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French cities’ urban freight surveys 1 st Scientific and Technical Workshop Bologna 05/11/2013 Presented by: Adrien Beziat, PhD, Paris, France.

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Presentation on theme: "French cities’ urban freight surveys 1 st Scientific and Technical Workshop Bologna 05/11/2013 Presented by: Adrien Beziat, PhD, Paris, France."— Presentation transcript:

1 French cities’ urban freight surveys 1 st Scientific and Technical Workshop Bologna 05/11/2013 Presented by: Adrien Beziat, PhD, Paris, France

2 Freight Surveys in France Three kinds of surveys in France: Occasional surveys, organized by public actors Regular surveys administered by the SESP Research studies (ECHO, Chargeurs…)  Interesting surveys, but very limited, not specific to urban freight

3 Urban Freight Surveys: two objectives Two survey campaigns: 1994-1997 (Bordeaux, Marseille and Dijon), then 2010-2013 (Paris, Bordeaux), administered by the Laboratory of Transport Economics 1. Understanding the complexity of urban freight (the organizational and quantitative aspects of deliveries and pickups) 2. Providing a tool for local decision-makers interested in urban freight that does not require costly data collection (the FRETURB model)

4 Three categories of urban freight trips Flows generated by deliveries and pickups between urban establishments (shops, manufacturing, services)  the main focus of the survey Freight flows to the final consumer, including car-based shopping trips Flows related to city management and services: construction sites, public works (urban utilities, construction), garbage collection, postal services, movings and hospitals  to be integrated to the Urban Freight Model Source: Jean-Louis Routhier, Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports, Lyon

5 How does the UFS work? The focus of the study is to measure the social costs of urban freight Studied variable: the use of the road network A relevant unit of observation: the movement of goods, defined as the delivery or the reception of the cargo Source of data: urban establishments, or transport operators Essential information for explaining the formation of flows and their impact Logistics organization of establishments Urban environment The best unit is the delivery (or pickup) operation serving an establishment, by use of a vehicle Transport system Source: Jean-Louis Routhier, Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports, Lyon

6 Three surveys administered To urban establishments To truck drivers To major transport operators Sample size: 1500 establishment questionnaires / 6000 deliveries and pickups over 1 week and 8000 product types (weight, packaging,…) 1000 driver questionnaires (6000 stops) 100 main truck companies and large wholesalers Source: Jean-Louis Routhier, Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports, Lyon

7 Implementation: on board survey Source: Jean-Louis Routhier, Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports, Lyon

8 Expension of sampling to the urban area Method : sampling per strata on the French register of establishments. Three criterias: Activity of establishments (45 main groups identified), The size of the establishment (no employee, 1 to 5, 6 to 9 etc...) The location of the premise (according to a zoning of the study area) Then a typology of municipalities (1301) according to land use Source: Jean-Louis Routhier, Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports, Lyon

9 Weakness and difficulties A complex and costly survey More and more difficult to make contact with store-keepers, business owners Poorly motivated respondents Two visits with self-administered questionnaire left for one week … which requires A preliminary information and promotion campaign A competent contractor to ensure the recruitment and management of experienced pollsters Thorough training of the pollsters Paying for each survey completed (incentives) Source: Jean-Louis Routhier, Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports, Lyon

10 How much does the UFS cost? Three types of costs knowledge base (scientific support) data collection (field surveys) operational and scientific data processing Total budget : 1.2 million euros Three sources French Environment Agency (ADEME) Ministry of Transport Local authorities (cities, metropolitan authorities, regions) Source: Jean-Louis Routhier, Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports, Lyon

11 Robustness and main results of the survey Large size of the sample, quality of face-to-face responses : good estimation of the number of movements generated Very detailed stratification of activities Three types of results A detailed description of the current situation: Standard data and Indicators Consistant and stable relationships A generation model Source: Jean-Louis Routhier, Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports, Lyon

12 Indicators Number of deliveries/pick-ups per job each week Share of own account vs third party transport according to the type of activity Average distance between two stops according to the organisation (size of the tour, single trips) Speed average according to the vehicle and density of activity Time for delivering goods according to the size of the round On road parking time according to density Speed average according to vehicle and density Length of the trips according to the organisation (size of the round, single trip, type of vehicle) and the density of activity Source: Jean-Louis Routhier, Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports, Lyon

13 Standard Data In average 1 delivery/pick-up each week, per job (with high standard deviation according to type of activity) 50% light vehicles (vans) and 50% truck 50% own account and 50% for hire 75% deliveries and pick-ups carried out by rounds 80% deliveries <10 minutes, pick-ups 30 min in average 13 deliveries or pick-ups in a round in average (19 for hire, 11 in own account) Peak hours (9-11 am) different from car traffic PH (7-9 am) 25% energy consumption, 25% GHG, 35% NOx, 50% PM emissions (all freight flows incl. shopping trips) Source: Jean-Louis Routhier, Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports, Lyon

14 Relationships Between activity, number of employees and movement generation Between management mode and organization mode Between type of vehicle and management mode Between distances covered, management mode and organization modes Between stop timing and size of the delivery tour Between distance covered between 2 stops and size of delivery tour. Source: Jean-Louis Routhier, Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports, Lyon

15 Freturb : implementation Source: Jean-Louis Routhier, Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports, Lyon

16 Thank you for your attention http://freturb.let.fr



19 Laboratoire d'Economie des Transports, Lyon - SIG Geoconcept 03/1999 Type of vehicles Under 3.5T Trucks heavy trucks Traffic all vehicles 1 564,68 20 575,66 MARSEILLES


21 Operations per week per employee as a function of the type of activity

22 Number of weekly number of deliveries/pick-ups as a function of the number of employees (example of retail)

23 Duration of parking as a function of the number of stops and of the type of vehicle

24 The distance between two stops depends on the size (total number of stops) of a delivery tour

25 Hourly rhythms of Urban Freight movements Urban freight transport Individual car

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