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1 SMS at the University of Hong Kong Libraries William Ko, HKU Libraries Dr Frank Tong, ETI, HKU.

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Presentation on theme: "1 SMS at the University of Hong Kong Libraries William Ko, HKU Libraries Dr Frank Tong, ETI, HKU."— Presentation transcript:


2 1 SMS at the University of Hong Kong Libraries William Ko, HKU Libraries Dr Frank Tong, ETI, HKU

3 2 SMS Project Conceived in July 2004 Target launch date Sept 2004 Partnership with ETI (E-Business Technology Institute)  know-how and expertise  Makes use of existing Mobile Messaging Platform (launched in June 2004)  short implementation period

4 3 Why SMS Popular ownership of mobile phones 83% of 6.8 million population (Aug 2004) 43% sent text messages

5 4 User Base at HKU (Mid November 2004) Patron Record with Mobile No. Field User Base 21699 (with total check out > 0) 38952 (with total check out > 0) 77% mobile ownership

6 5 Advantages Instant notification vs email Wherever and whenever Overseas roaming supported Free for the receiver

7 6 Categories of SMS Notices Courtesy (1 and 3 days) Overdue (1 st,2 nd,21 days) Recall Notices Pickup Notices Overdue Recall Cancel Notice Innreach Pickup Innreach Cancel

8 7 SMS text samples Type Name:First Overdue Notice Message:HKU LIBRARIES: Overdue X item(s). Pls check your circulation record/email/mail for details. Type Name:Pickup Notice Message:HKU LIBRARIES: Pickup X requested item(s) at Y. Remarks:X: number of item(s) is/are overdue.Y: the place after first appearance of "PICKUP AT"

9 Systems Overview Library System Patron API Notice Initializer Messaging Gateway (Windows 2000) Email Server JSP Server Translator Connectivity Web Console Error Handler Report Handler Messaging Server SMTP HTTPS HTTP

10 9 Library’s Role A copy of Email is sent to ETI Provide a gateway to send the mobile numbers of patrons to ETI based on the UID via PATRON API

11 10 UIDTYPE of SMS

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18 17 Effect on Overdue (no. of emails sent) Sep 200311589Sep 20042415 Oct 200313681Oct 20046431 Nov 200317444Nov 20045584 (as of 24 Nov 04) Courtesy sent by email + SMS? Fewer fines and library income goes down

19 18 Limitations Text limited to 160 characters One way communication, reply not supported YET

20 19 Enhancements Statistics to be divided by notice types Error report to be more user friendly Extend SMS to patrons with China and Macau mobile numbers Enable patron to use SMS to renew loan?

21 20 Library Messaging Services What to achieve? - An extension of the functionality of the library system in sending notifications on SMS through mobile handhelds to users What is the Library Messaging System ETI develops a messaging gateway to enable the conversion of email to SMS service, includes: A stable email box for receiving email request to send SMS An accurate usage report Templates for conversion of email to SMS ETI cooperates with HKU Libraries to integrate the messaging gateway with the libraries system

22 21 System Configuration How does the system work?

23 22 From Email to SMS Template Automatic conversion of email into SMS template

24 23 Library Messaging Service How to set up the service? - the messaging server is hosted at ETI - library has no additional set up requirement, hence zero set up cost - a one-time integration is to be done with the email application of the library system

25 24 Standalone Messaging Services How does a standalone messaging server with email integration system work? Email Server Messaging Gateway Messaging Server Dear all, The meeting will be held at 10am tmr. see you. -- John Ordinary Email (SMS) SMTP HTTP VPN

26 25 Integration to Library System How does an integrated library messaging system work? Libraries System Messaging Gateway Messaging Server Ordinary Email Notice HTTPS Query: “A12345” Return “+85291239123” (SMS) SMTP HTTP VPN

27 26 Library Messaging Services When to use the library messaging service? - reminder on book due-dates - overdue book notices - pick-up notices for reserved books - recall notices for wanted books - dropped request notices - arrival of new books notices - activities and events notices

28 27 Library Messaging Services What are the advantages? - Coverage (i) almost all mobile phone models (ii) a comprehensive network coverage in Hong Kong (iii) coverage in China, US, Europe etc. so long as a roaming service of the phone is in place - Audit trail & reporting (i) provide delivery history and status report (ii) provide statistics on both individual and aggregate usage (iii) support multiple accounts management

29 28 Library Messaging Services Other advantages: - Stability - Scalability - Technical support & maintenance service

30 29 Technical Training Workshop 2-hour training workshop for library technicians and system support - An overview of messaging server - An overview of messaging gateway - Integration with Patron System How to deliver email to messaging gateway How to retrieve SMS receiver’s address SMS template and transfiguration - Security Measurement - Logging and Usage Report - Error handling

31 30 Library Messaging Services Q & A Thank You !

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