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Game Theory “Necessity never made a good bargain.” - Benjamin Franklin Mike Shor Lecture 13.

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Presentation on theme: "Game Theory “Necessity never made a good bargain.” - Benjamin Franklin Mike Shor Lecture 13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Game Theory “Necessity never made a good bargain.” - Benjamin Franklin Mike Shor Lecture 13

2 Economic Markets Allocation of scarce resources  Many buyers & many sellers  traditional markets  Many buyers & one seller  auctions  One buyer & one seller  bargaining Mike Shor Game Theory & Business Strategy 2

3 Role of Game Theory Mike Shor Game Theory & Business Strategy 3 Design non-traditional markets

4 The Move to Game-Theoretic Bargaining Baseball  Each side submits an offer to an arbitrator who must chose one of the proposed results Meet-in-the-Middle  Each side proposes its “worst acceptable offer” and a deal is struck in the middle, if possible Forced Final  If an agreement is not reached by some deadline, one party makes a final take-it-or-leave-it offer Mike Shor Game Theory & Business Strategy 4

5 Bargaining & Game Theory Art:Negotiation Science:Bargaining Game theory’s contribution:  to the rules of the encounter CAVEAT: Limited Applicability Mike Shor Game Theory & Business Strategy 5

6 Outline Importance of rules: The rules of the game determine the outcome Diminishing pies: The importance of patience Estimating payoffs: Trust your intuition Mike Shor Game Theory & Business Strategy 6

7 Take-it-or-leave-it Offers Consider the following bargaining game (over a cake): I name a take-it-or-leave-it split If you accept, we trade If you reject, no one eats! Under perfect information, there is a simple rollback equilibrium Mike Shor Game Theory & Business Strategy 7

8 Take-it-or-leave-it Offers Second period: Accept if p > 0 First period: Offer smallest possible p The “offerer” keeps all profits Mike Shor Game Theory & Business Strategy 8 p accept reject 1-p, p 0, 0

9 Counteroffers and Diminishing Pies In general, bargaining takes on a “take-it-or- counteroffer” procedure If time has value, both parties prefer trade earlier to trade later  e.g., labor negotiations – Later agreements come at a price of strikes, work stoppages, etc. Delays imply less surplus left to be shared among the parties Mike Shor Game Theory & Business Strategy 9

10 Two Stage Bargaining Bargaining over division of a cake I offer a proportion, p, of the cake to you If rejected, you may counteroffer (and  of the cake melts) Payoffs:  In first period: 1-p, p  In second period: (1-  )(1-p), (1-  )p Mike Shor Game Theory & Business Strategy 10

11 Rollback Mike Shor Game Theory & Business Strategy 11 p accept reject 1-p, p

12 Rollback Since period 2 is the final period, this is just like a take-it-or-leave-it offer:  You will offer me the smallest piece that I will accept, leaving you with all of 1-  and leaving me with almost 0 What do I do in the first period? Mike Shor Game Theory & Business Strategy 12

13 Rollback Give you at least as much surplus Your surplus if you accept in the first period is p Accept if: Your surplus in first period  Your surplus in second period p  1-  Mike Shor Game Theory & Business Strategy 13

14 Rollback If there is a second stage, you get 1-  and I get 0. You will reject any offer in the first stage that does not offer you at least 1- . In the first period, I offer you 1- . Note: the more patient you are (the slower the cake melts) the more you receive now! Mike Shor Game Theory & Business Strategy 14

15 First or Second Mover Advantage? Are you better off being the first to make an offer, or the second? Mike Shor Game Theory & Business Strategy 15

16 Example: Cold Day If  =1/5 (20% melts) Period 2: You offer a division of 1,0  You getall of remaining cake = 0.8  I get 0= 0 In the first period, I offer 80%  You get 80% of whole cake= 0.8  I get 20%of whole cake= 0.2 Mike Shor Game Theory & Business Strategy 16

17 Example: Hot Day If  =4/5 (80% melts) Period 2: You offer a division of 1,0  You getall of remaining cake = 0.2  I get 0= 0 In the first period, I offer 20%  You get 20% of whole cake= 0.2  I get 80%of whole cake= 0.8 Mike Shor Game Theory & Business Strategy 17

18 First or Second Mover Advantage? When players are impatient (hot day) First mover is better off  Rejecting my offer is less credible since we both lose a lot When players are patient (cold day) Second mover better off  Low cost to rejecting first offer Either way – if both players think through it, deal struck in period 1 Mike Shor Game Theory & Business Strategy 18

19 Don’t Waste Cake Why doesn’t this happen?  Reputation building  Lack of information Mike Shor Game Theory & Business Strategy 19 COMMANDMENT In any bargaining setting, strike a deal as early as possible!

20 Examples British Pubs and American Bars Civil Lawsuits  If both parties can predict the future jury award, can settle for same outcome and save litigation fees and time  If both parties are sufficiently optimistic, they do not envision gains from trade Mike Shor Game Theory & Business Strategy 20

21 Uncertainty in Civil Trials Plaintiff sues defendant for $1M Legal fees cost each side $100,000 If each agrees that the chance of the plaintiff winning is ½:  Plaintiff: $500K - $100K = $ 400K  Defendant: -$500K - $100K = $-600K If simply agree on the expected winnings, $500K, each is better off Mike Shor Game Theory & Business Strategy 21

22 Uncertainty in Civil Trials What if both parties are too optimistic? Each thinks that his or her side has a ¾ chance of winning:  Plaintiff: $750K - $100K = $ 650K  Defendant: -$250K - $100K = $-350K No way to agree on a settlement! Mike Shor Game Theory & Business Strategy 22

23 Non-Monetary Utility How big is the cake? Is something really better than nothing? Mike Shor Game Theory & Business Strategy 23

24 Lessons Rules of the bargaining game uniquely determine the bargaining outcome Which rules are better for you depends on patience, information What is the smallest acceptable piece? Trust your intuition Delays are always less profitable: Someone must be wrong Mike Shor Game Theory & Business Strategy 24

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