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Annual Inventory audits New Surplus Policies and Procedures Campus Cleanups.

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1 Annual Inventory audits New Surplus Policies and Procedures Campus Cleanups

2  The property custodian has full responsibility for the assets  However they may designate persons to assist with this responsibility  These persons will be on the Authorized Designee List

3  All forms are available on line at the Property Control Website.  Fill out the form, print a copy, and send it to Property Control via the courier.  All forms must be signed by the property custodian or authorized designee. (Check your list).

4 Use Y#’s & serial numbers Fill in Old & New Bldg/Room information(no alpha characters) Use Authorized Designees to sign forms Remove Property form for trade-in, loss, theft, or missing. In case of theft include copy of police report Acquire Property form for Donations or Internal Purchase. Temporary Loan form in excess of 5 working days Out for Repair in excess of 30 days

5 Computers sent to Surplus Sanitize hard drives per School Board Policy Update 3270 Property Database Regularly Not associated with DP Track Location- Reference Codes Do not include letters in location field File to be downloaded to the PDA Locate your items prior to Audit Date Note: Controlled property are items purchased for $1000 or more. These items remain on the inventory audit until disposed of by the surplus department.

6  1111-Outside Ex. Bldg./Room  2222-Football 2222/1111  3333-Track  4444-Baseball  5555-Softball  6666-Vehicles Ex. Cars, Trailers  7777-Trucks  8888-Vans  100-Halls Ex. AED’s

7  Controlled Property – ◦ Purchase price ≥ $1000 ◦ Asset number (Y#)  Non-Controlled Property- ◦ Purchase price ≤ $1000 ◦ No asset number ◦ Includes red-tagged assets  Property for Recycling (controlled and non-controlled) ◦ All technology related property ◦ All electronics property


9  The surplus department will no longer pick up non-controlled property.  The Property custodian at the school/department must inspect the property to determine the condition and disposal method.

10  Make available to the District.  Conduct on site sales.  Donate to approved non-profit organization. ◦ Habitat RestoreRandall Cooley ◦ Helping HandsKaye Clopton ◦ Waterfront MissionCharles Painter  Maintenance Dept.

11 From: Powell, Buddy Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 12:04 PM To: Gunter, David; Cobb, Richard; Lowrimore, Victor; McHenry, Steven; DeStefano, Joann; Westmoreland, Dale; King, Farica; Knowles, Wanda Cc: Lambeth, Cindy; Leddy, Amanda Subject: Home Ec. Stuff Dear Friends, We are discontinuing our Home Ec. Program and we have several items that you may want for your school. What you don’t need we will sell as a fundraiser for our band. We are required to offer these items to other schools first. Here is a list of some of the items: 20 Sewing machines 14 Sewing machine tables Several Blenders Bread making machines Several irons Lots of pots, pans, measuring cups, spoons, forks, knives…etc. Please let me know if you want any of these items transferred to your school. You are welcome to stop by any time to take a look. Please call me if you have any questions. Thanks…bp Buddy Powell Principal Hobbs Middle School

12  Non-Controlled Property excluding electronics and technology related property.  Property Custodian/designee approves non- controlled property for sale.  Locate items in a safe secure place. (not outside)  List items for sale on a “Non-Controlled Property for Sale” form.  Advertise sale date, time, items, condition, etc.  Designate a person to collect money.

13  Designate a person to reconcile money and property inventory.  Conduct sale on campus.  Turn in money and forms to the school bookkeeper.  The bookkeeper will submit the money and budget form to the Finance Department.  The money will be entered in the school/dept. budget.  The money can be deposited into the internal funds account if document is provided that the items sold were purchased with internal funds.  NOTE: Due to segregation of duties requirement, the bookkeeper will not be assigned to collect money at the on-site sale.

14  Includes Controlled and Non-Controlled Property.  The Surplus department will pick up ALL technology and electronics property that has become worn out, damaged or nonessential.  Technology assets with a hard drive must be cleared through the site’s technology contact.  Hard drives must be “sanitized”.

15 Technology Electronics ◦ CPU’sProjectors ◦ MonitorsTelevisions ◦ PrinterRecorders ◦ LaptopsVCR/DVD players ◦ KeyboardsShredders ◦ MiceElectronic sharpeners ◦ CablingElectronic hole punches These items will be packaged by the Surplus Department for recycling purposes.

16  The School Board must approve disposal of all controlled property of the School District.  It must be concluded that the property is no longer needed within the School District.

17  Textbooks will not be picked up by the Surplus Department.  An approved vendor will pickup the surplus textbooks from the school site.  The site will prepare the books for pickup by storing them in a secure area.  Surplus will schedule a pickup date with the approved vendor.  Please coordinate personnel to be present on the pickup date.  If you miss your scheduled date, you will need to contact the vendor to reschedule.

18  Annual Event  Items to be taken to the dump; not items that can be picked up by approved vendor.  Report Point of Contact to Jesse.  Consolidate at Centralized Location.  Do not store outside.  Be Ready.

19  Transfer to Surplus ◦ Controlled Property (Y#) ◦ Technology & Electronics  On site Sales ◦ Non-controlled property  Vendor Pickup ◦ Non-controlled property not sold  Campus Cleanup ◦ Dump items only

20  Thank you for attending this training session.

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