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April’s mother made James a delicious birthday cake.

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Presentation on theme: "April’s mother made James a delicious birthday cake."— Presentation transcript:

1 April’s mother made James a delicious birthday cake.

2 Yesterday April’s mother made James and John a delicious cake.

3 Will you give me violin lessons?

4 Billy bought me two copies of the new book on football.

5 My dad gave me a new watch for my birthday.

6 The clerk showed us a counterfeit bill during our investigation.

7 Yes! The almanac quickly gave us the answer to our question.

8 The hilarious magician showed my friends and me some marvelous tricks.

9 Give your mother those sharp scissors immediately.

10 That game gave him a feeling of success.

11 Pass Kerry the cowhide football quickly and accurately.

12 The jury gave us the verdict after three days.

13 Did you give the district attorney an explanation about your trial?

14 Mrs. Elmore asked Barry and Larry questions about the incident.

15 Give Mary and Susan the details about your exhibit.

16 Dad built us a cabin in the northwest corner of the mountains.

17 Gloria and Fred quietly gave me a copy of the program.

18 The weather finally gave the farmers rain for the fields.

19 My teacher asked me the answer to a very difficult problem.

20 Did Johnny build Carl and Sandy that incredible house?

21 She finally wrote him a note of thanks for her present.

22 The baseball player gave my dad and me an autographed picture.

23 Pass me the dressing for my green salad.

24 The waiter gave the customer an abrupt answer.

25 This ticket gives you admittance to the movie theater.

26 After the ice storm the icicles gave our trees a shimmering look.

27 He replied to my question with great skill.

28 Snow gives motorists and pedestrians trouble during the winter.

29 Has Eddie’s family subscribed to the daily newspaper?

30 Will Danny write a letter to the editor?

31 Several people were quietly waiting for Jack and me.

32 Twenty American pilots made a quick flight over the blazing valley.

33 Amazing beds of mixed flowers brilliantly cover the park.

34 My sister’s teacher found us a new book about spectacular skyscrapers.

35 Wise executives will analyze the facts.

36 Visitors have sent the museum many contributions.

37 The boys and girls quietly listened to the musicians.

38 In a few months extra lanes will be added to the aging highway.

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