, operator can import the file into the enrolment station. ECMP Lite contd.. Version 2.0 – ECMP Lite – Demographics screen

13 13 Version 1.3 – Login screenVersion 2.0 - Login screen In the ECMP login, the Operator ID is available as a dropdown menu. On selecting an operator ID from the dropdown menu, the corresponding operator name is displayed in the Operator Name field. Fingerprint Verification section is present in the new version of the Client login. This section is used for the login biometric verification of the onboarded operator / supervisor. ECMP Login window

14 14 Version 1.3 – Upper panelVersion 2.0 – Upper panel The upper panel tabs like enrolment, confirm, data, settings have been repositioned/ removed/ clubbed in the ECMP. Repositioning/Removal/Renaming of upper panel tabs

15 15  Resident Enrolment tab contains “Enrol a Resident” and “Correct Enrolment Details” options.  Processes tab contains “Import Pre-Enrolment Data”, “Export Enrolment Data” and “Generate Reports” options. Repositioning/Removal/Renaming of upper panel tabs contd.. Version 2.0 – Upper panel tabs

16 16 Operator can import resident’s pre-enrolment data entered using ECMP Lite Edition, into the main ECMP application. Import from Aadhaar Lite Edition Version 2.0 – ECMP Import – Import from Aadhaar Lite Edition

17 17  Advanced Search (residents details search) – If the user requires the details of residents, the user can search using the advanced search option.  Click More, next to “Pre-Enrolment ID” field on Demographic screen to display the Advance Search options Advanced Search in Pre-Enrolment ID field Version 2.0 – Demographics screen – Pre-Enrolment ID - More

18 18 Version 1.3 – Demographic screenVersion 2.0 - Demographics screen Position of “NPR Receipt No.” in the Demographic screen has been changed. Position of “NPR Receipt No.” field

19 19 Version 1.3 – Demographic screenVersion 2.0 - Demographics screen User can select different types of address templates, Complete, Default, Default: Printable Labels, Simple, from the drop down list. There were only two options – “Simple Contact” and “Extended Contact” in the earlier version. Different types of Contact details

20 20 The “Copy Previous” option is used to recall the values entered in the address fields (such as Pin Code, Village/Town/City, District and State) for the previous enrolment. “Copy Previous” option Version 2.0 – Demographics screen

21 21 Version 1.3 – Demographic screenVersion 2.0 - Demographics screen Position of “Pin Code” field in the Demographics screen has been changed. Position of “Pin Code” field

22 22 Version 1.3 – Demographic screenVersion 2.0 - Demographics screen Position and text of “Information Sharing Consent” in the Demographics screen has been changed. Modification of “Information Sharing Consent” text

23 23 Version 1.3 – Demographic screenVersion 2.0 - References screen “Verification” (document based / Introducer based / HoF based) and Relationship details” sections have been moved to the new page, under “References” tab. Separate screen for “References” details

24 24 Proof of Date of Birth - If the DoB is entered and the Verified box is checked in the Demographics screen, the Document related to DoB must be selected from the Date of Birth Proof drop-down in the References screen. Proof of Death of Birth Version 2.0 – References screen

25 25 Total Number of Documents Submitted Version 2.0 – References screen Another new section is introduced in the “References” screen, named Documents submitted for verification. Used to enter total number of documents submitted. Mandatory number is 1 (for Enrolment Form). Consent Letter is automatically considered a part. Hence minimum no. of docs will be 2.

26 26 Version 1.3 – Banking screenVersion 2.0 - Banking screen New “Banking Details” section contains 3 options instead of previous “Yes” and “No”. “Banking Details” section contains 3 options

27 27 The number of attempts allowed / left to capture resident biometric details is displayed in the new Client. Biometric screens  number of attempts left Version 2.0 – Biometric (Photograph/Fingerprints/Iris) screen

28 28 Delete (X) option is now available to delete the currently captured biometrics. Biometric screens  delete option Version 2.0 – Biometric (Photograph/Fingerprints/Iris) screen

29 29 Print preview option for the Acknowledgement slip has been introduced in the ECMP Review screen. Print Preview option Version 2.0 – Review screen – Print Preview button

30 30 Version 1.3 – Review screenVersion 2.0 - Review screen In the Review screen, labels are added to make the data clear to the resident. For eg. Village, Town etc. Labels in Review screen

31 31 Version 1.3 – Review screenVersion 2.0 - Review screen The biometric details are in a collapsed form and can be expanded for viewing. Display of the biometric details in Review screen

32 32 Now, enrolment slip contains information about Quality of Biometrics. Quality of Fingerprints in Acknowledgement Slip Version 2.0 – Acknowledgement Slip

33 33 Version 1.3 – Correction screenVersion 2.0 - Correction screen  In the new Correction screen, “Name Correction” and “Child details Correction” fields have been renamed and repositioned.  Correction of resident’s demographic details is possible within 96 hours (changed from previous 48 hrs.) after the completion of a new enrolment Reposition of the fields in the “Correction” screen

34 34 In ECMP 2.0, the “Report Resident Death” option has been introduced under the “Life Cycle Changes” tab, to record information when a resident, who obtained Aadhaar, expires. Record resident’s death information Version 2.0 – Life Cycle Changes – Report Resident Death

35 35 Lost Aadhaar Number Version 2.0 – Life-Cycle Changes - Lost Aadhaar Number Lost Aadhaar Number – In case a resident looses the Aadhaar number allotted to her/him, almost all demographic and biometric info will have to be re- entered and sent to CIDR. CIDR will match and return the Aadhaar number.

36 36 Version 1.3 – Verify Enrolment Details - Supervisor Review Version 2.0 – Verify Enrolment Details - User Review Verification screen – repositioning the fields In the Verify Enrolment Details > User Review screen, fields are repositioned and displayed outputs are relocated. The display position of the Acknowledgement Slip has been moved to the RHS of the screen.

37 37 Version 1.3 – Verify Enrolment Details - Introducer Review Version 2.0 – Verify Enrolment Details - Introducer Review Verification screen – repositioning the fields contd.. Same change has occurred for Introducer Review screen. Ack. Slip has been moved to the RHS of the screen.

38 38 Pickup List Report Version 2.0 – Generate Report - Pickup List Pickup list report contains datewise information about total number of documents submitted by each resident DMS is provided by HP who will arrange for the document pickup Pickup List report is for HP. It contains a 2D Barcode which will help HP to update their database quickly

39 39 Version 2.0 – Other New / Updated features ECMP Mandatory Sync – Atleast one Client sync is required within every 7 days (changed from previous 15 days duration). If sync is not done, ECMP will freeze and not allow enrolments after the seventh day. End-of-Day activity - End-of-Day activities can be performed by another operator (other than the one who has logged on). This is in addition to the supervisor. Enrolment Slip - 2D Barcode added to the enrolment slip.

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